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The Signs of Salvation
(Mk16:16-20; He2:1-4)

God is the great God (Ps95:3).
Through signs and wonders He makes His might known (Ps77:11-13) and
He saves those who call on His great name (1Sa12:22) and
Confirms salvation by following signs (Ac2:21-22).
Faith is believing this and
The life of this faith is daily calling the name of Yeshua and having the signs following His name, Being confirmed of the salvation of my soul (Mk16:16-20).
While Christianity seeks mystery it rejects mysticism.
As a sign is not the actual form but the substance (He11:1),
Through signs the invisible God reveals His existence and power.
On the night of the Passover when God struck every firstborn of Egypt
Death passed over every home that put the blood of lamb on its doorframe
Following God’s instructions and
That blood became the sign for Israel (Ex12:13).
Moses took the staff of God in his hand and led the people (Ex4:20)
By performing wonder and signs in Egypt, at the Red Sea and
For 40 years in the wilderness (Ac7:36).
However, the staff placed inside the Most Holy Place was Aaron’s (Nu17:8-10) for
The One who alone does marvelous deeds is
Jehovah, the God of Israel (Ps72:18, 86:10).
The man of God, Elijah, cried out the name of Jehovah and
Brought down rain and also fire (1Ki18:1-46).
Elisha who asked for a double portion of Elijah’s spirit and received (2Ki2:1-14)
Also did many miracles and wonders (2Ki4:20, 5:6-14).
In spite of this history, Israel became cursed for
They forgot what the LORD had done, the wonders He had shown (Ps78:11), and
They did not obey the commandments to sanctify themselves (Jos3:5).
Yeshua said, “Destroy this temple and I will raise it again in three days,” because
Through the death and the resurrection of the temple of His body (Jn2:19-21),
Not in the name of Jehovah but in the Father’s name of Yeshua (Jn5:43),
He will let not just a specific people but anyone who believes experience signs (Mk16:17).
From the time He began His public life until completing it (Mt4:23-24),
He daily performed signs and wonders (Lk13:32) and
It was for them to believe the sign of Jonah, that is, that
He would die but be raised in three days (Mt12:38-39).
As He died, He said, “It is finished” (Jn19:30), declaring that He:
1)     Trusted the power of the Father who could save Him from Sheol (Jnh2:6) and laid down His life (Jn10:17-18);
2)     By His death judged the ruler of death, the devil (He2:14; 1Jn3:8); and
3)     With His redeeming blood opened the way to salvation for all (Eph1:7).
His resurrection testifies that He is greater than Jonah (the prophets) (Mt12:41) and
He is the Lamb on the heavenly throne who has the marks of being slain but raised back to life, and
He reigns forever (Rev5:9).
The Holy Spirit gives believers the signs of salvation (Mk16:16-17),
Driving out demons in the name of Yeshua, speaking in tongues, laying hand on the sick etc.
The signs following the preaching of the disciples and the apostles caused
The gospel to spread quickly (Ac2:21-22, 3:2-10) and
The early church risked their lives and prayed for evidence and signs (Ac4:29-31).
For the gospel and salvation are confirmed by signs (Mk16:16-20; He2:1-4),
The Christian until death is sanctified (Jos3:5),
Always prays (Mk9:29) and
No matter what, chooses the miracle in the name of Yeshua (Mt14:28-29).
O Lord,
Am I truly a saved soul?
Am I confident that I will not go to hell after I die?
Only if I could be confirmed while I am alive…
Let me pray in the name of Yeshua, drive out demons, heal, receive answers and
Have them as the signs of the salvation of my soul!  Amen.