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Salvation In the Fear of the Lord

God is the One to be feared (Ps76:11).
There is no one like Him in heaven or on earth (2Sa7:22), and
He saves those who fear Him (He11:7; Ac10:35).
Faith is having an undivided heart to give reverence to Yeshua Christ (Ps86:11; Eph5:21) and
The life of this faith is working out my salvation with fear and trembling (Php2:12; 1Pe1:17).
While to fear or revere means to respect or honor as for
A highly esteemed person, such as a benevolent king,
To the fearless children today who have no one to fear,
It is a word that is difficult to even explain.
The Bible is a book that teaches to revere God (Dt4:10).
For the fear of God is the beginning of knowledge and wisdom (Pr1:7; Ps111:10),
The result is blessings, reward, healing, deliverance from enemies,
Written in the book of life etc (Ps112:1; He11:18; 2Ki17:39; Mal3:16, 4:2).
After men die, their spirit cannot escape hell (Mt25:41) for
Their ancestor Adam was deceived by the devil and ate the forbidden fruit (Ge3:4-6).
The devil is the archangel who fearlessly attempted to be like God in the spiritual heaven (Is14:12-15)
Thus contained in Hades until the great day of judgement (2Pe2:4; Jude1:6).
When warned about a deluge, Noah built an ark and saved his family for
His fear of God brought salvation (He11:7);
Following the instructions, Abraham gave his only son as a burnt sacrifice and
His fear of God was acknowledged by God and he became a blessing (Ge12:2, 22:1-18);
His descendants who knew “the God of Abraham, the Fear of Isaac” (Ge31:42)
Revealed themselves as those who fear God (Ge42:18);
Israel who experienced the exodus and the Red Sea (Ex14:31) became
The people who fear (worship) God (Ac13:16).
The various works from God in their history, that is,
Miracles, the Law, the commands, the covenant, the sacrifices for forgiveness, curses etc

(Jos4:24; Dt4:10; Lev25:17; Ps25:14, 112:1, 130:4; Jer2:19) were
All tools to teach them to fear Jehovah and
The sanctuary was the mechanism for them to remember for generations (Ps5:7).
Following the prophecy, He who has the Spirit of the fear of the LORD resting on Him and
Delights in the fear of the LORD appeared (Is11:2-3):
Yeshua who received the Holy Spirit and began His public life (Mt3:16).
He said, “Destroy this temple and I will raise it again in three days,” because
Through the death and the resurrection of the temple of His body (Jn2:19-21),
Not in fear but in delight, not in the name of Jehovah but in the Father’s name of Yeshua (Jn5:43),
He would serve with His body — for which God came as man (Jn1:1, 14).
His fear of the Father led Him to boldly carry the cross and
As He died, He said, “It is finished” (Jn19:30), declaring that:
1)     The Son died according to the command and revealed His reverence for the Father (Jn10:18), and the Father received His soul and saved the Son from Hades (Ac10:35; He5:7);
2)     He judged the arrogant devil (Is14:12-15; 1Jn3:8); and
3)     With His redeemed blood, He forgave all mankind and let them revere the Lord (Ps130:4).
By His reverence He entered heaven and sat on the throne, and
He eternally receives praises from those who fear Him.
The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of the fear of the Lord who lets believers delight in the fear of the Lord:
1)     Yeshua Christ — the King of kings (Rev19:16);
2)     The word of Yeshua — the word of the Judge (Jn12:48);
3)     The Church — His body the Church (Col1:24);
4)     The pastor — the overseer appointed by the Holy Spirit (Jdg13:5; 1Sa26:11; 2Ki2:23-24; Ac20:28); and
5)     Saints — the children of God born in His precious blood (Eph5:31).
The men of faith, such as Elijah, Peter, Cornelius, Paul etc were
All those whose fear of the Lord was exceptional.
O Lord,
Please know this one thing.
You know that I fear You.
Save me and my Church (2Ki4:1-7)!