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Garments of Salvation
(Is61:10; Rev19:7-8)
God is righteous (Ps7:9).
His commands and His ways are righteous (Ps119:172, 145:17).
For He loves justice He clothes in garments of salvation, a robe of His righteousness (Is61:10)
Those who will see His face (Ps11:7)
Faith is being justified by the blood of Yeshua (Rm5:9) and
The life of this faith is putting on the robe of His righteousness and going before Him.
Humans are unique animals that make and wear clothes.
Clothing protects the body, indicates status and affiliation, and
Also functions to rescue and save.
The Bible contains a story about clothings:
Because of Adam who sinned
The righteous act of all mankind became like filthy rags (Is64:6) and
Not able to escape Hades after death and go before God.
However, God took off the garments of fig leaves that Adam had made and
Clothed him in garments of skin, a foreshadow of garments of salvation (Ge3:7-21).
The exodus of Israel is a major watershed in the Bible.
This great event was caused by the tunic of many colors that Jacob put on his son Joseph and
Because of the jealousy of his brothers, Joseph was sold into slavery, which was
The catalyst for the 400 years of their slavery in Egypt (Ge37:3-36).
The Law that they received (Ex19:10) commanded them
To wash their clothes to be consecrated (Lev13:6, 15:16-17, 22:4-6).
Anyone who became unclean by touching corpses, leprosy, discharge, semen etc and
Those who returned from battle had to wash themselves before coming to the camp (Nu31:24-25).
The garments consecrated with the blood of the sacrifice was
Only to be worn by priests ministering in the sacred rooms (Eze44:19).
Yeshua said, “Destroy this temple and I will raise it again in three days,” because
Through the death and the resurrection of the temple of His body (Jn2:19-21)
Not in the name of Jehovah but in the Father's name of Yeshua (Jn5:43),
He would put on not clothing made by human hands
But righteousness as His clothing (Job29:14).
While on the mount of transfiguration, His clothes became as white as the light (Mt17:2)
He otherwise put on sackcloth (Ps69:11) and became
A topic of conversation among those dressed in fancy, long garments (Mt12:38; Lk7:25).
When He was crucified,
He was stripped naked and they divided up His clothes by casting lots (Mt27:35).
He put on filthy rags of mankind (Is64:6) and died
But said, “It is finished” (Jn19:30), declaring that He:
1) Died according to the command of the righteous Father (Jn10:18) and His soul put on garments of salvation and a robe of righteousness (Is61:10);
2) Judged the wicked devil (Is14:12-15; Ge3:4-6); and
3) Sprinkled His redeeming blood and clothed all mankind garments of salvation (Eph1:6), so the bridegroom and the bride can all put on the robe dipped in blood (Is61:10; Rev19:13).
After He resurrected and ascended to heaven, He sat down on the throne.
The train of His robe fills the temple (Is6:1) and He is praised
By those who have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb (Rev7:14).
The Holy Spirit warns that the wedding banquet of the Lamb is near (Rev19:7).
The Christian is he whose soul was washed in the blood of the Lamb and
Put on white clothes, garments of salvation, the robe of righteousness
Only by grace, given through faith (Rev19:8) and
Therefore resolved to become the bride of Christ by:
1) Keeping the clothes white — as to not go naked and be shamefully exposed by fleshly desires (Rm13:14; 1Ti2:9; Rev16:15);
2) Buying white clothes to wear — not avoiding any sacrifice (Rev3:17-18);
3) Being clothed in white — displaying the good deeds of believers to the world (Mt5:14-16; Rev19:8); and
4) Putting on the armor of light — acknowledging Yeshua before others (Mt10:32; Rm13:11-12)
For garments of salvation = a robe of righteousness = white clothes = armor of light.
O Lord,
Only by grace I have been granted this garment of salvation!
This garment made white and clean by Your blood…
Let us not stain it by the world, by fleshly desires.
Let the world see Yeshua through our lives.
Let us go out to the world and shout and acknowledge Yeshua! Amen.
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Possess Your Soul
God is the Owner.
By His word, He created all things and is their Owner and
With His blood, He bought souls and is their Owner (Ac20:28).
Faith is acknowledging His ownership and
The life of this faith is to possess my soul (Lk21:19), laying down my possessions (Mk10:29-30).
As humans have an instinct to grab from the moment they are born
They naturally hate laying down and surrendering.
However, the Bible says that letting go is a necessary step to gain.
People commit the folly of hoarding wealth to their own harm (Ecc5:13), and
This is due to their ancestor Adam who was deceived by the devil and
Broke the command regarding the fruit (Ge2:17. 3:4-6), and
Banished from the Garden, losing all (Ge3:24).
Following God’s instructions, Abraham left his country and his father’s household (Ge12:1), and
Gave as a burnt offering his only son whom he received at the age of 100 (Ge22:11, 18).
As a result, he received the blessing of the growth of his descendants, the land of Canaan, and
God being their God.
Jacob, whose name means “to grasp” (Ge25:26), when he felt the danger of his life
Sent ahead all his possessions which he gained during the 20 years of serving (Ge31:22) and
Wrestled with an angel and received the name Israel (Ge32:28).
The night that ended their 400 years of slavery with no possession (Ex12:41),
His descendants, Israel, plundered the Egyptians of their treasures as they left (Ex12:35-36).
For God gave them the possession (Jos24:8),
They fought against the people in the land and conquered Canaan,
As God gave them the lands that others had toiled for (Ps105:44).
The commandments given to them and
The sanctuary they were commanded to build (Dt11:24; Ps119:50) were for them
To remember that, “Jehovah = the ability to produce wealth = the right to possess” (Dt8:18).
Yeshua said, “Destroy this temple and I will raise it again in three days,” because
Through the death and the resurrection of the temple of His body (Jn2:19-21),
He would not in the name of Jehovah but in the Father’s name of Yeshua (Jn5:43),
Give the right to possess not land or wealth but one’s own soul (Jn1:12) for
Life is more important than the whole world, and the soul is more important than life (Mk8:35-37).
He warned against the foolishness of
Storing up wealth for the flesh and losing the soul (Lk12:15-21, 33:34).
As He died, He said, “It is finished” (Jn19:30), declaring that He:
1) According to the command, laid down His life and received His soul (Lk23:46; Jn10:17-18);
2) Judged the eternal loser the devil (1Jn3:8); and
3) With His redeeming blood purchased souls and became their Owner (1Pe1:18-19; Rev5:9).
He resurrected and ascended to the heavenly throne, and He is the Lamb.
He has in His hands the right to possess all things in heaven and on earth (Mt28:18).
The Holy Spirit comes inside the souls purchased with the blood of Yeshua and
Lets them know, “I am a soul! I have flesh!”/ “I am a soul, my flesh belongs to me soul!”
As such, the disciples let go of their nets, boats, fathers, wives, children, collecting taxes and
Followed the Lord.
Paul lost whatever were gains to him, considering them garbage,
Surrendering his righteousness by law to gain the righteousness by faith,
To receive resurrection, that is, the crown of righteousness (Php3:7-9; 2Ti4:8).
The Christian is he who, to possess his own soul (Lk21:19)
Lays down wealth, fame, power, family, even his own life
For my soul the Lord gave me by shedding His blood is
My crown that I must hold fast and not lose even to the point of death (Rev3:11).
O Lord,
Astronauts bring rocks when they return from the moon…
Divers pick up pearls when they come out of the sea…
What will we take with us when we leave this world?
Let me hold fast to my soul, that is more precious than the whole world.
Even if I lose everything else, let me possess my soul.
Let me not do anything that will harm my soul and
Let not even one of us become losers! Amen.
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The Tower of Salvation
(2Sa22:1-4; Jn13:18-19)
God is omniscient.
He is who was and is and is to come (Rev1:8), and
He knows the things of the past and the things of the future.
Faith is acknowledging Him and
The life of this faith is living to prepare for the day when one will stand before Him,
Overcoming forewarned trials and not falling from steadfastness, becoming a trumpeter of salvation.
A high tower can be seen far away.
By foreseeing what is to come
It plays a decisive role in weather forecast, war preparation etc.
The Bible is written of what was before the creation and what is to come.
It is a book about God being the hight tower (2Sa22:3).
For Hades is the lowest point from the spiritual heaven (Is14:15), and
Since Adam the ancestor of all men was deceived by the devil and sinned (Ge2:17, 3:4-6),
Though they have eyes, men could not see (Ps135:16) and
After they die, their souls will not escape Hades,
The tower of salvation is absolutely needed.
For God became the eyes to the blind (Job29:15),
He showed men the way that they could not see before:
To the Israelites who by the blood of lamb left Egypt
A road in the middle of the sea, a spring in the wilderness, the fall of Jericho etc.
The book of the wars of Israel is filled with
Incidents of occupying their enemy’s tower, fleeing to the tower etc (Jdg8:17).
The sanctuary reminded them, “Jehovah = the fortified tower” (Pr18:10; Ps61:3):
Tower — watchman — trumpet — warn — prepare (Eze33:1-9).
For the prophets were watchmen, foreseers who warned on behalf of the LORD (Eze33:7),
They reported what they saw (Is21:6) and
Declared the word of God (Eze33:1).
In spite of it, however, the fall of Israel came because of
The false prophets who were blind and mute (Is56:10-11) and
The people who did not listen to the warning of the prophets (Jer6:17).
Yeshua said, “Destroy this temple and I will raise it again in three days,” because
Through the death and the resurrection of the temple of His body (Jn2:19-21),
Not in the name of Jehovah but in the Father’s name of Yeshua (Jn5:43),
Not by the prophets but He Himself would become the watchman (Mt11:13, 16:14).
As He foretold of the scattering of the disciples (Mt28:31), the betrayal of Judas (Jn13:18, 26-27),
His death, resurrection and return (Jn10:17-18, 14:3, 19),
He revealed that He is the One who was and is and is to come (Jn13:19; Rev1:8),
That is, the tower of salvation.
As He died, He said, “It is finished” (Jn19:30), declaring that He:
1) Saw ahead His resurrection and laid down His life according to the command (Jn10:17-18);
2) Judged the origin of sin, the devil (1Jn3:8); and
3) Sprinkled His redeeming blood so the souls of all men can hear the sound of the trumpet.
He resurrected and ascended to heaven and He is the Lamb on the throne,
The tower of salvation who has seven eyes (Rev5:6).
The Holy Spirit whom He sent says clearly to the churches (1Ti4:1; Rev2-3),
As the King of kings Yeshua Christ said (Jn12:48; Rev19:16),
The day when He will judge the living and the dead, the righteous and the wicked (Ac24:15; 2Ti4:1) is
Very near (Rm13:11; Rev1:3, 7).
Therefore, Christian is he who readies as the Lord forewarned (Mt10:16).
He is not surprised at the fiery ordeal that comes on him to test him (Mt10:16; 1Pe4:12),
Does not get carried away by the error of the lawless and fall from his secure position (2Pe3:17), and
Becomes a trumpeter of salvation who awakens the sleeping souls (2Ti4:2).
O Lord,
For the tower of salvation = God = Yeshua Christ = the Holy Spirit = the Church = saints,
No matter how lonely, isolating or persecuted,
Let us all become trumpeters of salvation and awaken the sleeping world!
Holy Spirit, awaken my soul! Amen.
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Salvation In the Fear of the Lord
God is the One to be feared (Ps76:11).
There is no one like Him in heaven or on earth (2Sa7:22), and
He saves those who fear Him (He11:7; Ac10:35).
Faith is having an undivided heart to give reverence to Yeshua Christ (Ps86:11; Eph5:21) and
The life of this faith is working out my salvation with fear and trembling (Php2:12; 1Pe1:17).
While to fear or revere means to respect or honor as for
A highly esteemed person, such as a benevolent king,
To the fearless children today who have no one to fear,
It is a word that is difficult to even explain.
The Bible is a book that teaches to revere God (Dt4:10).
For the fear of God is the beginning of knowledge and wisdom (Pr1:7; Ps111:10),
The result is blessings, reward, healing, deliverance from enemies,
Written in the book of life etc (Ps112:1; He11:18; 2Ki17:39; Mal3:16, 4:2).
After men die, their spirit cannot escape hell (Mt25:41) for
Their ancestor Adam was deceived by the devil and ate the forbidden fruit (Ge3:4-6).
The devil is the archangel who fearlessly attempted to be like God in the spiritual heaven (Is14:12-15)
Thus contained in Hades until the great day of judgement (2Pe2:4; Jude1:6).
When warned about a deluge, Noah built an ark and saved his family for
His fear of God brought salvation (He11:7);
Following the instructions, Abraham gave his only son as a burnt sacrifice and
His fear of God was acknowledged by God and he became a blessing (Ge12:2, 22:1-18);
His descendants who knew “the God of Abraham, the Fear of Isaac” (Ge31:42)
Revealed themselves as those who fear God (Ge42:18);
Israel who experienced the exodus and the Red Sea (Ex14:31) became
The people who fear (worship) God (Ac13:16).
The various works from God in their history, that is,
Miracles, the Law, the commands, the covenant, the sacrifices for forgiveness, curses etc
(Jos4:24; Dt4:10; Lev25:17; Ps25:14, 112:1, 130:4; Jer2:19) were
All tools to teach them to fear Jehovah and
The sanctuary was the mechanism for them to remember for generations (Ps5:7).
Following the prophecy, He who has the Spirit of the fear of the LORD resting on Him and
Delights in the fear of the LORD appeared (Is11:2-3):
Yeshua who received the Holy Spirit and began His public life (Mt3:16).
He said, “Destroy this temple and I will raise it again in three days,” because
Through the death and the resurrection of the temple of His body (Jn2:19-21),
Not in fear but in delight, not in the name of Jehovah but in the Father’s name of Yeshua (Jn5:43),
He would serve with His body — for which God came as man (Jn1:1, 14).
His fear of the Father led Him to boldly carry the cross and
As He died, He said, “It is finished” (Jn19:30), declaring that:
1) The Son died according to the command and revealed His reverence for the Father (Jn10:18), and the Father received His soul and saved the Son from Hades (Ac10:35; He5:7);
2) He judged the arrogant devil (Is14:12-15; 1Jn3:8); and
3) With His redeemed blood, He forgave all mankind and let them revere the Lord (Ps130:4).
By His reverence He entered heaven and sat on the throne, and
He eternally receives praises from those who fear Him.
The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of the fear of the Lord who lets believers delight in the fear of the Lord:
1) Yeshua Christ — the King of kings (Rev19:16);
2) The word of Yeshua — the word of the Judge (Jn12:48);
3) The Church — His body the Church (Col1:24);
4) The pastor — the overseer appointed by the Holy Spirit (Jdg13:5; 1Sa26:11; 2Ki2:23-24; Ac20:28); and
5) Saints — the children of God born in His precious blood (Eph5:31).
The men of faith, such as Elijah, Peter, Cornelius, Paul etc were
All those whose fear of the Lord was exceptional.
O Lord,
Please know this one thing.
You know that I fear You.
Save me and my Church (2Ki4:1-7)! Amen.
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The Torch of Salvation
(Is62:1-3; Lk8:16-17)
God is the everlasting light (Is60:19).
He lives in unapproachable light (1Ti6:16) and
He saves by light, a blazing torch (Is62:1).
Faith is receiving the light of God (He10:32) and
The life of this faith is lighting the world with the torch of salvation for
A torch illuminates in darkness and serves to guide, search, signal, and burn (Zec12:6).
During the creation God created the light first for
Darkness was over the surface of the deep (Ge1:2-3).
The universe is the depths of the pit that
Contains Lucifer who sinned in the spiritual heaven (Is14:12-15), that is,
Hades that will become hell.
Because of Adam who was deceived by the devil and sinned (Ge3:4-6)
No man could escape it (Mt25:41).
However, the revelation of the torch of salvation for mankind began:
A smoking firepot with a blazing torch appeared and passed between the pieces of
The sacrifice that Abraham gave to God (Ge15:8-18);
According to His covenant when Israel left their slavery of 430 years in Egypt (Ex12:41)
A pillar of fire, that is, the angel of the LORD, went ahead of them
To guide them on their way (Ex13:21, 14:19).
While the light of the lamp stand in front of the veil inside the sanctuary was
To be kept burning from evening to morning by the priests (Ex27:20-21),
Inside the Most Holy Place there was no need for lamp for
Jehovah who is enthroned between the cherubim shone forth (Ps80:1).
By keeping the commandments and the law,
They remembered that, “Jehovah = the torch of Israel” (Pr6:23).
For their sin of letting the lamp go out at night
The Dark Age of Israel came (Ps31:18; Is13:10).
But the prophet spoke of the salvation of Jerusalem coming like a blazing torch (Is62:1), and
By the light of His face He would save (Ps44:3, 80:3).
Yeshua said, “Destroy this temple and I will raise it again in three days,” because
Through the death and the resurrection of the temple of His body (Jn2:19-21),
Not in the name of Jehovah, the torch of Israel,
But in the Father’s name of Yeshua, the torch for all nations (Ac26:23),
Not by the light shone by angel,
But by the light of the Son, the incarnate Word (Jn1:1-4),
He would save eternally from not the Dark Age but Hades.
As such, on the mount of transfiguration, He showed His face shining like the sun (Mt17:2) and
Opened the eyes of the blinds (Jn9:1-7),
Revealing that He is the light who came to the world (Jn8:12, 12:35).
It was about noon when Yeshua was hung on the cross and
The darkness came over the whole land (Lk23:44-45), and
As He died, He said, “It is finished” (Jn19:30), declaring that He:
1) Trusted the Father the source of light to save Him (Ps80:3; He5:7);
2) Judged the devil, an angel of light (Is14:12-15; 2Co11:14); and
3) The blood He shed through His broken flesh became the torch of salvation, for He set the iniquities of mankind in the light of His countenance (Ps90:8).
He resurrected and ascended to heaven, and He is the Lamb who sits on the throne.
His eyes are like blazing fire and His feet are like burnish bronze (Rev2:18).
The Holy Spirit whom He sent enters inside the souls cleansed by His blood and
Shines the light of the knowledge of God’s glory displayed in the face of Christ (2Co4:6).
The Christian is he who was once darkness but now is light in the Lord (Eph5:8; Rm2:19).
In worship on the Lord’s Day, his soul is filled with
The light displayed in the face of Christ (Ps67:1, 80:3) and
He goes out to the world and for six days shines the torch of salvation.
Like Gideon who held a trumpet in one hand and a torch in the other (Jdg7:16-22),
He clearly declares his identity and preaches the gospel (Lk8:16-17) and
Lets the world see his good deeds (Mt5:14-15).
This is so that after he dies his soul enters the New Jerusalem where
God and the Lamb are its lamp (Rev20:5, 21:22-27).
O Lord,
Let none of us be like the foolish virgins who put out their lamps.
Instead, let us grow this light we received by Your blood and keep burning it brightly.
Church of Jesus! Let us become a torch of salvation that
Illuminates the dark world and the confused religious world! Amen.
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The Day of Salvation
God is the beginning and the end (Rev1:7, 22:13).
Through Him all things began and through Him all things end.
By grace He saves those who have turned back (Is45:22).
Faith is acknowledging Him and
The life of this faith is knowing the rest of one’s earthly life as the day of salvation (1Pe4:2) and
Living for the salvation of my soul for
When the Lord of faith Yeshua Christ was in the flesh
He obeyed the Father and became the source of eternal salvation (He5:7-9).
During the creation of heavens and the earth, God created the light first (Ge1:3) and
He created day and night, seasons, days, and years (Ge1:14),
Revealing that all things that began with time will end with time (Ge1:5, 31).
Thus, those who believe in creation ought to believe in the end.
The schedule of God that was decided before the creation was:
The Era of Deity-consciousness (Adam—Noah); the Era of Sacrifice (Noah—Moses); the Era of
the Law (Moses—Yeshua); the Era of Grace (the Holy Spirit—the second coming); the Millennium (the second coming—the Millennium); and the Great Judgment.
• The Era of Deity-consciousness: began to be conscious of God without commandments;
• The Era of Sacrifice: established a relationship with God through basic blood commandments and sacrifice;
• The Era of the Law: established a covenant with God through 613 points of commandments and sacrifice centering days, months, seasons and years (Lev23:2-24; Gal4:10);
God commanded Israel to build the sanctuary so
They remember Jehovah who delivered them from their slavery of 430 years.
However, as they lived among the gentiles in Canaan, they forgot God’s grace, for which
The prophets warned them that the day of the LORD is near (Joel1:15) and that
When He comes He will destroy (Ob1:15),
But also He prepared a sacrifice and consecrated those He invited (Zeph1:7).
Yeshua said, “Destroy this temple and I will raise it again in three days,” because
Through the death and the resurrection of the temple of His body (Jn2:19-20),
Not in the name of Jehovah but in the Father’s name of Yeshua (Jn5:43)
He would end the era where they kept the seasons and their flesh is saved and
Begin a new era where souls will use their time in flesh to be saved for
The Word who is before time and after time (Jn1:1-3, 8:58)
Came as the Son of Man to redeem souls.
As such, He intentionally did what was forbidden on the Sabbath (Lk13:10-14; Jn5:8-9)
To show that He is the Lord of the Sabbath, of all times (Mk2:28).
He prophesied the end of the Temple of Jerusalem and of the world (Lk21:27-28) and
Died according to His own prophecy (Mt16:21) and said, “It is finished” (Jn19:30), declaring that He:
1) To receive everlasting life willingly laid down the finite breath of the Son of Man (Jn10:17-18);
2) Judged the devil who forgot that he is a creature (Is14:12-15; 1Jn3:8); and
3) By grace redeemed all mankind (Eph1:7).
He resurrected and ascended to the heavenly throne and
The dispensation regarding the Son was completed.
He sent the Holy Spirit for it is now the time for
The souls redeemed by His blood to complete salvation, that is, the Era of Grace (2Co6:1-2).
The Christian is he who knows that his soul was redeemed by His precious blood.
Therefore, for His grace to not go in vain, he is always awake and sober and
To prepare for the day of the Lord that will come like a thief in the night (1Th5:1-6)
He does not live the rest of his earthly life for evil human desires (1Pe4:2),
Does not delay and does whatever given duty (He10:37).
Not becoming lazy (He6:12), he preaches in season or out of season (2Ti4:2) for
A day called “this day,” will be
The day of salvation of my soul and
The day of salvation of the souls given to me.
O Lord,
God’s dispensation does not delay and
At this point now, there is only time left for the Lord to come!
Time is leaving my body moment by moment…
Let me not waste a single moment!
Let me use it to save my own soul and the souls given to me! Amen.
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The Word of Salvation
God is the Lord of heaven and earth (Mt11:25).
He sends out His word and rescues (Ps107:20) and
He commands His word and gives life (Jn12:50).
Faith is believing “the word of God = the word of eternal life = the word of salvation” and
The life of this faith is receiving His word as command and obeying (Nu23:20) for
Modern people do not want to listen to commands
At home, school or even in church.
But there is no exception for those who know themselves as souls.
The Word in the beginning is God (Jn1:2).
He gives the life in Him to creatures (Jn1:4)
Through the Word as command to those who obey His command (Jn12:50).
God commanded by word (Ge1:3) and created the whole world (He11:3).
The commandment regarding the fruit given to Adam who had dual will (Ge2:17) was
For the living being to obey.
However, the devil deceived him to commit the sin of disobedience (Ge3:4-6) and
All mankind became hell-bound with the devil (Mt25:41).
Israel was called a holy people (Ex19:6) for
They were the only people on earth who lived by the divine commandments.
The Ten Commandments, the decrees and laws that they received (Dt4:14),
Blessings, growth, prosperity etc (Nu23:20) were all commanded by Jehovah.
Those who broke His commands (Nu15:31) could not enter the promised land,
Even Moses (Nu20:12), and their days did not last long even in that land.
After repeated destruction, only a small number of Judah remained.
Before the temple where the name of Jehovah and the stone tablets of the testimony (Ex32:15) were
Yeshua said, “Destroy this temple and I will raise it again in three days,” shocking them
But through the death and the resurrection of the temple of His body (Jn2:19-21),
He would save not in the name of Jehovah but in the Father’s name of Yeshua (Jn5:43),
The souls who obey not the commandment of Moses but His word (Jn3:36, 12:49),
For He Himself is the incarnate Word of salvation (Jn1:14; Ac13:26) and
His words are the Father’s words, that is,
The words of eternal life (Jn6:68, 12:50), which raise the spirit to life (Jn6:63).
God said to listen to the words of not Moses or the prophets but the Son (Mt17:5) and
Even demons listened to His word and left trembling (Mk1:24-26).
As He died, He said, “It is finished” (Jn19:30), declaring that He:
1) Fulfilled the Father’s commandment, the Prophets, the word of the Scriptures (Jn10:18; Ac13:27);
2) Judged the liar, the devil (Ge3:4-6; Jn8:44); and
3) Redeemed all men and gave the word of salvation as command (Eph1:7).
After He resurrected, Yeshua Christ seized all authorities of heaven and earth and
Commanded the disciples (Mt28:18-20).
The Holy Spirit whom He sent commands the believers (Ac1:2, 17:30).
Different from the angels whose proper position is life (Jude1:6),
The living being lives by obeying the word, that is,
As souls who drank the blood of Yeshua and were made alive
They submit to the word of salvation, that is,
The command of Christ who demands absolute submission to
Baptism, making disciples, the Holy Spirit, prayer, gathering, healing etc, a holy command (2Pe2:21).
If they receive the word, though spoken by humans,
As the command to bless, they are blessed (1Th2:13),
While a spirit of stupor and the ears that cannot hear would be curse (Rm11:8).
O Lord,
Let me and all You have given me
Hear what the Spirit says to the churches.
Even if they are spoken by the lips of humans,
Let us hear as the word of God.
Let the ears of our souls hear the word of the Lord as command and, obey and
Pick up our flesh and get up!
Ephphatha! Ephphatha! Open our ears! Amen.
Sermon Trivia
1. According to the sermon, faith is believing ___ (Jn12:50, Ps107:20)
A. Word of God
B. Word of salvation
C. Word of eternal life
D. All of above
2. How does the life of faith for souls differ from that of modern people regarding commands? (Nu23:20)
A. They avoid commands
B. They follow the coddling culture
C. They obey God's word as a command
D. They resist authority
3. Jn1:4: In him was life, and the life was the light of men
What does "life" refer to in John 1:4?
A. Physical existence
B. Eternal life for souls
C. Youthfulness
D. Health and vitality
4. True/False: God created the whole world by his command (He 11:3, Ge1:1-28)
5. Why did Moses not enter the promising land? (Nu20:12)
A. He complained about no water
B. He was physically unable to make the journey
C. He was angry about Israelites
D. He disobeyed Jehovah's commands
6. Jn 12:47-48: “If anyone hears my words but does not keep them, I do not judge that person. For I did not come to judge the world, but to save the world. There is a judge for the one who rejects me and does not accept my words; the very words I have spoken will condemn them at the last day.
Who is the judge in John 12:48?
A. Moses
B. The prophets
C. The Word in the beginning
D. Demons
7. What does Jesus command the Christians? (Mt 28:89–20, Act 17:30)
A. To baptize and make disciples
B. To submit to the word of salvation
C. To repent and pray
D. All of the above
1. D 2.C 3.B 4.True 5.D 6.C 7.D
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Our Father In Heaven, Hallowed Be Your Name
(Mt6:5-13; Jn14:13)
God is our Father (Is63:16; Mt6:9).
He gives birth to children in His blood and nurtures them through the Spirit of truth (Jn14:17-18).
He inherits the best to His children (He1:4).
Faith is believing the One in heaven is my Father (Mt23:9) and
The life of this faith is until going to the Father’s house in heaven, praying as the Lord taught (Lk11:1)
and living according to the Father’s will and glorifying His name (Jn14:13).
The purpose of prayer is for the glory of the name of Yeshua (Jn14:13) and
The Lord’s Prayer is the substance, the order and the form of prayer.
While deceived by the devil, Adam the ancestor of mankind sinned (Ge3:4-6) and
All men became bound for hell with the devil (Mt25:41),
God clothed Adam in garments of skin, a sign to be clothed in Christ (Ge3:21; Gal3:27).
God sent Moses and delivered the people of Israel from their slavery of 430 years in Egypt, and
Made them servants of Jehovah (Dt25:55), a holy people of the LORD (Dt7:6).
While the sanctuary where the name of Jehovah and the stone tablets were inside the ark
Reminded them this, Israel became a sinful nation, a brood of evildoers (Is1:4-5).
Yeshua said, “Destroy this temple and I will raise it again in three days,” because
Through the death and the resurrection of the temple of His body (Jn2:19-21), He would
Tear down the name of Jehovah—the God of Israel—flesh and blood—the Law/ tutor—condemned—flesh/ Canaan, and
Raise the Name of Yeshua—the Father of many souls (He2:10, 12:9)—the Truth/ the word of the Father—set free—souls/ the Fathers house.
As He died, He said, “It is finished” (Jn19:30), declaring that:
1) He obeyed the Father’s command to death and fulfilled the Father’s will, giving Him glory (Jn10:18; Php2:6-11);
2) Judged the devil the father of lies (Jn8:44); and
3) The last Adam died and redeemed the first Adam (1Co15:45), giving life to pay the price of sin, and in His redeeming blood (1Pe1:18-19), that is, the Spirit of the Son, the Spirit of adoption (Rm8:15, 23), He gave birth to souls to take them to the Father’s house (Jn14:3).
He resurrected and ascended to heaven and sat on the heavenly throne.
The Holy Spirit whom He sent lets those who believe Him, the children of God (Jn1:12)
Live according to the will of the Father in heaven (Mt7:21) and
“This then is how you should pray,” that is, pray according to the pattern of prayer.
“You” — the souls born again in the blood of Yeshua Christ;
“This then is how” — according to the pattern of prayer; and
“Pray” — if you believe and ask you will receive (Mt21:22).
1) “Who art in heaven” — in the spiritual heaven, the heaven greater than the heavens (2Ch2:6) — the Creator;
2) “Our Father” — no sin is too great to forgive for the children He bore in His blood, gives the best, eternal life, and inherits heaven — “our” means that He is Father to those who have brothers;
3) Only for the glory of the name of Yeshua (Jn14:13);
4) For the kingdom where Yeshua is Christ to be fulfilled in the Church and advance (Mt6:33);
5) For the will that was done by Yeshua on the cross to be done in me — to deny myself, carry out the providence (Mt16:24, 26:39);
6) To eat daily bread given according to His promise and live this day as my last (Mt6:31-34);
7) For the Father to forgive my sins, I forgive the sins of men, of brothers (Mt6:14-15, 18:35);
8) To not fall into temptation and fall away from Yeshua, from the Truth, from the Church;
9) To be delivered from the evil one, the wicked — to not seek the counsel of the wicked (Ps1:1), to not envy the prosperity of the wicked (Ps73:3), to cut off all evil habits and not do any kind of evil (1Th5:22; 1Pe4:15);
10) For “He is in the secret place” — knows all — hypocrisy is absolutely forbidden (Mt6:5-6) — honestly and truthfully ask practically, specifically;
11) Babbling is forbidden — on Mt Carmel — the false prophets — to a nonexistent god
Elijah—Jehovah=the God of IS, I = His servant
Do according to His command (1Ki18:26-37); and
12) Pray with mind and with the spirit (in tongues) — watchful to be answered (Col4:2).
O Lord,
Our Father in heaven, hallowed be Your name!
For my soul has decided to live by clinging to the rope of prayer,
Let me pray according to the pattern You taught and
With the answer, let me reveal that Yeshua Christ is God and that I am Christ’s servant and that
I have done everything according to Your command.
Let us pray like this and live like this! Amen.
Sermon Trivia
1. According to the sermon, faith is believing that our Father in heaven is(Mattew 6:9):
A. The Father of my soul
B. The incarnate Word
C. The Spirit of truth
D. The Redeemer
2. Living according to the Father’s will and glorifying His name, is:
A. The greatest inheritance
B. The work of the pastor
C. The teaching of the Old Testament
D. The life of faith
3. The purpose of prayer is:
A. For the Christian to ask and receive
B. For the glory of the Name of Yeshua
C. For the restoration of the earth
D. For the manifestation of signs and wonders
4. God gave specific instructions for Noah to build an ark, and to Moses for the sanctuary to be built in the desert. This precedent of God’s blessing and protection following obedience is found in Jesus’s teaching on prayer (Lk11:1-2), which according to the sermon is,
A. ‘Seek first the kingdom.’
B. ‘Eat, pray, love.’
C. ‘Pray like this, live like this.’
D. ‘Pray only in tongues.’
5.God is__.
A. Omnipresent
B. Omniscient
C. Omnipotent
D. All of the above
6. Prayer is the _ of our souls.
A. Food
B. Breath
C. Father
7. Yeshua is the___ of the church.
A. Father
B. Groom
C. Head
D. All of the above
8. Yeshua, the creator came into the flesh & became the creature. (Philippians 2:6)(True/false)
1.A 2.D 3.B 4.C 5.D 6.B 7.D 8.True
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Those Whom God Preserves
God is the only God (1Ti1:17).
For Himself He made all things (Ge22:8; 2Ki19:15; Col1:16) and
He can bring death and make alive (1Sa2:6), and He preserves those who remain in Him.
Faith is fully acknowledging this and
The life of this faith is, in order to be preserved by Him, putting effort to become a man after God’s own heart (Jn15:4; Ac13:22).
The only God (Potentate) refers to the one who holds absolute power.
God who created all things by His word (Ge1) also burns up all things by His word (2Pe3:7), and
Like a gardener who works for his profit
He freely cuts off branches or prunes them to be more fruitful (Jn15:1-2).
The Bible records a repeated history of expansion and reduction for God’s purpose.
During the creation God blessed the man and the woman so
They multiplied and the earth became filled with people (Ge1:28).
To one man among them, God breathed the breath of life, making him a living being (Ge2:7),
Adam, who sinned and was banished from the Garden and
Returned to the ground from which he was taken (Ge3:23) to live with the created people (Ge6:1-2).
The deluge was God’s work of reduction that only spared Noah and his family,
In accordance with God’s dispensation:
It preserved only the descendants of Adam the living being (Ge6:9-9) and
Wiped out all those who were just the flesh (Ge6:3-7).
Since their ancestors, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob were blessed to multiply (Ge17:2),
The Israelites who were only 70 when entering Egypt (Ex1:5)
Grew to about 700,000 males 430 years later at the time of the exodus (Nu1:46).
After 40 years in the wilderness, however, only two of them crossed the Jordan.
Furthermore, the Northern Kingdom of Israel was destroyed in 722 BC and
The Southern Kingdom of Judah in 587 BC; after their exile of 70 years, only a tenth returned.
Nevertheless, they longed for the restoration of Israel (Ac1:6) since
The Temple where the name of Jehovah was
Reminded them of God’s promise of the growth of their people and kingdom stood.
Thus, when Yeshua said, “Destroy this temple and I will raise it again in three days” (Jn2:19),
He was hated by them, but through the death and the resurrection of the temple of His body,
Not in the name of Jehovah but in the Father’s name of Yeshua (Jn5:43, 17:11), He would make
His people not only a selective group but the souls of all nations (Hos1:10, 2:23; Is63:16).
He called those whom He wanted so they be with Him (Mk3:13) and
He taught them in details (Mt13:11) regarding
The relationship of the Gardener—the vine—the branch as
One of the Father—the Son—souls, that is, an inseparable, life-relationship (Jn15:1-8).
But one of the 12, Judas Iscariot, did not remain (Jn6:70-71) for
He went ahead to do his predestined part of betraying Yeshua (Jn13:26-30).
As Yeshua died, He said, “It is finished” (Jn19:30), declaring that He:
1) Willingly surrendered His life to the Father who can raise Him back to life (Jn10:17-18; He5:7), and fell as a seed to bear much fruit (Mk4:30-32; Jn12:24), a man after God’s own heart (Ac13:22);
2) Judged the devil who challenged the absolute authority (Is14:12-15; Ge3:4-6); and
3) With His redeeming blood, the life-giving spirit, and brought back to life the living spirit (Jn6:54-56; 1Co15:45; Eph1:7).
After He resurrected, He ascended to heaven and became the only Sovereign and Lord (Jude1:4).
The Holy Spirit came in the name of Yeshua, first to the 120 believers through whom
The gospel spread from Jerusalem to Judea to Samaria to the ends of the earth (Ac1:8).
A disciple is a soul brought back to life by the blood of Yeshua.
He is called in the name of Yeshua into the church His chosen body where
He attaches as a member (1Co12:12; Eph5:30) and
Strives to remain in the vine the church and bear fruit (Jn15:7-8),
Becoming one whom God preserves for
When the Lord returns, he longs to be taken up to the Father’s house as
One of the few, the remnant, with faith (Lk18:8; Jn17:12; Rm9:27).
O Lord,
How You called us and let us remain attached to the church to this day — this is Your grace!
Let us become simple-minded, listen closely to the word (Ac17:11),
Fear the Lord (1Sa13:14) and be faithful to the point of death (Rev2:10) so
We become those after Your own heart.
Hold us fast and preserve us until the end! Amen.
Sermon Trivia
1. According to the sermon, God is __. (1 Timothy 1:17)?
A. The Omniscient One
B. The Almighty
C. The only God (Potentate)
D. The Creator
2. What is required to become a man after God’s own heart, according to John 15:4 and Acts 13:22?
A. Praying daily
B. Putting effort to remain in God and live a life of faith
C. Donating to charity
D. Attending church every Sunday
3. What does the sermon say about God’s actions as a gardener in John 15:1-2?
A. God plants seeds in fertile soil
B. God freely cuts off branches or prunes them to be more fruitful
C. God waters the plants regularly
D. God harvests the crops in due time.
4. Noah was called righteousness because__.
A. He obeyed the Law
B. He made the sacrifice
C. He is the descendant of Seth, a living being.
5. What significance does the Temple have in the restoration of Israel, as discussed in Acts 1:6?
A. It served as a place for animal sacrifices
B. It reminded the Israelites of God’s promise of growth and their people and kingdom
C. It was a place for storing holy relics
D. It was where the Ten Commandments were kept
6. What was the role of the Holy Spirit after Yeshua's ascension, as mentioned in Acts 1:8?
A. To comfort the disciples
B. To spread the gospel to the ends of the earth through the believers
C. To perform miracles
D. To protect the followers of Jesus
7. (T/F) Christians must remain in the vine the church and bear fruit (Jn15:7-8).
1.C 2.B 3.B 4.C 5.B 6.B 7.True
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The Anchor of My Soul
God is true (2Sa7:22; 1Th1:9).
His word is true (2Sa7:28; Rev19:9), and
He guides the heirs of His promise to a strong refuge (Ps71:7).
Faith is believing the word of the only true God as truth (Jn17:3) and
The life of this faith is, like dropping an anchor to secure a ship,
Binding my soul and my whole life to His promise for
The two unchanging nature of God are that
His will does not change and it is impossible for God to lie (He6:18-19).
The Bible which has the Old Testament written in Hebrew and the New Testament in Greek
Provides ample evidence for this as
Hebrew is the most resilient language in the world:
1) The history of Israel — nomadic people living among other groups;
2) The content — prophecies and covenants;
3) The fulfillment of the prophecies and the covenants — Yeshua Christ (Jn5:39);
4) To this day — signs and wonders are present in the name of Yeshua (Mk16:17-20).
While since Adam the ancestor of all mankind sinned,
Deceived by the father of lies the devil (Jn8:44),
All men became liars (Ps116:11),
The exodus of Israel was fulfilled in 400 years (Ge15:14; Ex12:41),
Showing that God is not human that He speaks and then not act (Nu23:19).
The sanctuary where the name of Jehovah was reminded this to Israel and
The commandments written on the stone tablets forbid false testimony (Ex20:16; Ps101:7).
But the people, the prophets, the priests etc all became liars (Jer5:31, 7:8) for
They were deceitful children of the father of lies, enticed by deceiving spirits (Is30:9; 1Ki22:21-22).
Nevertheless, according to the prophecy,
The one whose heart is pure and who does not swear by a false god (Ps24:3-4) appeared and He is Yeshua Christ.
He said, “Destroy this temple and I will raise it again in three days” (Jn2:19-21), and
He was opposed by the Jews
But through the death and the resurrection of the temple of His body,
Not in the name of Jehovah but in the Father’s name of Yeshua (Jn5:43)
He will speak only the true word, the truth (Jn8:13-14),
That is, the word of the Father (Jn12:49).
He who does not lie is the Word in the beginning, that is,
The God who came as man, the Son of God (Jn1:1-4, 14).
Because of His claim to be God (Jn10:30-33), Yeshua was decisively put to death
But He said, “It is finished” (Jn19:30) for He:
1) By submitting to the Father’s will, His command testified the only true Father (Jn6:38, 10:18);
2) Judged the devil the father of lies (Is14:12-14; Ge2:17, 3:4-6; 1Jn3:8); and
3) Tore His flesh like a veil and opened a new and living way for the souls who will receive His blood to be led to His refuge (Mt27:51; He10:19-20).
He resurrected and ascended to heaven, and appeared in God’s presence (He9:24).
The Holy Spirit whom He sent is the Spirit of truth who testifies that:
1) Yeshua Christ is the only one without lies;
2) Only the word of Yeshua Christ is the truth.
The Christian is he who was once a liar, deceived and deceiving before
But now until escaping the burning universe and arriving in the Father’s house
Drops the firm and secure anchor of his soul on that:
1) God is the only true God;
2) There is no truth besides the word of Yeshua;
3) There is no place to hear the true word besides the Church.
O Lord,
My soul! What kind of word do I want to hear today?
The words that are sweet to my ears? Or the words that raise my soul to life?
Even if risky in the eyes of others
Like rock climbers who risk their life to follow the way opened by someone
Let us also go the way the Lord went and opened.
Let us anchor our souls on the word of the Lord, the Church of the truth! Amen.
Sermon Trivia
1. According to Hebrews 6:18-19, what are the two unchanging natures of God?
A. His word is true and He guides His heirs
B. He is always kind and merciful
C. He cannot lie and His will does not change
D. He rewards the faithful and punishes the wicked
2. Prophecies are ___, while covenants are ___.
A. unilateral; bilateral
B. bilateral; unilateral
C. conditional; unconditional
D. about the future; about the past
3. What is the result after Adam sinned? (Ps116:11, Jn8:44)
A. All men became liars
B. All men received eternal life
C. All men belong to the devil
D. A and C
4. Which of the following prophecies did God fulfill?
A. The exodus of Israel (Exodus 12:41-42)
B. Yeshua’s birth (Isaiah 7:14)
C. The death and resurrection of the temple of His body (Jn2:19-21)
D. All of the above
5. Who sent the deceiving spirit to liars? (1Ki22:21-22)
A. The devil
B. The father of lies
C. God
D. The prophet
6. Who is described as the one who speaks only the true word? (Jn8:13-14, Jn12:49, Ps24:3-4)
A. The prophets and priests
B. Yeshua Christ
C. Deceiving spirits
D. False gods
7. What does the Christian anchor their soul on?
A. Word of Yeshua
B. Parent’s command
C. Cultural traditions
D. Words that wound pleasing
1.C 2.A 3.D 4.D 5.C 6.B 7.A
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The Church Which the Gates of Hades Cannot Overcome
(Ps18:2-3; Mt16:13-18)
God is faithful (Dt7:9).
He saves those who trust Him from their enemies (Ps18:2-3) and
He leads to a secure place those who make Him their fortress and dwell in Him (2Sa22:33).
A fortress is surrounded by natural and artificial defensive walls and
It is a place where groups gather together and fight.
Faith is making God my fortress in the day of my disaster (Ps18:18) and
The life of this faith is remaining in the fortress the Church and overcoming
Until finally being brought to a secure place for
Mankind does not even know that they are in Hades, which will become hell and
No one can escape Hades (Ps9:17).
Hades is the universe where Satan is contained until the great day of judgment (2Pe2:4; Jude1:6),
Since he challenged the throne in the spiritual heaven and fell (Is14:12-15), and
Where he is the ruler and the prince of the world (Jn12:31)
Since deceiving Adam to sin (Ge3:4-6; He2:14).
It is the world where the Church of Christ is (Mt16:18).
When Israel was pursued by the Egyptians after the exodus,
The angel of Jehovah, the pillars of fire and of clouds became a defensive wall and
Kept the Egyptians from coming near (Ex14:19-20).
The sanctuary reminded that, “the name of Jehovah = the fortress of Israel.”
Misunderstanding this, however, Israel brought the ark out into a battlefield and was defeated,
While misunderstanding this, the Philistines seized the ark and fell into distress (1Sa5:1-12).
But David, in the name of Jehovah, rushed against Goliath and destroyed him (1Sa17:45).
Thus, God protected him when he was pursued by Saul (1Sa23:28).
Yeshua said, “Destroy this temple and I will raise it again in three days,” because
Through the death and the resurrection of the temple of His body (Jn2:19-21),
Not in the name of Jehovah but in the Father’s name of Yeshua (Jn5:43),
He would defeat not gentiles but the ruler of Hades,
Not by an earthly fortress but by making Christ’s church as the fortress,
The gathering of those who have the faith of, “Yeshua is the God who came as man” (Mt16:16-18).
As He died, He said, “It is finished” (Jn19:30), declaring that He:
1) Trusted the Father and scaled the wall of death (Ps18:18-19, 29; Jn10:18);
2) Through His death destroyed the ruler of death, the devil (He2:14-15; 1Jn3:8); and
3) With His blood purchased all mankind to dwell in Him (Jn6:56; Eph1:7).
He resurrected and with the marks of scaling the wall of death (Rev5:9)
Sat on the heavenly throne, the eternal fortress.
The Holy Spirit gathers the souls purchased with His blood (Ac20:28)
In the name of Yeshua and
Built the Church on earth (Mt18:20; Ac2:1-4).
The Christian is he who alone is weak but gathered strong (Ac4:26-31) for
It is like, “the Church vs. the ruler of Hades = David vs. Goliath.”
The Church whose head is the name of Yeshua is an impregnable castle,
The fortress that the gates of Hades cannot overcome.
The devil tries his best to bring down even the chosen ones and
His weapon is deception:
1) He makes them doubt the Word — “you will not surely die” (Ge2:17, 3:4);
2) He makes them deny the Head — “you will be like God” (Ge3:5; Col2:19);
3) He makes them get fascinated by the worldly culture — “pleasing to the eye, good for food and desirable for gaining wisdom” (Ge3:6; 1Jn2:16).
The true Christian is he who always examines,
Am I, soul, currently in the fortress? Or outside the fortress?
He guards the Church tightly and
Keeps, defends and teaches the Truth to the end.
O Lord,
Our Church of Jesus celebrates its 39th anniversary!
Like the Zealots at Masada who all died while fighting against the Roman army,
Even if we perish, let us make the Church our fortress and
Keep, defend and teach the Truth and
Finally bring us all to the Father’s house! Amen.
Sermon Trivia
1.According to the sermon, who or what is the fortress for the Christian?
A. Christ’s church
B. The Name of Yeshua
C. The blood of Yeshua
D. The ruler of the world
2. Men (all mankind) must escape from _____ , where Satan is contained until the day of judgment (2Pe2:4; Jude1:6).
A. The Garden of Eden
B. The spiritual heaven
C. Hades, the universe
D. Hades, the earth
3. For the name of Jehovah was the fortress of Israel, God saved Israel in all of following ways, except:
A. By defending them from the Egyptians after the Exodus with pillars of fire and clouds (Ex14:19-20).
B. By protecting the Philistines when they captured the ark (1Sa5:1-12).
C. By allowing a boy, David to destroy the giant Goliath (1Sa17:45).
D. By protecting David from Saul’s relentless pursuit (1Sa23:28).
4. What faith makes up the foundation of the church, the body of Yeshua (Mt16:16-18)?
A.That Yeshua is the God who came as a man.
B. That Yeshu died on the cross.
C. That God is love.
D. That Yeshua resurrected.
5. What did Yeshua accomplish through his death and resurrection (He2:14-15; 1Jn3:8)?
A. He defeated the gentile rulers of the world
B. He defeated the ruler of Hades
C. He forgave all men in Adam of their sin
D. He judged all men in Adam
6. Leading men to doubt the Word (Ge2:17, 3:4), deny God as the head (Ge3:5; Col2:19), and chase after worldly pleasures (Ge3:6; 1Jn2:16), the weapon of the devil is:
A. The lust of the eyes
B. Unclean spirits
C. Deception
D. Food pleasing to the eye
7. The blood of Yeshua (Jn6:56; Eph1:7; Ac20:28):
A. Purchased the souls of men to dwell with Him
B. Purchased the church
C. Paid the price of sin before creation
D. A and B
1.A 2.C 3.B 4.A 5.B 6.C 7.D
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The Ark of Salvation
God has a will. He makes known the mystery of His will that He made in the beginning (Eph1:9) and
He finally appears to those who long to see His day (Jn8:56; He9:28).
Faith is knowing the dispensation of God and
The life of this faith is carrying out the providence following the dispensation of the fullness of the
times, in order to stand firm to the end to be saved (Mt24:13).
• Dispensation — God’s script, the divine decision, God’s schedule (the Era of Deity-consciousness— the Era of Sacrifice—the Era of the Law—the Era of Grace—the Millennium);
• Predestination — setting roles according to God’s script;
• Providence — choosing roles according to God’s script.
Noah, a righteous man in that generation (Ge7:1), was warned of
The deluge that was going to wipe out all mankind and animals (Ge6:5-9) and
In holy fear built an ark and saved his family (He11:7) for
He built it following the instructions for its materials and specifications (Ge6:13-14).
The construction took about 70 years and
They were embarked for one year and 10 days (Ge5:32, 7:10-11, 8:13).
After enduring that time, they were finally saved and stepped on to a new earth.
Abraham received the promise that God will return at the appointed time and
It was a sign that his old wife will have a son (Ge18:10).
At the time God said they gave birth to a son and laughed (Ge21:1-3) for
Abraham rejoiced at the thought of seeing His day; he saw it and was glad (Jn8:56).
The exodus of Israel was according to the prophecy that
His descendants will be strangers in a country not their own and
They will return after about four generations, 400 years (Ge15:13).
The sanctuary where the name of Jehovah was
Reminded them to long for the appearance of the Messiah (Is24:7-10).
Yeshua said, “Destroy this temple and I will raise it again in three days,” because
Through the death and the resurrection of the temple of His body (Jn2:19-21),
Not in the name of Jehovah but in the Father’s name of Yeshua (Jn5:43),
He will judge not the flesh by water but the spirit with spiritual fire (2Pe3:4-7) and
Judge not sinners by the Law but all souls by His word (Jn12:48).
As He died, He said, “It is finished” (Jn19:30), for
The mystery of His will decided before the creation has now been made plain, that is,
His time has come (Jn1:1, 14, 8:20; Eph3:9):
1) He laid down His life and completed the dispensation regarding the Son (Jn10:17-18);
2) He judged the devil, the origin of sin (Is14:12-15; 1Jn3:8); and
3) He sprinkled His redeeming blood and the administration of God’s grace was given to all men (Eph3:2).
He resurrected and sent the Holy Spirit to those who waited for the Father’s promise (Ac1:4), and
The Era of grace, the day of salvation, has come (2Co6:2).
Those who hold unswervingly to the hope of their faith
Make every effort to gather together as the Church as they see the Day approaching (He10:23-25).
The Church is the ark of salvation where believers must remain until the day of salvation:
1) Six sides made of cypress wood coated with pitch: completely isolated from the world (1Jn2:15-17);
2) A three-story structure with sections: the organization and the order of the Church (Ac20:28; Rm12:3-6)
3) No sewage outlet: full of all kinds of human odors.
Christians love one another (1Jn4:11), they are kind and compassionate to one another (Eph4:32),
Comfort one another (1Th4:18), and encourage one another (He10:25).
With the brothers and sisters who share the same dream
On their own they bring on isolation, persevere and
Remain in the ark of salvation, the Church
To finally be saved at the end of the world.
O Lord,
Our Church of Jesus is
Like someone with a peculiar dream-illness that the world cannot understand.
Let us live together and love one other to the end.
Amen. Come Lord Jesus!
1. According to the sermon, what is faith? (Matthew 24:13)
a) Seeking personal wealth
b) Following cultural trends
c) Achieving social status
d) Knowing the dispensation of God
2. What can the Church be compared to according to the sermon? (Hebrews 10:23-25)
a) A temple
b) A fortress
c) A garden
d) An ark of salvation
3. What is necessary to stand firm to the end and be saved? (Matthew 24:13)
a) Observing the Sabbath strictly
b) Carrying out the providence following the dispensation of the fullness of the times
c) Making regular animal sacrifices
d) Adhering to dietary laws
4. What does the term "dispensation" refer to in the context of this sermon? (Ephesians 1:9)
a) Human free will
b) The role of the church leaders
c) God’s script, the divine decision, God’s schedule
d) The history of Israel
5. What is the significance of Abraham laughing when his son was born? (John 8:56; Genesis 21:1-3)
a) He doubted God’s promise initially
b) He was relieved from his burdens
c) He rejoiced at the thought of seeing God's day and was glad
d) He was mocking his own previous disbelief
6. Why must Christians make every effort to gather together as the Church? (Hebrews 10:23-25)
a) To avoid loneliness, and form a community
b) To follow societal norms and create unity
c) To hold to the hope of their faith and encourage one another
d) To increase their social standing and be good
7. What is expected of Christians as they see the Day approaching? (Hebrews 10:23-25)
a) To isolate themselves from the world
b) To accumulate wealth
c) To follow their own desires
d) To gather together as the Church
8. The Era of grace, came after Yeshua sent the Holy Spirit. (2 Corinthians 6:2)
9. God destroyed men with the flood because the wickedness of man was great in the earth.
1. D 2.D 3.B 4.C 5.C 6.C 7.D 8.True 9.False
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The Shield of Salvation
(2Sa22:36; Eph6:10-16)
God is the Protector (Ps121:5).
To those who trust Him, He becomes their shield (Ps28:7, 115:11) and
To those who take refuge in Him, He gives the shield of salvation (2Sa22:36; Ps18:30).
Faith is longing to be shielded by God (Ps115:9) and
The life of this faith is, in order to overcome in the final warfare, defending with the shield of salvation
until the end (Eph6:10-17).
In a confrontation with someone who has only offensive weapons and no shield,
The one with a shield has a higher chance of surviving for
The shield is a defensive weapon which has evolved in its materials and forms over time
Following the development of civilization and the aspects of combat.
The Bible says that God is the shield:
For the blessing that God promised Abram was God being his shield (Ge12:2, 15:1),
His descendants would take possession of the cities of their enemies (Ge22:17).
The Israelites were delivered from their slavery of 400 years for
While the entire Egypt was struck with the death of every firstborn human and animal (Ex12:29-32),
Those who had the blood of lamb following the promise escaped (Ex12:13).
Inside the sanctuary that reminded them,
“Jehovah = the shield of Israel = the Savior = the horn of salvation” (Dt33:29; Ps18:2),
There was an incident of a guilty one taking hold of the horns of the altar and surviving (1Ki1:50-51),
As the sacrifices offered on the altar were herbivores and their horns are just defensive weapons.
David showed that the salvation of the LORD is not with sword or spear
But in the name of the LORD (1Sa17:8-50).
Kings were escorted by shields when entering and exiting the temple (1KI10:16),
While during battles they oiled the shields (Is21:5).
In spite of this, however, the fall of Israel came for
They did not trust the Almighty but rather betrayed Him (Job15:25-31).
Yeshua said, “Destroy this temple and I will raise it gain in three days,” and was
Hated by the Jews who believed in the safety of the temple (Is37:35).
But through the death and the resurrection of the temple of His body (Jn2:19-20),
Not in the name of Jehovah but in the Father’s name of Yeshua (Jn5:43),
He would become not the shield of Israel but the shield of salvation for all souls and
Let them put on not the blood of animals but the blood of the one and only Son (1Co5:7) and
Overcome not a physical battle but a spiritual one.
As such, He became a shield
For the adulterous woman who was on the verge of being killed (Jn8:3-11).
As He died, He said, “It is finished” (Jn19:30), declaring that:
1) The Father who alone can save Him from death is His shield (Jn10:18; He5:7);
2) With His death (defensive weapon) He destroyed the power of death (offensive weapon) (He2:14-15); and
3) The body of the Son of Man was pierced by countless poisonous arrows (sins) (Ps118:27; Is53:5) and became the shield for mankind pursued by sin <—death <—the Law <— the devil (1Co15:55-56).
He resurrected and ascended to the heavenly throne and
He is the Lamb (Rev5:9) who bears the marks of being pierced and slain, the eternal shield.
The Holy Spirit who came in the name of Yeshua
Shields the souls whom Christ bore
Inside the Church purchased with the blood of God
By the appointed overseer (Ac20:28) for
“The Son of Man = the shield for sinners” and “The Church is the shield for believers.”
Christians, in order to receive the coming salvation of their souls
Ready to be revealed in the last time (1Pe1:5),
Puts every effort to overcome the vicious spiritual warfare (1Pe5:8; Rev12:17)
By taking up the shield of faith, the shield of salvation (Eph6:16) that
Destroys the flaming words (that distort the truth) of the wicked (Ac20:30; 2Co10:3-5),
That is, by clinging to the blood of Yeshua and
Remaining in the body of Yeshua, the Church.
O Lord,
What are we…
That Your body was pierced with countless arrows and
You became a human shield?
Let me and all You have given me
Even if we sin, never let go of the blood of Yeshua and
Even if we hear evil words, cling to the Church with all our life! Amen.
Sermon Trivia
1. What does faith in God provide to believers? (2Sa22:36; Ps18:30)
A. Offensive weapons to conquer enemies
B. Material wealth and prosperity
C. The shield of salvation for protection
D. A high position in society
2. How did the Israelites escape the death of every firstborn from slavery? (Ex12:13)
A. By seeking refuge in nearby caves
B. By following the promise and applying the blood of the lamb
C. By military conquest
D. By bargaining with the Pharaoh
3. What symbolic action in the sanctuary is mentioned in 1Ki1:50-51 as a means of survival for the guilty?
A. Lighting incense before the altar
B. Offering prayers to the gods
C. Taking hold of the horns of the altar
D. Presenting offerings of grain and oil
4. Where did David believe God's salvation came from? (1Sa17:8-50)
A. In the strength of swords and spears
B. In the shields of kings
C. In the oiling of shields during battles
D. In the name of the LORD
5. Who did Yeshua become a shield for? (Jn2:19-20; Jn5:43; Jn8:3-11)
A. Those who trusted in the name of Jehovah
B. Sinners like the adulterous woman on the verge of being killed
C. Those who followed Jewish tradition
D. Those who believed in the safety of the temple
6. According to He2:14-15, ___ destroyed ___ who holds the power of death
A. Son of Man, sinners
B. The devil, God
C. Yeshua, the Law
D. Yeshua, the devil
7. Which statement is NOT true about the role of the Church? (Ac20:28, Eph 1:23)
A. It serves as the shield for believers
B. It is purchased with the blood of God
C. It is the body of Christ
D. It guarantees freedom from all suffering
1.C 2.B 3.C 4.D 5.B 6.D 7.D
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The Arm of Salvation
(Ps98:1-2; Lk1:46-53)
God is the source of strength (Ps84:7).
With His holy arm He reveals His salvation (Is52:10) and
With His holy arm He saves (Ps98:1).
Faith is trusting His strength (Is12:2) and
The life of this faith is entrusting my soul and flesh to His mighty arm (Jer21:5) as
The arm is strength, with which one fights against the enemy and
With arms one embraces his beloved.
Humans think that they must eat to be strong but
The Bible says that the source of strength is God.
The ancestor of mankind Adam ate the forbidden fruit and sinned (Ge3:4-6) and
All mankind became slaves to the devil (2Pe2:9), bound for hell with him (Mt25:41).
Their strength failed (Ps31:10) as the slavery of Israel showed the powerlessness of men (Dt32:36).
For the great work of the exodus of Israel
God called Moses when he was weak at the age of 80
To reveal that it would be done not by his own strength but by the strength of God.
With the staff of God Moses performed signs (Ex4:1-23) and
By striking the firstborns of Egypt, the first of their strength (Ps78:51),
He brought Pharaoh, the most powerful man of the time, to his knees (Jer32:21).
The sanctuary reminded Israel that they were
Redeemed with a mighty hand and an outstretched arm of Jehovah (Ex6:6), because of which
They were to keep the commandments and give sacrifices (Dt5:15; 2Ki17:36).
However, if they rebelled, they were defeated and killed,
While if they turned back, their enemies were crushed and that was
By His mighty hand and outstretched arm (Ps2:9; Eze20:33-34).
Yeshua said, “Destroy this temple and I will raise it again in three days,” because
Through the death and the resurrection of the temple of His body (Jn2:19-21),
Not in the name of Jehovah but in the Father’s name of Yeshua (Jn5:43),
Not by angels but the Son will appear as the strength,
By His mighty arm, the arm of salvation (Lk1:51).
However, to Israel who had longed for the appearance of the mighty arm of Jehovah (Is52:10)
The appearance of Yeshua was only disappointing (Is53:1-2).
With His arms outstretched and His strength gone (Ps22:14-15),
As He died, He said, “It is finished” (Jn19:30), declaring that He:
1) Laid down His life according to the Father’s command and entrusted His soul to the Father’s outstretched arms (Jn10:18; Lk23:46);
2) With His mighty arm crushed the ruler of death, the devil (Jer21:5; He2:14); and
3) With His holy arm worked salvation for mankind (Ps98:1).
He resurrected and ascended to heaven.
He is the Lamb on the throne, the eternal arm, the mighty arm of God.
Strength comes from Him (Rev5:12), that is,
The Holy Spirit who comes to the souls born-again in His precious blood and the Church, and
Lets them know: Yeshua = the eternal arm = the arm of salvation = the mighty arm = the outstretched arm.
The Christian is he who
Completely trusts the name of Yeshua, the arm of salvation.
Therefore, even if he makes mistakes because he is foolish,
He returns to worship and runs into the arms of the Father and
Receives peace and reassurance.
He prays in the name of Yeshua and overcomes any obstacle and
Casts out demons in the name of Yeshua and crushes any barrier.
He preaches to return lost souls to the Father’s embrace (Lk15:20).
Finally, in the last day when he leaves the flesh
He entrusts his soul to the outstretched arms of the Father.
O Lord,
We were infinitely weak and powerless…
But after hearing the word of the truth we gained strength.
For the rest of our lives,
We want to live by the name of Yeshua, the arm of salvation.
When we raise our arms up and call on the name of the Lord,
Like Superman, pull us up and save us!
O Father, I run into Your arms…receive my soul! Amen.
Sermon Trivia:
1. According to the sermon, which of the following is not an example of the powerlessness of men?
A. The enslavement of Israel (Dt32:26)
B. All mankind is destined to follow the devil to hell(Mt25:41)
C. The temple sacrifices were given in the Name of Jehovah
D. The death of the firstborns of Egypt (Jer32:21)
2. Why did God call Moses at the age of 80?
A. To give him a son Isaac as a sign of His covenant
B. To show that his staff could perform great signs
C. To reveal God as the source of strength
D. To deliver the Israelites from the hands of their enemies in Canaan
3. According to the sermon, what was one reason the Son of God was rejected and killed (Is53:1-2)?
A. Israel longed for a Messiah to come with mighty appearance
B. Israel longed to receive the Father’s Name Yeshua
C. Israel was already given complete salvation by the holy arm of God
D. Israel longed for a new temple in Jerusalem
4. The Son of God Yeshua died on the cross with outstetched arms (Ps22:14-15). Which of the following is true?
A. He obeyed the command of the Father to die knowing that He would not fully die
B. He obeyed the command of the Father to die entrusting that His soul would be saved
C. He obeyed the command of the Father to die to reveal Jehovah as the arm of salvation
D. He obeyed the command of the Father to redeem Israel
5. How does the Christian return to the Father?
A. Returning to worship, prayer
B. Preaching of the salvation of the flesh
C. Preaching salvation through good works
D. Relying on food to be strong
6. What is the work of the Holy Spirit (Rev5:12)?
A. Providing guidance and wisdom to all men
B. Delivering the name of Salvation through an angel
C. Providing inspiration to apostles and prophets
D. Providing strength to souls born again the blood of Christ
7. How does the Christian crush his enemies?
A. By possessing the Name of Yeshua
B. By relying on his strength
C. By entrusting his soul and flesh to God’s mighty arm
D. A and C
1.C 2.C 3.A 4.B 5.A 6.D 7.D
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Yeshua the Name of Salvation
(Ps54:1; Mt1:21)
God is the God of salvation (Ps68:20).
Salvation is in Him alone (Is43:11) and
He saves for the glory of His name (Ps79:9, 106:8).
Faith is longing to be saved by the name of Yeshua and
The life of this faith is clinging to the name of Yeshua until receiving salvation in the end (He9:28).
The Bible is the story of God saving by His name (Ps54:1)
Mankind from Hades that will become eternal fire (Mt25:41; 2Pe3:7).
Jehovah, the name of God in the Old Testament, refers to the Savior (Is43:3, 11) for
He saved Noah and his family from the great deluge (He11:7),
Lot and his family from the brimstone fire (Ge19:17),
Israel from the death of every firstborn, the Red Sea, the hands of their enemies, suffering,
Calamities and distresses etc (Ex12:27, 14:13; Nu10:9; 1Sa10:19).
As such, they were all physical, material salvation.
Despite the fact that they saw countless times the salvation of God
Through those whom God appointed as their saviors, such as
Moses, Joshua, the judges and the kings (Dt33:29), they forgot God (Ps106:21).
Nevertheless, when they were in distress,
If they returned to the Temple of Jerusalem where
The name of Jehovah was and cried out to Him, He saved them (2Ch20:9; Joel2:32).
Yeshua said, “Destroy this temple and I will raise it again in three days” (Jn2:19), because
Through the death and the resurrection of the temple of His body,
He would tear down the name of Jehovah, the name of physical, material salvation and
Let men believe in the name of Yeshua that saves eternally souls from hell (Jn3:17-18).
Thus, He performed many miracles as signs of salvation (Jn2:23),
But when they wanted to make Him king of their present world, He refused (Mt12:38-40; Jn6:15).
As He died, He said, “It is finished” (Jn19:30), declaring that:
1) The Father alone can save Him from death (He5:7);
2) Judged the devil, the origin of sin (1Jn3:8); and
3) Redeemed the sins of men and made the way to salvation (Eph1:7; He10:20).
He rose and ascended to heaven, becoming the source of eternal salvation (He5:9; Rev7:10).
The Holy Spirit whom He sent testifies that
There is no other name by which men must be saved but the name of Yeshua (Ac4:12), and
Lets those who have been redeemed by His blood (Eph1:7)
Grow up in their salvation (Php2:12; 2Th2:13; 1Pe2:2).
While the Son of Man did the work of redemption (Tit2:14),
Those who believe must work to receive the salvation of their souls (1Pe1:9).
Therefore, they cling to the rope of salvation of the name of Yeshua by
Repentance, baptism, gathering, praying, speaking in new tongues, laying hands, healing,
Preaching, doing good work, suffering, all in His name
(Mt18:20, 28:19; Mk16:17-18; Lk24:47; Jn14:13; Ac5:41, 9:15; Col3:17).
Material salvation in Judaism, liberation theology, the “prosperity” gospel etc
Puts the death of Yeshua to shame and
Insults the name of Yeshua.
The Christian knows that the salvation of his soul is
The greatest thing, the most pressing work (He2:1-4).
Therefore, he strives to ultimately save his own soul and all souls given to him, and
Give glory to the name of Yeshua.
O Lord,
Until we escape this burning universe,
Let not even one of us ignore so great a salvation (He2:3) and
Let us take hold of this rope of salvation, the name of Yeshua, and never let go!
Let us save our own souls and all the souls given to us in that day. Amen. /p>
1. What is faith described as in the sermon? (Hebrews 9:28)
A. Seeking material wealth
B. Longing to be saved by the name of Yeshua
C. Achieving personal success
D. Following religious rituals
2. In the Old Testament, what did the name Jehovah refer to? (Isaiah 43:3, 11)
A. A powerful angel
B. A prophet
C. The Savior
D. A historical figure
3. According to the sermon, what was the nature of salvation under the name of Jehovah? (Exodus 12:27, 14:13; Numbers 10:9; 1 Samuel 10:19)
A. Physical, material salvation
B. Spiritual salvation only
C. Emotional healing
D. Social justice
3. What did Yeshua declare on the cross with "It is finished"? (John 19:30)
A. His suffering is over
B. The completion of the work of salvation
C. His defeat
D. His last words
4. Who alone can save us from spiritual death? (John 14:6)
A. Angels
B. The saints
C. Yeshua
D. The apostles
5. After His resurrection, what did Yeshua become? (Hebrews 5:9; Revelation 7:10)
A. A historical legend
B. A prophet
C. The source of eternal salvation
D. A political leader
6. What does the Holy Spirit testify? (Acts 4:12)
A. The church is the body of christ
B. That there is no other name can save but Jesus
C. That Jesus is God
D. All of the above
7. How does the Christian strive to save his own soul according to the sermon? (Matthew 18:20, 28:19; Mark 16:17-18; Luke 24:47; John 14:13; Acts 5:41, 9:15; Colossians 3:17)
A. By living a “good” life.
B. By repentance, baptism, gathering, praying, healing, suffering, all in His name
C. By accumulating wealth and sharing it with others
D. By following cultural trends and being relevant
True/False Questions:
8. True/False: The Bible tells the truth of God saving mankind by His name. (Psalm 54:1)
9. True/False: The Christian knows that the salvation of his soul is the greatest thing, the most pressing work. (Hebrews 2:1-4)
10. True/False: Material salvation in Judaism, liberation theology, and the "prosperity" gospel honor the name of Yeshua.
1. B 2.C 3.A 4.B 5.C 6.D 7.B 8.True 9.True 10.False
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Grow Up In Your Salvation
God is merciful (Ex34:6).
By grace He makes plain the dispensation of His mystery (Eph3:8-9) and
For those who tasted His mercy to grow up in their salvation
He waits patiently a day like a thousand years (2Pe3:8-9).
Faith is having tasted His mercy and knowing it (1Pe2:3) and
The life of this faith is accepting His word without filtering and growing up, that is, to mature attaining
To the whole measure of the fullness of Christ (Eph4:13),
For if a baby fails to grow in body, knowledge, and personality,
It would be a big concern for the parents.
The Bible stresses that, just by confessing with mouth that Yeshua is Christ (Romans 10:10, 13)
One cannot be saved for
The souls who do not grow are called chaffs (Mt3:12) and
On the last day they will end up in hell together with the weeds, the children of the devil (Mt13:30).
Israel who had been slaves of Egypt became the people of God for
The God of Hebrews, Jehovah, appeared as an angel (Ex5:3; 2Sa22:11).
Reminding this was the sanctuary where the ark had images of cherubim (Ex25:18).
The greatest commandment given to them was to
First, love God and
Second, love their neighbors as themselves (Mt22:36-39).
If anyone did not keep this, they were immediately punished if not put to death
By the testimony of two or three witnesses (Dt19:15).
Thus, even their parents and siblings, whom they were supposed to love, became objects of caution.
Furthermore, they ended up becoming hypocrites.
Yeshua said, “Destroy this temple and I will raise it again in three days,” because
Through the death and the resurrection of the temple of His body (Jn2:19-20),
Not in the name of Jehovah brought by the angel (Ex3:2-4)
But in the Father’s name of Yeshua brought by the Son (Jn5:43),
He would let not those under the Law, the tutor to be feared for (Rm8:15; Gal3:24),
But the mature who tasted God’s mercy, love God the Father (Jn17:23).
As He died, He said, “It is finished” (Jn19:30), declaring that He:
1) Knowing the Father’s love kept His commandment to death (Jn10:17-18);
2) Judged the divider, the devil (Ge2:17, 3:4-6; 1Jn3:8); and
3) Sprinkled the redeeming blood and gave birth to God’s children (Eph1:7; He12:24).
He resurrected and ascended to the throne in heaven and
He is the Lamb who has the marks of being slain (Rev5:9), and
To this day He shows mercy to those who became His children by His blood (He4:16).
The Holy Spirit whom He sent helps the children of God and
Lets them grow up in salvation.
He lets them eat up the word of God without filtering
Like newborn babies craving pure spiritual milk (1Pe2:2) for
The mature eats solid food (He5:12-14), that is, the word of the Bible, which is
Good for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness (2Ti3:15-16).
The mature Christian is he who:
1) With Christ died to philosophy, to basic principles of the world, and does not keep the Law out of fear but out of love (Gal4:3-10; Col2:8, 10);
2) Giving up childish things of the past, such as thinking about himself, and now being considerate and looking after other souls (1Co13:11; He10:25); and
3) By working according to his measure as a member, grows and builds up the Church, the body of Christ (Eph4:15-16).
O Lord,
In the way we think, speak, we are still childish.
Me, me, me! I only think about myself!
Let us all become mature Christians who know the Father’s identity, will and heart and
Deny ourselves and discover neighbors.
Let me embrace all those You have given me until they finally reach salvation. Amen.
Sermon Trivia
1. Why does God patiently wait, as emphasized in 2Pe 3:8-9?
A. To fulfill an individual’s prayer
B. To allow individuals to mature in their salvation
C. To test the patience of believers
D. To demonstrate His fullness in Christ
2. According to Eph4:13, the essence of faith is _____
A. Growing in knowledge and personality
B. Committing to daily prayer and meditation
C. Maturing to attain the fullness of Christ
D. Demonstrating love and forgiveness towards others
3. True/False: Confessing that Yeshua is Christ is sufficient for salvation (Romans 10:10, 13)
4. What does “weeds” refer to in Mt13:30?
A. Unbelievers who reject Christ
B. Individuals who only confess with their mouths
C. Children of the devil
D. All of the above
5. What did the greatest commandments given to Israelites entail? (Mt22:36-39, (Dt19:15)
A. They became hypocrites
B. They faced enslavement by Egypt.
C. They became righteous
D. They suffered exiled from the promised land
6. The death and the resurrection of the temple of His body (Jn2:19-20) is to _____
A. Enforce the fear of the Law (Rm8:15)
B. Emphasize the power of Jehovah brought by the angel (Ex3:2-4)
C. Showcase the superiority of the Law over God's mercy
D. Demonstrate the authority of Yeshua as the Son of the Father (Jn5:43)
7. What is the primary purpose for which the Holy Spirit came?
A. To punish those souls who disobey
B. To establish and fulfill God’s will
C. To help children of God grow up in salvation
D. To enforce hierarchical structures within the church
8. What is the significance of the word of God, as described in 2Ti3:15-16?
A. Offering direction to follow the teaching
B. Providing guidance for rebuking and correcting in righteousness
C. Confusing and misleading believers
D. A and B
9. What does a mature Christian do?
A. Keep the Law out of fear
B. Hold on to childish thoughts about oneself
C. Be considerate and look after other souls
D. Reject responsibilities within the Church
1.B 2.C 3.False 4.D 5.A 6.D 7.C 8.D 9.C
1.Faith and faith life consist of all of the following, except (2Sa23:15; Is12:2; Jn4:39):
A. Drawing from the well of salvation with joy.
B. Knowing the importance of water in human life.
C. Knowing the taste of the spring of living water.
D. Spreading the word of life.
2.How was God revealed to Israel as the spring of living water (Ex17:3-6; Nu20:8-12)?
A. God had Moses strike a rock and speak to a rock to bring out water.
B. God had Moses enter the land of Canaan where there was water.
C. God had the people build a sanctuary containing the name of Yeshua as the fount of living water.
D. Prophets said that living water would flow out of Egypt.
3. According to the sermon, what brought about the destruction of Israel (Jer2:13, 17:13; Pr5:15):
A. They disobeyed the command not to eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil
B. They looked forward to the well of salvation coming to the children of Abraham
C. They dug their own cistersn, forsook Jehovah the found of living waters
D. They welcomed Yeshua coming in the Name of the Father
4. Yeshua Christ was revealed to the Samaritan woman because she:
A. She worshipped in Jerusalem and Yeshua is the fount of life
B. She was looking for a well and He came as the fount of living water of Israel
C. She was looking for water and He is the well of salvation
D. She was a Jew and He was a prophet
5. How would blood and water come to the souls of men (Jn19:30. 34; Jn4:14)?
A. The body of Yeshua was torn to become the well of salvation
B. The blood and water of Yeshua cleanses through daily repentance
C. The Father raised Yeshua back to life when He died on the cross
D. A and B
6. _______________ gather in the body of Yeshua, the well of salvation
A. The souls who can say that are righteous
B. The souls of all men in Adam
C. The souls who know their salvation is complete
D. The souls whoses sins have been cleansed by the blood of Yeshua
7. To surrender oneself, protect the well of salvation, and spread the good news is the work of:
A. Yeshua
B. Christians
C. Those with spiritual gifts
D. The Holy Spirit
1.B 2.A 3.C 4.C 5.A 6.D 7.B
1. According to the sermon, what does faith entail? (Philippians 1:27)
A. Denying the existence of blessings
B. Having faith in the gospel
C. Pursuing earthly desires
D. Living for worldly pleasures
2. How does the sermon describe the gospel? (Mark 1:1)
A. A set of rules and regulations
B. What Jesus said, what He did, and what He said
C. A human invention
D. A cultural tradition
3. What did Yeshua preach to the poor in spirit? (Matthew 5:3)
A. Earthly prosperity
B. The gospel of the kingdom of heaven
C. Social justice
D. Personal empowerment
4. What did Yeshua declare when He said, "It is finished"? (John 19:30)
A. His surrender to death
B. His defeat by the religious leaders
C. His completion of the work of salvation
D. His acceptance of defeat
5. What does the Holy Spirit guard against? (Galatians 1:6-7; Colossians 2:16)
A. Poverty
B. Legalism and other “gospels”
C. Social inequality
D. Political oppression
6. How does the Christian become righteous before God? (Romans 1:17)
A. By following human traditions
B. By accumulating wealth
C. Only by faith
D. By performing religious rituals
7. What duty must a Christian fulfill? (Romans 15:16)
A. Proclaiming the gospel
B. Giving offering
C. Working hard for prosperity
D. Rituals and prayers
8. What compels the Christian to preach the gospel? ( 1Corinthians 9:16)
A. Fear of persecution
B. The eternal salvation of 1 more soul
C. Desire for personal gain
D. Social pressure
9. What does the Christian expect for preaching the gospel? (Romans 10:13-15)
A. Earthly rewards
B. Suffering for the gospel
C. Political power
D. Social status
10. True/False: God blesses with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places through the gospel. (Ephesians 1:3)
11. True/False: The gospel is merely a human invention. (Mark 1:1)
1. B 2.B 3.B 4.C 5.B 6.C 7.A 8.B 9.B 10.TRUE 11.FALSE
1. What is emphasized in Romans 15:13 regarding God?
A. His sovereignty over all things
B. His provision of hope
C. His love for humanity
D. His justice in judgment
2. What is the Hope that has been set before us in He 6:18?
A. Hope for material wealth
B. Hope for spiritual growth
C. Hope for salvation
D. Hope for the second resurrection
3. How is salvation by faith understood in Romans 10:9-10?
A. By one-time confession of faith
B. By baptism
C. By performing good deeds
D. By believing and continuing to do the will of the Father
4. You were saved by ___ in the past; be saved by ____ in the present; will be saved by ___ in the future (Rm 8:11-25; Ac 2:40)
A. The Word; grace; works
B. Baptism; prayer; obedience
C. Repentance; confession; obedience
D. The blood; the Word; the Holy Spirit
5. Who is Isaiah prophesying as the hope of all nations? (Is11:10, 59:16-17)
B. Yeshua
C. The sanctuary
D. All of above
6. True/False: Salvation is not completed until we leave the universe and enter eternal life.
7. What does the Christian who has put on a helmet of the hope of salvation do? (1Th4:13; 1Ti6:17; 1Jn3:3; Col1:23)
A. Grieves over those who sleep in death
B. Puts hope in wealth
C. Pursues the worldly success
D. Becomes a worker of the gospel
1. B 2.C 3.D 4.D 5.B 6.True 7.D
1.All of the following are examples of God’s faithfulness, except (Nu23:19; Dt7:9; He13:20; 1Co10:13):
A. He does not lie or change His mind
B. He keeps His covenant to a thousand generations of those who keep His commandments
C. He provides tests beyond what we can bear
D. He raised Yeshua from the dead through the blood of the covenant
2. What is the difference between prophecy and covenant?
A. Prophecy is from the Old Testament, covenants are from the New Testament
B. Prophecy is unilateral, covenants are bilateral
C. Prophecy is according to God’s instructions, covenants are according to God’s dispensation
D. Prophecy is fulfilled by Yeshua, covenants are fulfilled by deeds of men
3.The writing and content of the Bible, the guidebook for arriving in salvation (Jn5:39; 2Ti3:15) together make up what?
A. The credit score of Yeshua
B. The credit score of the Hebrew Language
C. The basis for Christian faith
D. A and C
4.Who was the first one to break God’s covenant (Hos6:7; Mt25:41)?
A. Satan
B. Adam
C. Eve
D. All of the above
5. The rock that was struck in the desert, yielding spiritual drink for the people of Isreael, was a foreshadow of:
A. The flesh of Yeshua tearing, providing salvation for all men
B. The temple of Isreael being destroyed by Yeshua
C. The destruction of the devil
D. The resurrection of Yeshua as the ark of God’s covenant
6. The command of the Father for the Son of God Yeshua to lay down His life was (Ps71:3; Jn10:18):
A. The command that judged the devil
B. The command that saved Himself
C. The command of Jehovah, the rock of salvation
D. The command of the Holy Spirit
7. After believing in Yeshua, how does one keep Him as ‘the rock of my salvation’?
A. Confessing faith with words
B. Obeying the Law
C. Receiving baptism and the gifts of the Holy Spirit
D. Listening, keeping the words of Christ
1.C 2.B 3.D 4.B 5.A 6.B 7.D