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The Faithful God
(Dt7:9-10; He13:20-21)

God is faithful.
All His commands are trustworthy (Ps119:86) and
To those who keep them, He keeps His covenant for a thousand generations (Ps89:34, 105:8).

Faith is believing Him, that He has the power to do what He promised (Nu23:19; Rm4:21) and
The life according to this faith is clinging to the covenant of God and telling the world about His
faithfulness (Is38:19), as all nations, families and societies are built on and sustained by covenants.

The Bible is the record of God’s covenants and His fulfillments.
Noah believed in God’s covenant and did everything just as He commanded, by which
He and his family were saved from the deluge that destroyed all men (Ge6:17-22);
The covenant that the childless Abram made with God (Ge15:18) was about His seed/proliferation,
Offspring/many kings, land/inheritance, and that God would be their God (Ge17:2-11).
Following the covenant, Abraham’s descendants Israel left Egypt after 430 years of slavery (Ex12:41)
Coming out with great possessions (Ge15:14; Ex12:36).

The Law received by Israel was the Book of the Covenant
Guaranteed by the blood of bulls (Ex24:7-8), which promised that
They were the treasured possession of Jehovah, a kingdom of priests and a holy people (Ex19:5-6).
As such, they marched with the ark of the covenant going ahead of them,
Drying up the Jordan and crushing the city of Jericho and
Finally conquering the promised land of Canaan.

However, the peace of the “city of promised peace” of Jerusalem could not be found.
Rather, it became an object of mockery for the tragedy of endless wars and destruction (Jer22:8)
Because they did not keep God’s covenant (Ps78:10).

Yeshua said, “Destroy this temple and I will raise it again in three days,” because
Through the death and the resurrection of the temple of His body (Jn2:19-21),
Not in the name of Jehovah but in the Father’s name Yeshua (Jn5:43),
He would make a new covenant with not only Abraham’s flesh and blood
But also the souls of all nations (Eph3:6)
Guaranteed by not the blood of animals but His own blood (Mt26:28; He12:24).

As He died, He said, “It is finished” (Jn19:30), declaring that He:
1) Believed the Father’s promise of giving His life back so kept the Father’s command to death (Jn10:17-18);
2) Judged the devil who sowed the seed of doubt in Adam (Ge3:4-6; Mt13:38); and
3) The Word in the beginning, the God of covenant, came in the flesh (Jn1:1-2, 14), and
through His death paid the price of sin for all men to forgive those who receive the sprinkling of the blood of the covenant, the mediator of a new covenant (Mt26:28).

The Father through the blood of the eternal covenant brought Him back from the dead (He13:20),
For while in the flesh He offered up prayers and petitions in fervent cries and tears
To the One who could save Him from death (He5:7).
He sat down on the heavenly throne and He is called the Ark of God’s covenant (Rev11:19).

The promised Holy Spirit came
To those who received the blood of His eternal covenant (Ac2:33, He13:20),
Born again in the Spirit of adoption, the children of promise (Rm8:15; Gal4:28).

In order to be taken up to the Father’s house on the day the Lord returns (Jn14:3),
The Christian clings to prayer according to Christ’s law (1Co9:21) for
He believes in His covenant that whatever is asked in Yeshua name, Yeshua will do (Jn14:13-14).

1) Confess — repenting one’s weaknesses and receiving forgiveness (Ac8:22);
2) Ask — using the authority of children, the right to claim.
The Lord’s Prayer — the format — “this is how you should pray” (Mt6:9):
• The receiver of prayer — the Father in heaven;
• The purpose of prayer — for the glory of the Father;
• The content of prayer — for the Father’s kingdom, for His will to be done in me etc.

1) To live a day not ashamed of the bread He gave (Mt6:31-33; Jn4:34);
2) For wisdom (Jas1:5); 3) For gifts to fulfill given duties (1Co14:12);
3) For a door for evangelism to open (Col4:3); and 4) For the needs of the brothers (Eph6:18).

O Lord,
Give us the Spirit of repentance. Give us the Spirit of prayer.
The most excellent faith that relies on not luck but only prayer (Mk9:29)!
Let us absolutely cling to Your covenant and
When You return, let us all be taken up to the promised land, the Father’s house! Amen.