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Possess Your Soul

God is the Owner.
By His word, He created all things and is their Owner and
With His blood, He bought souls and is their Owner (Ac20:28).
Faith is acknowledging His ownership and
The life of this faith is to possess my soul (Lk21:19), laying down my possessions (Mk10:29-30).
As humans have an instinct to grab from the moment they are born
They naturally hate laying down and surrendering.
However, the Bible says that letting go is a necessary step to gain.
People commit the folly of hoarding wealth to their own harm (Ecc5:13), and
This is due to their ancestor Adam who was deceived by the devil and
Broke the command regarding the fruit (Ge2:17. 3:4-6), and
Banished from the Garden, losing all (Ge3:24).
Following God’s instructions, Abraham left his country and his father’s household (Ge12:1), and
Gave as a burnt offering his only son whom he received at the age of 100 (Ge22:11, 18).
As a result, he received the blessing of the growth of his descendants, the land of Canaan, and
God being their God.
Jacob, whose name means “to grasp” (Ge25:26), when he felt the danger of his life
Sent ahead all his possessions which he gained during the 20 years of serving (Ge31:22) and
Wrestled with an angel and received the name Israel (Ge32:28).
The night that ended their 400 years of slavery with no possession (Ex12:41),
His descendants, Israel, plundered the Egyptians of their treasures as they left (Ex12:35-36).
For God gave them the possession (Jos24:8),
They fought against the people in the land and conquered Canaan,
As God gave them the lands that others had toiled for (Ps105:44).
The commandments given to them and
The sanctuary they were commanded to build (Dt11:24; Ps119:50) were for them
To remember that, “Jehovah = the ability to produce wealth = the right to possess” (Dt8:18).
Yeshua said, “Destroy this temple and I will raise it again in three days,” because
Through the death and the resurrection of the temple of His body (Jn2:19-21),
He would not in the name of Jehovah but in the Father’s name of Yeshua (Jn5:43),
Give the right to possess not land or wealth but one’s own soul (Jn1:12) for
Life is more important than the whole world, and the soul is more important than life (Mk8:35-37).
He warned against the foolishness of
Storing up wealth for the flesh and losing the soul (Lk12:15-21, 33:34).
As He died, He said, “It is finished” (Jn19:30), declaring that He:
1)     According to the command, laid down His life and received His soul (Lk23:46; Jn10:17-18);
2)     Judged the eternal loser the devil (1Jn3:8); and
3)     With His redeeming blood purchased souls and became their Owner (1Pe1:18-19; Rev5:9).
He resurrected and ascended to the heavenly throne, and He is the Lamb.
He has in His hands the right to possess all things in heaven and on earth (Mt28:18).
The Holy Spirit comes inside the souls purchased with the blood of Yeshua and
Lets them know, “I am a soul!  I have flesh!”/ “I am a soul, my flesh belongs to me soul!”
As such, the disciples let go of their nets, boats, fathers, wives, children, collecting taxes and
Followed the Lord.
Paul lost whatever were gains to him, considering them garbage,
Surrendering his righteousness by law to gain the righteousness by faith,
To receive resurrection, that is, the crown of righteousness (Php3:7-9; 2Ti4:8).
The Christian is he who, to possess his own soul (Lk21:19)
Lays down wealth, fame, power, family, even his own life
For my soul the Lord gave me by shedding His blood is
My crown that I must hold fast and not lose even to the point of death (Rev3:11).
O Lord,
Astronauts bring rocks when they return from the moon…
Divers pick up pearls when they come out of the sea…
What will we take with us when we leave this world?
Let me hold fast to my soul, that is more precious than the whole world.
Even if I lose everything else, let me possess my soul.
Let me not do anything that will harm my soul and
Let not even one of us become losers!  Amen.