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God Will Not Surpass the Church 2: The Pillar and Foundation of the Truth
(1Ti3:15; Rev3:7-12)

God is the God of truth.
The truth comes from Him (Jn1:14) and
He dwells forever with those who become pillars of the truth.

Faith is knowing the truth (Jn8:31) and
The life of this faith is having a steadfast mind (Is26:3), keeping His command to endure patiently
and becoming a pillar of the church built on the foundation of the truth (Rev3:7-12).

For pillars and foundation are essential elements in construction,
Efforts are made to erect on a good foundation firm and unshakable pillars (1Co15:58).
Even so, however, every building in the world has longevity.
But the pillars and the foundation of truth, the church of Yeshua, is forever because
The word of God, Yeshua and the word of Yeshua are the immutable truth (Jn14:6, 24, 17:17).

For God created all things for the purpose of building the house of the living God,
The Bible records the history of God interrupting and destroying human constructions:
Wiping out the world with water during the time of Noah (Ge6:7, 17-19),
Confusing language and disrupting the construction of the tower of Babel (Ge11:2-8),
Raining down burning sulfur on Sodom and Gomorrah (Ge19:23-28),
Forbidding Israel from rebuilding the city of Jericho (Jos6:26), and
Commanding them to demolish the high places in Canaan after they conquered it (Nu33:52).

Yet the buildings which God designed were
The ark of salvation instructed to Noah and
The sanctuary, the house for the name of the LORD Jehovah to dwell,
To Moses and Solomon (Ex25:8; 2Ch6:5, 7:16).

Yeshua said, “Destroy this temple and I will raise it again in three days”
Because through the death and the resurrection of the temple of His body (Jn2:19-21),
He would tear down the copy made by hands (Mt24:2; He9:1) and
Build a temple not made by hands, that is, His body, the church (Eph1:23; He9:11),
According to what was brought to pass since the beginning, planned from days of old (Is37:26).
The Word in the beginning became flesh to fulfill it (Jn1:1-2, 14).

He announced His plan to build His church in the world (Mt16:16-18):
Yeshua=the God who came as man=the truth — on this unshakable rock,
The gathering of those who believe Him — build the unbreakable rock.

As He died, Yeshua said, “It is finished” (Jn19:30), declaring that He:
1) By dying according to the Father’s command (Jn10:18) purchased with His blood the solid
foundation of heaven for the temple in the New Jerusalem, and pegged a pillar of iron (Ps112:6-7; Jer1:18; 2Ti2:19; He9:18 23);
2) Judged the devil who left his proper position (1Jn3:8; Jude1:6); and
3) With His blood redeemed all men for them to become pillars of the temple (Rev3:12).

He resurrected and sat on the secure throne forever (Ps48:8; Is22:23).
The Spirit of truth (Jn16:13) whom He sent
Comes to the believers and the church and
Lets them build the house of the living God on a solid rock (Mt7:21-27; 1Co3:10-11).
A true church baptizes in the name of Yeshua who is Christ (Ac2:38) and
Insists on the sole innocence of Yeshua (Mt27:4; Jn1:1, 14).

The Christian is he who knows the truth by experience (Jn8:31) and
He is determined to keep, defend and teach the truth.
By keeping the Lord’s command to endure patiently,
He longs to be kept from the hour of trial that is going to come on the whole world (Rev3:10) and
Become a steadfast pillar in the temple in heaven (Rev3:12) and
A wall of the city of New Jerusalem (Rev21:10, 14) to live eternally seeing the face of the Lord.

The foundations=precious stones=pillars=the church=the truth (Rev21:14, 19; 1Ti3:15)
Therefore, even if it is hard and burdensome his faith does not fall.
He does not leave on his own the church or his position of duty.
Finally, he becomes a pillar of the truth, a pillar of the church.

O Lord,
Is the Church of Jesus a church that God acknowledges?
If it is a false church, let it be destroyed.
But if it is a true church, let the Holy Spirit support it and
Let the number of those who gather increase by the day (Ac9:31)!
Let there be not even one of us who does not know this mystery about the church!
Let no one leave on his own the church, his position of duty and
Let us all hold up the church even to death. Amen.