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The Tower of Salvation
(2Sa22:1-4; Jn13:18-19)

God is omniscient.
He is who was and is and is to come (Rev1:8), and
He knows the things of the past and the things of the future.
Faith is acknowledging Him and
The life of this faith is living to prepare for the day when one will stand before Him,
Overcoming forewarned trials and not falling from steadfastness, becoming a trumpeter of salvation.
A high tower can be seen far away.
By foreseeing what is to come
It plays a decisive role in weather forecast, war preparation etc.
The Bible is written of what was before the creation and what is to come.
It is a book about God being the hight tower (2Sa22:3).
For Hades is the lowest point from the spiritual heaven (Is14:15), and
Since Adam the ancestor of all men was deceived by the devil and sinned (Ge2:17, 3:4-6),
Though they have eyes, men could not see (Ps135:16) and
After they die, their souls will not escape Hades,
The tower of salvation is absolutely needed.
For God became the eyes to the blind (Job29:15),
He showed men the way that they could not see before:
To the Israelites who by the blood of lamb left Egypt
A road in the middle of the sea, a spring in the wilderness, the fall of Jericho etc.
The book of the wars of Israel is filled with
Incidents of occupying their enemy’s tower, fleeing to the tower etc (Jdg8:17).
The sanctuary reminded them, “Jehovah = the fortified tower” (Pr18:10; Ps61:3):
Tower — watchman — trumpet — warn — prepare (Eze33:1-9).
For the prophets were watchmen, foreseers who warned on behalf of the LORD (Eze33:7),
They reported what they saw (Is21:6) and
Declared the word of God (Eze33:1).
In spite of it, however, the fall of Israel came because of
The false prophets who were blind and mute (Is56:10-11) and
The people who did not listen to the warning of the prophets (Jer6:17).
Yeshua said, “Destroy this temple and I will raise it again in three days,” because
Through the death and the resurrection of the temple of His body (Jn2:19-21),
Not in the name of Jehovah but in the Father’s name of Yeshua (Jn5:43),
Not by the prophets but He Himself would become the watchman (Mt11:13, 16:14).
As He foretold of the scattering of the disciples (Mt28:31), the betrayal of Judas (Jn13:18, 26-27),
His death, resurrection and return (Jn10:17-18, 14:3, 19),
He revealed that He is the One who was and is and is to come (Jn13:19; Rev1:8),
That is, the tower of salvation.
As He died, He said, “It is finished” (Jn19:30), declaring that He:
1)     Saw ahead His resurrection and laid down His life according to the command (Jn10:17-18);
2)     Judged the origin of sin, the devil (1Jn3:8); and
3)     Sprinkled His redeeming blood so the souls of all men can hear the sound of the trumpet.
He resurrected and ascended to heaven and He is the Lamb on the throne,
The tower of salvation who has seven eyes (Rev5:6).
The Holy Spirit whom He sent says clearly to the churches (1Ti4:1; Rev2-3),
As the King of kings Yeshua Christ said (Jn12:48; Rev19:16),
The day when He will judge the living and the dead, the righteous and the wicked (Ac24:15; 2Ti4:1) is
Very near (Rm13:11; Rev1:3, 7).
Therefore, Christian is he who readies as the Lord forewarned (Mt10:16).
He is not surprised at the fiery ordeal that comes on him to test him (Mt10:16; 1Pe4:12),
Does not get carried away by the error of the lawless and fall from his secure position (2Pe3:17), and
Becomes a trumpeter of salvation who awakens the sleeping souls (2Ti4:2).
O Lord,
For the tower of salvation = God = Yeshua Christ = the Holy Spirit = the Church = saints,
No matter how lonely, isolating or persecuted,
Let us all become trumpeters of salvation and awaken the sleeping world! 
Holy Spirit, awaken my soul!  Amen.