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Garments of Salvation
(Is61:10; Rev19:7-8)

God is righteous (Ps7:9).
His commands and His ways are righteous (Ps119:172, 145:17).
For He loves justice He clothes in garments of salvation, a robe of His righteousness (Is61:10)
Those who will see His face (Ps11:7)
Faith is being justified by the blood of Yeshua (Rm5:9) and
The life of this faith is putting on the robe of His righteousness and going before Him.
Humans are unique animals that make and wear clothes.
Clothing protects the body, indicates status and affiliation, and
Also functions to rescue and save.
The Bible contains a story about clothings:
Because of Adam who sinned
The righteous act of all mankind became like filthy rags (Is64:6) and
Not able to escape Hades after death and go before God.
However, God took off the garments of fig leaves that Adam had made and
Clothed him in garments of skin, a foreshadow of garments of salvation (Ge3:7-21).
The exodus of Israel is a major watershed in the Bible.
This great event was caused by the tunic of many colors that Jacob put on his son Joseph and
Because of the jealousy of his brothers, Joseph was sold into slavery, which was
The catalyst for the 400 years of their slavery in Egypt (Ge37:3-36).
The Law that they received (Ex19:10) commanded them
To wash their clothes to be consecrated (Lev13:6, 15:16-17, 22:4-6).
Anyone who became unclean by touching corpses, leprosy, discharge, semen etc and
Those who returned from battle had to wash themselves before coming to the camp (Nu31:24-25).
The garments consecrated with the blood of the sacrifice was
Only to be worn by priests ministering in the sacred rooms (Eze44:19).
Yeshua said, “Destroy this temple and I will raise it again in three days,” because

Through the death and the resurrection of the temple of His body (Jn2:19-21)
Not in the name of Jehovah but in the Father's name of Yeshua (Jn5:43),
He would put on not clothing made by human hands
But righteousness as His clothing (Job29:14).
While on the mount of transfiguration, His clothes became as white as the light (Mt17:2)
He otherwise put on sackcloth (Ps69:11) and became
A topic of conversation among those dressed in fancy, long garments (Mt12:38; Lk7:25).
When He was crucified,
He was stripped naked and they divided up His clothes by casting lots (Mt27:35).
He put on filthy rags of mankind (Is64:6) and died
But said, “It is finished” (Jn19:30), declaring that He:
1)     Died according to the command of the righteous Father (Jn10:18) and His soul put on garments of salvation and a robe of righteousness (Is61:10);
2)     Judged the wicked devil (Is14:12-15; Ge3:4-6); and
3)     Sprinkled His redeeming blood and clothed all mankind garments of salvation (Eph1:6), so the bridegroom and the bride can all put on the robe dipped in blood (Is61:10; Rev19:13).
After He resurrected and ascended to heaven, He sat down on the throne.
The train of His robe fills the temple (Is6:1) and He is praised
By those who have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb (Rev7:14).
The Holy Spirit warns that the wedding banquet of the Lamb is near (Rev19:7).
The Christian is he whose soul was washed in the blood of the Lamb and
Put on white clothes, garments of salvation, the robe of righteousness
Only by grace, given through faith (Rev19:8) and
Therefore resolved to become the bride of Christ by:
1)     Keeping the clothes white — as to not go naked and be shamefully exposed by fleshly desires (Rm13:14; 1Ti2:9; Rev16:15);
2)     Buying white clothes to wear — not avoiding any sacrifice (Rev3:17-18);
3)     Being clothed in white — displaying the good deeds of believers to the world (Mt5:14-16; Rev19:8); and
4)     Putting on the armor of light — acknowledging Yeshua before others (Mt10:32; Rm13:11-12)
For garments of salvation = a robe of righteousness = white clothes = armor of light.
O Lord,
Only by grace I have been granted this garment of salvation!
This garment made white and clean by Your blood…
Let us not stain it by the world, by fleshly desires.
Let the world see Yeshua through our lives.
Let us go out to the world and shout and acknowledge Yeshua!  Amen.