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The Faith That Saves
(Mt9:20-22; Ac14:8-10)
God is omniscient.
He knows everyone’s heart (Lk16:15; Ac1:24, 15:8) and
He saves those who have the heart to believe (Mt9:21-22; 2Co4:13).
Faith is having the heart of faith, the faith to be saved and
The life of this faith is not doubting in the heart and continuing to obey (Mk11:23).
While the heart is not a being or a spirit, it is different for each person and
Its origin is still debated as whether genetics or the environment.
Nevertheless, the Bible says the thought enters and moves the heart (Jn13:2), and
The thought comes from the heart (Mk7:21).
The devil deceived mankind to accompany him to hell (Ge3:4-6; Mt25:41), which was
To keep them from believing to be saved
By taking away the word from their hearts (Lk8:12).
As such, he deceived Adam to disobey the commandment regarding the fruit (Ge2:17).
For every inclination of the thoughts of the human heart was only evil all the time (Ge6:5-6),
All men but Noah and his family were destroyed by a deluge.
In spite of that, however, the wickedness of men continued even after (Ge8:21).
The great work of the exodus of Israel out of their slavery in Egypt was given to
Moses who was very humble, more humble than anyone else on the face of the earth (Nu12:3) and
By faith he carried it out (He11:24-28).
But the people of Israel who were saved from Egypt were all destroyed
During the 40 years in the wildness (Jude1:5) because of
Their evil heart of unbelief — a hardened heart — disobedience (He3:12-19).
While the temple which reminded them that,
“Jehovah = the God who saves the upright in heart” (Ps7:10), was there,
For they did not believe in God and trust in His deliverance (Ps78:21-22)
They could not escape the curse on their people and their nation (Jer4:14).
Yeshua said, “Destroy this temple and I will raise it again in three days,” because
Through the death and the resurrection of the temple of His body (Jn2:19-21),
Not in the name of Jehovah but in the Father’s name of Yeshua (Jn5:43),
Not untrustworthy humans but the Son of God will save for
He is gentle and humble in His heart (Mt11:29).
He immediately saved the sick who had the believing heart (Mt9:20-22)
But rebuked those with hardened-hearts (Mt12:34, 13:15).
As He died, He said, “It is finished” (Jn19:30), declaring that He:
1) To the Father who saves the meek (Ps76:9) committed His life by faith (Jn10:18; Php2:6-11);
2) Judged the devil who was proud in his heart (Is14:12-15; Eze28:17; 1Jn3:8); and
3) Sprinkled His redeeming blood on all men to be received by faith (Eph1:7; He12:24).
He resurrected, ascended to the heavenly throne and He is the Lamb (Rev5:9),
For the meek inherits a new heaven and a new earth (Mt5:5; Rev21:1).
The Holy Spirit comes to believers (Rm10:9) and
Lets them have the heart of Yeshua — that is, gentle and humble/ like little children/ the pure hearted/ the believing
heart (Php2:5; Mt18:3-4; Ac2:46; 2Co4:13).
He lets them remain true to the Lord and to His church with all their hearts (Ac11:23), and
Open wide their hearts and gain souls (2Co6:13)
To have the faith that saves (Ac14:9),
For the evil heart of unbelief — the hardened-heart/ the doubtful/ the unrepentant/ the proud/ the double-minded —
will not be saved in the end (Jas1:6-8; Jude1:5).
O Lord,
Me? Once stubborn, hard-headed, impatient, vicious, heartless, narrow-minded, arrogant, greedy…
Only now with a believing heart I have come before You…
Cover me with the blood of Yeshua.
With the gentle and humble heart of the Lord
Let me embrace souls and
Let us all be saved in the end! Amen.