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The Word of Salvation

God is the Lord of heaven and earth (Mt11:25).
He sends out His word and rescues (Ps107:20) and
He commands His word and gives life (Jn12:50).
Faith is believing “the word of God = the word of eternal life = the word of salvation” and
The life of this faith is receiving His word as command and obeying (Nu23:20) for
Modern people do not want to listen to commands
At home, school or even in church.
But there is no exception for those who know themselves as souls.
The Word in the beginning is God (Jn1:2).
He gives the life in Him to creatures (Jn1:4)
Through the Word as command to those who obey His command (Jn12:50).
God commanded by word (Ge1:3) and created the whole world (He11:3).
The commandment regarding the fruit given to Adam who had dual will (Ge2:17) was
For the living being to obey.
However, the devil deceived him to commit the sin of disobedience (Ge3:4-6) and
All mankind became hell-bound with the devil (Mt25:41).
Israel was called a holy people (Ex19:6) for
They were the only people on earth who lived by the divine commandments.
The Ten Commandments, the decrees and laws that they received (Dt4:14),
Blessings, growth, prosperity etc (Nu23:20) were all commanded by Jehovah.
Those who broke His commands (Nu15:31) could not enter the promised land,
Even Moses (Nu20:12), and their days did not last long even in that land.
After repeated destruction, only a small number of Judah remained.
Before the temple where the name of Jehovah and the stone tablets of the testimony (Ex32:15) were
Yeshua said, “Destroy this temple and I will raise it again in three days,” shocking them
But through the death and the resurrection of the temple of His body (Jn2:19-21),
He would save not in the name of Jehovah but in the Father’s name of Yeshua (Jn5:43),
The souls who obey not the commandment of Moses but His word (Jn3:36, 12:49),
For He Himself is the incarnate Word of salvation (Jn1:14; Ac13:26) and
His words are the Father’s words, that is,
The words of eternal life (Jn6:68, 12:50), which raise the spirit to life (Jn6:63).
God said to listen to the words of not Moses or the prophets but the Son (Mt17:5) and
Even demons listened to His word and left trembling (Mk1:24-26).
As He died, He said, “It is finished” (Jn19:30), declaring that He:
1)     Fulfilled the Father’s commandment, the Prophets, the word of the Scriptures (Jn10:18; Ac13:27);
2)     Judged the liar, the devil (Ge3:4-6; Jn8:44); and
3)     Redeemed all men and gave the word of salvation as command (Eph1:7).
After He resurrected, Yeshua Christ seized all authorities of heaven and earth and
Commanded the disciples (Mt28:18-20).
The Holy Spirit whom He sent commands the believers (Ac1:2, 17:30).
Different from the angels whose proper position is life (Jude1:6),
The living being lives by obeying the word, that is,
As souls who drank the blood of Yeshua and were made alive
They submit to the word of salvation, that is,
The command of Christ who demands absolute submission to
Baptism, making disciples, the Holy Spirit, prayer, gathering, healing etc, a holy command (2Pe2:21).
If they receive the word, though spoken by humans,
As the command to bless, they are blessed (1Th2:13),
While a spirit of stupor and the ears that cannot hear would be curse (Rm11:8).
O Lord,
Let me and all You have given me
Hear what the Spirit says to the churches.
Even if they are spoken by the lips of humans,
Let us hear as the word of God.
Let the ears of our souls hear the word of the Lord as command and, obey and
Pick up our flesh and get up!
Ephphatha!  Ephphatha!  Open our ears!  Amen.


Sermon Trivia

1. According to the sermon, faith is believing ___ (Jn12:50, Ps107:20)
A. Word of God
B. Word of salvation
C. Word of eternal life
D. All of above


2. How does the life of faith for souls differ from that of modern people regarding commands? (Nu23:20)
A. They avoid commands
B. They follow the coddling culture
C. They obey God's word as a command
D. They resist authority


3. Jn1:4: In him was life, and the life was the light of men
What does "life" refer to in John 1:4?
A. Physical existence
B. Eternal life for souls
C. Youthfulness
D. Health and vitality


4. True/False: God created the whole world by his command (He 11:3, Ge1:1-28)


5. Why did Moses not enter the promising land? (Nu20:12)
A. He complained about no water
B. He was physically unable to make the journey
C. He was angry about Israelites
D. He disobeyed Jehovah's commands


6. Jn 12:47-48: “If anyone hears my words but does not keep them, I do not judge that person. For I did not come to judge the world, but to save the world. There is a judge for the one who rejects me and does not accept my words; the very words I have spoken will condemn them at the last day.
Who is the judge in John 12:48?
A. Moses
B. The prophets
C. The Word in the beginning
D. Demons


7. What does Jesus command the Christians? (Mt 28:89–20, Act 17:30)
A. To baptize and make disciples
B. To submit to the word of salvation
C. To repent and pray
D. All of the above


1. D 2.C 3.B 4.True 5.D 6.C 7.D