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The Source of Salvation
God is the source of all things (He2:10).
All things are by Him, through Him and for Him and
For Himself He saves (Ps98:1).
Faith is acknowledging this and
The life of this faith is, for my soul to be saved, daily dying to self and following the Lord (Lk9:23).
To understand a phenomenon or event
It is important to dig into the root.
The Bible explains the root of sin, humanity's greatest misfortune, is
Not Adam, but Satan, the devil (1Jn3:8).
While Adam passed the blame to Eve, and Eve to the serpent,
Only the serpent was given a life-time punishment (Ge3:11-15) for
The sin of the created with a dual will is the abuse of will (Is14:12-15; Eze28:15).
Nevertheless, the salvation of mankind who sinned deceived by the devil would
Come from God (Ps121:1-2).
As the journey of Israel into Egypt was by Jehovah (Ge15:13; Ps105:17),
The exodus of Israel out of Egypt was also accomplished by Jehovah.
The physical, real and temporary salvation of Israel (Ex12:27, 14:13-14, 30; Nu10:9) was
Achieved by Moses, Joshua, the judges, the prophets, the kings etc.
The sanctuary, however, reminded them that salvation comes only from Jehovah (Jnh2:9).
Israel forgot this and sinned.
But the more defeats and downfalls came as a result,
The more they longed for the appearance of the Messiah from Bethlehem as prophesied
For His origins are from everlasting (Mi5:2).
Yeshua came said, “Destroy this temple and I will raise it again in three days,” because
Through the death and the resurrection of the temple of His body (Jn2:19-21),
Not in the name of Jehovah but in the Father’s name of Yeshua (Jn5:43),
He will become not physical, real, temporary salvation for Israel but
But the source of eternal salvation for souls (He5:9) for
The Word in the beginning through whom all things were made (Jn1:1-3; Col1:16)
Came as man, that is, to die (Mt20:28).
When He was in the flesh,
He gave reverent submission to the Father who could save Him from death (He5:7-9).
As He died, He said, “It is finished” (Jn19:30), declaring that He, to receive back His life:
1) Willingly obeyed the Father’s command to die (Jn10:17-18);
2) Through death judged the ruler of death (He2:14); and
3) Became the Captain of salvation through the suffering of His death (He2:9-10).
He resurrected and ascended to heaven, and
He is the Lamb who has the eternal scars of dying and coming back to life (Rev1:5, 2:8),
To become the eternal source of salvation to those who obey Him (He5:9).
The Holy Spirit who came in the name of Yeshua reveals that
The source of salvation is death (He5:9),
The root of baptism is death (Lk12:50),
The history of worship is death (Ge4:3-8, 22:12; Ps17:15),
Gathering, the basis of the Church is death (Mt18:20; Ac4:29; Col1:24), and
Witnessing is martyrdom.
The Christian who received death as commandment (Lk9:23)
Daily dies to himself (1Co15:31),
Puts to death the flesh with its passions and desires (Gal5:24).
He is crucified to the world (Gal6:14) and
Faithful to the point of death and carries out his service (2Co4:10; 1Ti1:12; Rev2:10).
O Lord,
I am who received death as commandment!
The cross was the commandment I received this day.
Let my emotions, temper, ego all die.
Let me put to death all my desires, negativity, selfish desires, lust, greed, and pleasure.
The world has been crucified to me, and I to the world.
Let me daily die so I may live! Amen.