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The Chariot of Salvation
(Hab3:8-13; 2Pe3:7-13)
God is the Lord of promise.
He is not slow in keeping His promise (2Pe3:9) and
His salvation will not be delayed (Is46:13).
Faith is embracing His promise and waiting and
The life of this faith is, on the day called, “Today,” cherishing time (Col4:5; He3:13), so
After a lifetime is over, ride the chariot of salvation faster than light (Job21:13; Ps90:9; Hab3:8-9, 11),
And escape the burning universe (2Pe3:8-9).
While both warfare and business can be said to be a battle of speed in modern times,
As without speed you cannot survive,
The Bible speaks of the swift word of God (Ps147:15) for
On the last day when He commands all things which He created by His word to burn
Light which is the fastest among them will also be destroyed (2Pe3:7, 12).
The history of the Bible shows that God is not slow in keeping His promise:
Seven days after Noah entered the ark which he made for 70 years, the flood came (Ge7:4) and
The whole world was deluged and destroyed (2Pe3:6);
As the angels warned Lot with the coming of dawn (Ge19:15)
When the sun had risen over the land,
Burning sulfur rained down on Sodom and Gomorrah (Ge19:23-24);
As God promised Abraham, at the end of the 430 years, to the very day (Ge15:13; Ex12:41),
His descendants Israel without delay left Egypt and remembering this for generations to come
They observed the Festival of Unleavened Bread (Ex12:17. 39).
While the power of God came on Elijah and he ran ahead of the horse (1Ki18:45-46) and
His disciple Elisha called the chariot of fire, “the chariots of Israel” (2Ki2:12),
The sanctuary reminded them that the name of Jehovah is the chariots of Israel (Ps68:17).
In spite of it, however, they did not trust in Jehovah but rather
Relied on the chariots and the horses of Egypt (Is31:1), because of which troubles came to them.
Nevertheless, the prophets said that if they turned from their ways and cried out
The salvation of Jehovah will not be delayed (Is46:13) and
Faster than the sun and the moon, the chariots of salvation will come (Hab3:8-13).
What bewildered Israel who were waiting for the Messiah coming on chariots was
What Yeshua who claimed himself to be Christ, who came riding on a colt (Lk23:2; Jn12:14) said:
“Destroy this temple and I will raise it again in three days,” because
Through the death and the resurrection of the temple of His body (Jn2:19-21),
Not in the name of Jehovah but in the Father’s name of Yeshua (Jn5:43),
He would become the chariot of salvation for not only Israel but the souls of all nations for
The Word swifter than light became flesh and came (Ps147:15; Jn1:1, 14).
As such, during His public life He did the work of the Father who sent Him.
As He died, He said, “It is finished” (Jn19:30), declaring that He:
1) Committed His soul into the hands of the Father, the chariot of His salvation (Lk23:46);
2) Judged the devil, the origin of sin (1Jn3:8); and
3) Sprinkled His redeeming blood on the souls of all men (Eph1:7; He12:24).
He resurrected and He is the Lamb seated on the throne (Rev5:9).
He swears to those who believe Him that without delay He will take them (Jn14:3; Rev10:6),
Thus, on the wicked servants who say the master is staying away a long time, and
On those who are slow to believe (Mt24:48; Lk24:25), the day of destruction will come suddenly.
The man of the Spirit who believes that He who is coming will come and will not delay
Does not miss spiritual opportunities (Mt4:20, 21:3) and
Does not waste his greatest asset, time (Col4:5) and
Runs with the church (Jn6:56; 2Ti4:7).
When the Groom Christ returns riding on a white horse (Rev19:11),
He longs to be taken up with the pure bride the church (Rev21:2, 9)
To be raptured into the air in a flower carriage (1Th4:16-17).
O Lord,
For in just a little while, the One who is coming will come so
Help me endure any illness, hardship or persecution.
From now on, let me not waste a single moment.
Let me run on the side of the word of the Lord and
When my soul leaves my body,
Let me ride the chariot of my salvation and escape the universe! Amen.