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The Day of Salvation

God is the beginning and the end (Rev1:7, 22:13).
Through Him all things began and through Him all things end.
By grace He saves those who have turned back (Is45:22).
Faith is acknowledging Him and
The life of this faith is knowing the rest of one’s earthly life as the day of salvation (1Pe4:2) and
Living for the salvation of my soul for
When the Lord of faith Yeshua Christ was in the flesh
He obeyed the Father and became the source of eternal salvation (He5:7-9).
During the creation of heavens and the earth, God created the light first (Ge1:3) and
He created day and night, seasons, days, and years (Ge1:14),
Revealing that all things that began with time will end with time (Ge1:5, 31).
Thus, those who believe in creation ought to believe in the end.
The schedule of God that was decided before the creation was:
The Era of Deity-consciousness (Adam—Noah); the Era of Sacrifice (Noah—Moses); the Era of
the Law (Moses—Yeshua); the Era of Grace (the Holy Spirit—the second coming); the Millennium (the second coming—the Millennium); and the Great Judgment.
•       The Era of Deity-consciousness: began to be conscious of God without commandments;
•       The Era of Sacrifice: established a relationship with God through basic blood commandments and sacrifice;
•       The Era of the Law: established a covenant with God through 613 points of commandments and sacrifice centering days, months, seasons and years (Lev23:2-24; Gal4:10);
God commanded Israel to build the sanctuary so
They remember Jehovah who delivered them from their slavery of 430 years.
However, as they lived among the gentiles in Canaan, they forgot God’s grace, for which
The prophets warned them that the day of the LORD is near (Joel1:15) and that
When He comes He will destroy (Ob1:15),
But also He prepared a sacrifice and consecrated those He invited (Zeph1:7).
Yeshua said, “Destroy this temple and I will raise it again in three days,” because
Through the death and the resurrection of the temple of His body (Jn2:19-20),
Not in the name of Jehovah but in the Father’s name of Yeshua (Jn5:43)
He would end the era where they kept the seasons and their flesh is saved and
Begin a new era where souls will use their time in flesh to be saved for
The Word who is before time and after time (Jn1:1-3, 8:58)
Came as the Son of Man to redeem souls.
As such, He intentionally did what was forbidden on the Sabbath (Lk13:10-14; Jn5:8-9)
To show that He is the Lord of the Sabbath, of all times (Mk2:28).
He prophesied the end of the Temple of Jerusalem and of the world (Lk21:27-28) and
Died according to His own prophecy (Mt16:21) and said, “It is finished” (Jn19:30), declaring that He:
1)     To receive everlasting life willingly laid down the finite breath of the Son of Man (Jn10:17-18);
2)     Judged the devil who forgot that he is a creature (Is14:12-15; 1Jn3:8); and
3)     By grace redeemed all mankind (Eph1:7).
He resurrected and ascended to the heavenly throne and
The dispensation regarding the Son was completed.
He sent the Holy Spirit for it is now the time for
The souls redeemed by His blood to complete salvation, that is, the Era of Grace (2Co6:1-2).
The Christian is he who knows that his soul was redeemed by His precious blood.
Therefore, for His grace to not go in vain, he is always awake and sober and
To prepare for the day of the Lord that will come like a thief in the night (1Th5:1-6)
He does not live the rest of his earthly life for evil human desires (1Pe4:2),
Does not delay and does whatever given duty (He10:37).
Not becoming lazy (He6:12), he preaches in season or out of season (2Ti4:2) for
A day called “this day,” will be
The day of salvation of my soul and
The day of salvation of the souls given to me.
O Lord,
God’s dispensation does not delay and
At this point now, there is only time left for the Lord to come!
Time is leaving my body moment by moment…
Let me not waste a single moment!
Let me use it to save my own soul and the souls given to me!  Amen.