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The Horn of Salvation
(Ex27:1-8; 1Jn4:7-10)
God is love (1Jn4:7-10).
His nature is love and
By giving His only begotten Son He reveals His love.
He takes those who through their own sacrifice reveal His love to the kingdom of His beloved Son,
to serve Him face to face (Rev22:3-4).
Faith is acknowledging Him and being moved by His love.
The life of this faith is living for Him who died for me, sustaining the first love until the end (2Co5:14-15; Rev2:4).
The first impression is always important because it is the beginning of any relationship.
The Bible tells of the love of God who gave
His only begotten Son as an atoning sacrifice and saved mankind (Jn3:16; 1Jn4:10).
In the beginning, God decided whom He would love and that was man, the living being (Ge2:7).
Adam, the ancestor of mankind, was deceived by the devil and sinned (Ge3:4-6; 2Pe2:19), and
All men became enemies of God, bound for hell with the devil (Mt25:41).
The Israelites who had been slaves for 400 years were able to leave Egypt overnight
Because of the shocking event of countless lambs dying in their place (Ex12:3; Nu1:45-46) and
Their blood put on the doorframe stopped the death of their firstborns.
The LORD’s Passover (Ex12:1-14, 29, 42) was the beginning of the kingdom of Israel,
The beginning of a new year, the beginning of the feasts (Ex12:14).
To remind this for generations, God commanded them to build the Tabernacle.
The first impression of the Tabernacle were the altar of burn offering which had
A horn at each of the four corners (Ex27:1-8),
The flames that burned the pieces of the sacrifice, the splashed blood etc (Ex29:10-18),
So it might have felt more repulsive than sacred.
Yet the horns of the altar symbolize the defensive horns of herbivores and
Also the horns of salvation for sinners who held on to them and were saved (Ps18:2; 1Ki1:50).
The repeated destruction of the Temple of Jerusalem was because
The heart of Israel had left Jehovah and
The LORD rejected the altar and abandoned the sanctuary (La2:7).
Yeshua said, “Destroy this temple and I will raise it again in three days,” because
Through the death and the resurrection of the temple of His body (Jn2:19-20),
Not in the name of Jehovah but in the Father’s name of Yeshua (Jn5:43),
Not an animal but He Himself would become an atoning sacrifice (Jn1:29), that is,
Become a horn of salvation on which His blood would be put (Lk1:67).
Intentionally He was caught in the trap of death (Ge22:13; Jn10:18), and
As He died, He said, “It is finished” (Jn19:30), declaring that He:
1) Was moved by the Father’s love that gave His life as a ransom for many, fulfilling the Father’s plan to become the Redeemer from the beginning (Is63:16; Mt20:28, 27:46; 1Jn4:9);
2) Judged the separator the devil (Ge3:4-6; 1Jn3:8); and
3) Let all men drink His blood and be drunk with His blood (Zec9:15; Mt26:27).
He resurrected and ascended to heaven.
He is the Lamb on the throne and He is the altar (Rev16:7),
The first impression of heaven who has the marks of being slain.
The Holy Spirit lets the souls who have
Put the blood of Yeshua on the tablets of their hearts, the horns of their altars (Jer17:1),
Hold on to the horn of salvation, that is, the Church bought with the blood of Yeshua.
The Christian has the first impression of Yeshua hanging on the cross, that is,
He knows that his own sin engraved with an iron tool inscribed with a flint point
Pierced the body of Yeshua (Jer17:1).
Therefore, he is moved by the love of God that sent His Son to die in his place and
By that shock, by his first love,
He overcomes any trouble, hardship, persecution, famine, nakedness, danger or sword (Rm8:35).
As Christ’s ambassador, he goes out to the world to preach Christ’s love (2Co5:20), and
Lives for Him who died for him (2Co5:15),
Carrying out whatever duty, position, dedication and
Never letting go of the horn of salvation to death.
O Lord,
Yeshua hanging on the cross…
My sins pierced You and killed You!
Let me be drunk with Your love and
Overcome poverty, suffering, tests, persecutions.
Let me take up my cross and follow You to the end! Amen.