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Believers and the Promised Holy Spirit
(Jn7:37-39; Eph1:13)
God is the living God (Jer10:10).
He lives for ever and ever (Rev10:6) and
He is the God of the living (Mt22:32).
Faith is believing in the living God and
The life of this faith is, in order to be judged as the living before God,
Struggling to keep my faith alive now (2Co4:14; 2Ti4:1).
While tombs, remains, museums, and history books illustrate
The traces of people who waere once alive but now dead,
The Bible records of the God who was and is and is to come (Rev1:4).
As such, even those who are alive now and insist on atheism will
One day be judged as the dead before Him and
Be thrown into the second death, hellfire (Rev20:12-14).
This is because the ancestor of all mankind, Adam, broke the commandment regarding
The fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, and sinned (Ge2:17, 3:4-6),
Inheriting sin and the price of sin, death, to the sprit of all men (Rm5:12; 1Co15:22).
Consequently, all men will die and return to dust (Ge3:19)
While their spirit will be resurrected to be condemned (Jn5:29, Ac24:15).
All those who died in faith in the Old Testament,
Such as Abel, Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Moses, David etc (He11:13), were
Dead in spirit, the price of sin, when they died
But since their faith was alive, they went to Abraham’s bosom (Lk16:22-23) and
Saw from distance the day when their faith would be made perfect (He11:39-40).
Referring to the temple of the living God, which had the name of Jehovah,
Yeshua said, “Destroy this temple and I will raise it again in three days,” because
Through the death and the resurrection of the temple of His body (Jn2:19-21),
In the Father’s name, Yeshua (Jn5:43),
He would perfect faith (He11:1, 12:2), and make souls alive,
For God gives the Spirit without limit (Jn3:34).
As He died, He said, “It is finished” (Jn19:30), declaring that He:
1) Obeyed the Father’s command and became the Lord of faith (Jn10:18; He12:2);
2) Judged the ruler of death, the devil (He2:14); and
3) Sprinkled His redeeming blood and made perfect the faith of the Old Testament making them alive, while making alive the New Testament people so by faith they become the living (Jn11:25-26; 2Co4:11).
He resurrected and sat on the heavenly throne, He is the Lamb.
He was dead and now He is alive for ever and ever (Rev1:18), and
He is the Judge who will judge the living and the dead (Ac10:42; 2Ti4:1).
The Holy Spirit whom He sent enters believers, that is,
The souls made alive by the blood of Yeshua (Jn7:39; Eph1:13) and
Lives in them forever (Jn14:16-17) as
The present-nature of God while the Son of Man is a historical person (Jn16:5).
The Christian is he who is
Dead to sin but alive to God (Rm6:11-13).
He no longer lives for himself but for Him who died for him and was raised again (2Co5:15-17).
Therefore, he brings to life every soul with whom he comes in contact (Eze47:9-12), and
Edifies the house of the living God, the Church (2Co6:6; 1Ti3:15) for
The river of the water of life flowing out of him never ends (Jn15:26; Rev22:1) and
When he stands before the great white throne
He longs to be judged as the living for
Faith is always in present tense (Ac6:5; Rev2:6).
O Lord,
Am I currently alive? Or dead?
May there be never interruption in our faith.
Wherever I go, may my family, school or workplace be made alive and
Let my faith always be alive and reveal the living God! Amen.