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The God of Life
(Nu27:16; Jn11:25-27)

God is the God of life (Ps42:8; Ac3:15).
In Him is life and from Him comes life (Jn1:1-4; Ps36:9), and
He gives life to those who want to live (Jn10:10).

Faith is believing Him and having a living hope (1Pe1:3) and
The life of this faith is putting effort to receive eternal life through the resurrection to life when the life
Christ appears, even if one loses his life (Jn5:29, 12:25).

Life refers to the quality that allows living organisms to live, breath and move.
While the advancement of science has extended human longevity,
Life still flies away and ends with a moan (Ps90:9-10; Jas4:14) for
No flesh can escape the principle to die once (He9:27).

Life according to the Bible is:
1) That never perishes, spoils or fades away (1Pe1:4);
2) In God, the Word, the Son, Yeshua (Jn1:1-4, 5:26, 14:6); and
3) Sustained by eating the Word of God (Mt4:4).

Adam, the living being, was given plants and fruits as food for the flesh, and
The word of God as food for the spirit.
Deceived by the devil, however, he ate the forbidden fruit (Ge2:17, 3:4-6) and
As a result all men died in their spirit (Rm5:12; 1Co15:22),
Destined to be judged as the dead (Rev12:13), risen to be condemned (Jn5:29), and
Thrown into the eternal fire, the second death, the lake of fire (Mt25:41; Rev20:13-14).

During the time of Noah, by a deluge God destroyed
All creatures that had the breath of life (Ge6:17) and
Showed that breath was the life of the flesh (Job7:7).
The sanctuary where the name Jehovah, the God who gives breath to all living things (Nu16:22) was
Reminded that the life of the flesh is in the blood (Lev17:11) and so
Anyone who ate blood was put to death (Lev17:14).

The Law was the covenant of life, the living words (Mal2:5; Ac7:38):
It promised Israel a long life when they obeyed and death when they disobeyed (Ex20:12, 31:14);
It also allowed those who killed unintentionally to live by
Fleeing to the cities refuge (Nu35:11-28; Dt4:42).

Yeshua said, “Destroy this temple and I will raise it again in three days,” because
Through the death and the resurrection of the temple of His body (Jn2:19-21),
He would tear down the Law that Israel kept in the name Jehovah for a long life, and
The Son of Man would keep the Father’s command and give eternal life to all nations for
He is the Word in the beginning, the God of life who came in the flesh (Jn1:1, 4, 14).
He is the life, the bread of life for souls of all men (Jn6:48, 14:6; 1Jn1:1-2).

As He died, He said, “It is finished” (Jn19:30), declaring that:
1) He died according to the Father’s command and confessed that the Father is the Lord of life
who would give His life back (Ps21:4; Jn10:18);
2) Through His death He judged the ruler of death the devil (He2:14); and
3) The incarnation of the Word, that is, the Son of Man coming in the flesh that dies
shedding blood, was to pay the price of all men’s sins and shed His blood to give life (1Pe1:23), and
Be resurrected becoming the Lord of life (Ac3:15).
This was the purpose of God creating death, life, angels...height and all things (Rm8:38-39).

Ascended to heaven, He is the Lamb who was dead but now He is alive forevermore (Rev1:18).
To freely give the water of life without a price
The Holy Spirit calls souls to the Church (Jn7:38-39; Rev22:17).

The Christian is he who has the blood of Yeshua in his soul (1Jn5:12), that is,
His name is written in the book of life (Rev20:12-15), so he:
1) Sets his mind on spiritual things above and finds life and peace (Rm8:6; Col3:1-2);
2) Gives off the fragrance of the blood of this life (2Co2:14-16);
3) Loves souls and thus knows that he has passed from death to life (1Jn3:14);
4) Keeps his tongue from evil and only speaks the words of life (Ac5:20; 1Pe3:10);
5) To go to the tree of life, rids what is unclean and detestable (Rev21:27, 22:14-15); and
6) To manifest the life of Yeshua, daily takes up his own cross (2Co4:10-12) so that
When the Lord returns, he would resurrect to life and receive a spiritual body (1Co15:42-44).

O Lord,
The purpose of my life is eternal life and
The goal of my life is the resurrection to life, the first resurrection (Rev20:4-6).
Until the blood of Yeshua in me grows to resurrect to life
Let me die daily and obey Your word.
Like medics who even treat their enemies, let us all do this most honorable work —
Preaching the words of life even to our enemies! Amen.