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The Holy Spirit Is With Us Forever
God is eternal.
From everlasting to everlasting He is (Ps90:2, 93:2) and
He will take the faithful in the land to dwell with Him forever (Ps101:6).
For eternity is not “long time” but rather “all times,”
Faith is longing for Him and for eternity (Ecc3:11) and
The life of this faith is being with the Holy Spirit every moment while living on earth.
The difference between being “with” and being “alone” is like night and day (Ecc4:11) for
All humans feel being alone as the most painful thing.
Yet at times, being alone may be better (Pr21:9) and
This is because, it was through the woman whom God made (Ge2:23)
Adam sinned (Ge3:12) and all men became hell-bound with the devil (Mt25:41).
God appeared to Abraham and promised him to be with his offspring (Ge12:7):
While Jacob was in the wilderness, God appeared in his dream and
Promised to always be with him (Ge26:28-29);
God was with Joseph and gave him success in whatever he did (Ge39:21-23);
He was with the mouth of Moses (Ex3:12, 4:15) who then
Led Israel out of Egypt and in the wildness for 40 years, and
The staff in his hand and his radiant face testified that God was with him (Ex32:28-29).
For God was with Joshua (Jos1:5), he conquered Canaan without fear (Dt31:6).
The sanctuary where the name of Jehovah was reminded them that, “the LORD is with us.”
When Israel obeyed God’s command, He was with them and they defeated their enemies;
But when they disobeyed, He was not with them and they were destroyed (Nu14:41-45).
Yeshua said, “Destroy this temple and I will raise it again in three days,” because
Through the death and the resurrection of the temple of His body (Jn2:19-21),
He would be with men forever (Jn14:16) for
He is the Word who was with God in the beginning (Jn1:1, 14, 18), who
Became Immanuel, “God with us” (Is7:14; Mt1:21-22),
For God was with men at times, while at other times He turned away from them (He8:9).
He performed signs for the Holy Spirit was with Him (Ac10:38).
Although many of His disciples turned back and no longer followed Him (Jn6:66),
Yeshua was never lonely or afraid for the Father never left Him alone (Jn8:16, 29, 16:32).
He willingly went to death in haste for
Only when the Son of Man goes to the Father, the Comforter would come (Jn16:7) and
Only when when the Comforter comes, He would be with believers forever (Jn14:16).
As He died, Yeshua said, “It is finished” (Jn19:30), declaring that He:
1) Was faithful to death and entrusted His soul to the Father, and was found as the faithful on the land (Ps101:6; Jn10:18; Php2:6-8);
2) Judged the devil, the divider (Ge3:4-6); and
3) Sprinkled His redeeming blood on souls to cleanse them to become a dwelling place with God (He9:13-14).
He resurrected and ascended to heaven:
He is in the Father (Jn14:20; Rev22:3), His blood is in the souls of believers, and
The Holy Spirit is eternally with the souls who have the blood of Yeshua (Mt28:20).
The man of the Spirit is he who
Does not walk in step with the wicked (Ps1:1) and not yoked with unbelievers (2Co6:14-15).
Even if he is alone he is never lonely, and in whatever situation he never fears (Rm8:35) for
Every moment of his life he lives with the Spirit of the Lord.
With the joy of His Spirit (Jn16:22-24),
He boldly testifies the gospel as signs accompany the word (Mk16:20; Ac2:33), and
Always keeps His commands and does what pleases Him (Jn8:29; 1Jn3:22) for
He longs to be taken up to the air and be with the Lord forever when He returns (1Th4:16-17).
O Lord,
Though I do not feel “God with us” with my senses and emotions,
I have the blood of Yeshua, the name of Yeshua…and the Spirit of Yeshua!
Let me and all You have given me live with the Spirit of the Lord every moment and
When You return, let us go to where You are and live with You forever! Amen.

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Born of the Spirit
God lives (Rev10:6).
He shows His living existence and person (Ps18:25) and
To those who show that He lives He will appear a second time to bring salvation (He9:28).
Faith is believing that He lives and
The life of this faith is being born of the Spirit (Jn3:7-8) and showing that He lives, because
If not, the world cannot know Him.
While a ghost is the person of a dead man and people fear its appearance,
The Holy Ghost is the Spirit of Jesus (Ac16:7), whose dwelling Christians long for.
The Bible contains the story of God showing
His mercy, justice, purity (Ps18:25), uprightness (Ps92:15) etc
At many times and in various ways (He1:1), that is,
Through the angels (Ge18:2), Moses (Ex3:2, 3:16-17, 4:1), and the prophets (Jer6:21; Am7:14-15).
Despite the fact the sanctuary revealed the majesty of Jehovah the living God (Ps68:34),
Israel became corrupted and thus fell to misery (Dt4:25).
Nevertheless the prophets spoke of the one coming to
Revive the Lord’s work (Hab3:2) of revealing the Father’s heart (Mal4:5-6).
Yesua said, “Destroy this temple and I will raise it again in three days,” because
Through the death and the resurrection of the temple of His body (Jn2:19-21),
He would show the existence and the person of God who is from the beginning (Jn1:1, 14),
Not through the angels or the prophets
But through the Son in the last day (Mt16:16; He1:1-2).
As such, with the heart of the Father, He had compassion on
The crowds of men and taught them many things (Mk6:34),
Healed the sick (Mt14:14), fed the hungry (Mt15:32) and
Wept with those who were grieving (Jn11:33-35).
But He rebuked the hidden unclean spirits and the Pharisees.
As He died, He said, “It is finished” (Jn19:30), declaring that He:
1) Showed His person who submits to the Father who lives (Lk22:42; Jn10:18; Php2:6-8);
2) Judged the devil, the origin of sin (1Jn3:8); and
3) Had compassion on all men and shed His redeeming blood on them (Lk23:34; Eph1:7).
He resurrected and sat on the heavenly throne and
The Holy Spirit whom He sent came
To bless those who have not seen yet believed (Jn20:29; 1Pe1:8).
As the Son submitted to the Father’s person
He lets believers submit to the person of the Holy Spirit
So they show that Yeshua Christ is living.
The Holy Spirit, invisible as the wind (Jn3:8),
Through the men born of the Spirit
Shows the existence and the person of the living Yeshua.
The man of the Spirit is he who
In the past was full of jealousy, envy, violence, malice, extravagance, pleasure-seeking,
Wicked habits, excessiveness — a selfish man,
But now has tossed everything like rubbish (Php3:7-8),
Striving to live a life of mercy, obedience, modesty, and dedication,
To show that Yeshua lives
Through his changed person and life,
For he longs to finally see the Lord face to face
When He will appear a second time to bring salvation (He9:28).
O Lord,
If unclean spirits possess the body and show their existence and person,
How much more if I am “possessed” by the Spirit of Yeshua?
Even if the world calls me crazy,
Let me show that Yeshua lives
Through my testimony and through my changed life.
Lord Yeshua, You live! You are alive! Amen!

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The Spirit of God Dwells in Holiness
God is holy (Lev11:45).
He dwells in the holy place (Is57:15) and
Meets with those who are holy and speaks to them (Ex25:22; He12:14).
Faith is believing that one has been made holy by Him (He10:10) and
The life of this faith is being holy in all one does, just as the One who called him is holy (1Pe1:15-16).
Holiness refers to being set apart, different, and clean
Having no flaw, spot, stain, wrinkle or uncleanness.
The Bible indicates that the most unclean thing is sin and
The origin of sin is Satan (1Jn3:8).
Satan is the archangel who fell from the spiritual heaven (Is14:12-15) for
Desecrating the heavenly sanctuary (Eze28:16-18), and
Seeing him as unclean, God cast him down to Hades,
The universe which will become a place to burn trash after the great judgment (Mt5:22; Jude1:6).
Since the serpent in the Garden of Eden deceived Adam to sin (Ge3:4-6),
Even after being wiped from the face of the earth, mankind remained unclean (Ge6:5, 8:21).
Israel who became a holy people, a kingdom of priests (Ex19:6) were
To put limits around the mountain and be consecrated (Ex19:6-12)
In order to receive the Law which commanded them to be holy people (Ex22:31).
In the sanctuary made by hands
They were commanded to give flawless sacrifice
By the priests who were consecrated by washing with water and
Putting on the sacred garment, the blood and the anointing oil (Ex29).
In spite of this, however, if they sinned they were put to death without mercy (Lev10:1-2).
Since the land of Canaan where they entered was unclean (Ezr9:11),
They followed the gentiles in their wicked ways and
Desecrated the sanctuary and so were destroyed (Eze23:29).
According to the prophecy that when it was time
A fountain will be open to cleanse them from sin and impurity (Zec13:1),
Yeshua appeared and said, “Destroy this temple and I will raise it again in three days,” because
Through the death and the resurrection of the temple of His body (Jn2:19-21),
He would tear down the sanctuary made by human hands (He9:1, 24) where
The priests of flesh and blood (He7:28) gave sacrifice of the blood of animals (He9:12, 10:9), and
Raise a sanctuary that is not part of this creation (He9:11) and
The sinless Son of God would become the High Priest (He7:26) and
Give the sacrifice of the blood of God (Ac20:28; He9:12).
While unclean spirits recognized His holiness (Lk4:33-34),
The Pharisees who were filled with uncleanness (Mt23:25-27) passed Him over to death.
As He poured out all water and blood and died,
He said, “It is finished” (Jn19:30, 34), declaring that He:
1) With His blood purified the heavenly sanctuary (Lev16:14-16; He9:23-24);
2) Judged the devil the origin of sin (1Jn3:8); and
3) Opened the fountain of blood that cleanses the souls of men (Zec13:1; He9:22).
He resurrected and entered the Holy City where there is nothing impure (Rev21:27).
The Holy Spirit whom He sent from there
Comes to the souls cleansed by the blood of Yeshua as God’s temple.
The men of the Spirit are those who received the holy commandment (2Pe2:21-22)
To keep their souls and flesh, God’s temple, holy (1Co3:16-17; Gal5:17)
From earthly, unspiritual and demonic ways (Jas3:15) for
The soul who has been washed by Yeshua (blood) (He10:19)
Washes with the word (water) his mind, heart, words and deeds (Eph5:26)
Through the anointing of the Spirit (oil) (1Pe1:2; 1Jn2:20) so
In holiness he meets the Lord and hears His word.
O Lord,
We rather admire the Amish people...
Deliver us from worldly, cultural and carnal impurity! Amen.

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The Spirit of Truth
God is the God of truth (Ps31:5; Jer10:10).
The Word, the Son, and the Holy Spirit who come from Him are the truth (Jn14:6, 17:17; 1Jn5:6).
He reveals the truth and guides by the truth to finally bring into the heavenly tabernacle (Ps43:3).
The Bible, the book of all books, contains the truth.
Faith is knowing the truth and
The life of this faith is according to the teaching of the Spirit of the truth, speaking only the truth and
Guiding into all the truth (Pr22:21, 25:13; Jn16:13) for
Deceived by the cunning serpent, Adam sinned (Ge2:17, 3:4-6; 2Co11:3) and
All men became hell-bound with the devil (Mt25:41).
The exodus of Israel testified that Jehovah is the God of truth as
The covenant that God made with Abraham was
Fulfilled in 430 years (Ge15:13; Ex12:41).
For the Law and the commandments that they received are truth (Ps119:142, 151),
The one who sinned was the one who died, for no one else could die for the sinner (Eze18:20).
This was reminded by the sanctuary where the name of Jehovah was.
However, the fall of Israel came because
No one called for justice (Is59:4), and no one sought the truth (Jer5:1-2).
It was also because of the false prophets who
Followed their own spirit and uttered lies (Eze13:3-4),
Killed those who should live and spared those who should not live, and
Because of the people who set up idols their hearts and consulted with the prophets (Eze13:1-19).
Both the false prophets and the people who consulted them were guilty (Job12:16; Eze14:10).
Yet the prophecy said that God would send the truth from heaven (Ps57:3) and
True instruction would be in His mouth and He would turn many from sin (Mal2:6).
Yeshua said, “Destroy this temple and I will raise it again in three days,” because
Through the death and the resurrection of the temple of His body (Jn2:19-21),
Not by the Law and the Prophets (Mt17:5)
But He Himself would speak the truth for He is the truth (Jn14:6) and would
Send the Spirit of truth (Jn16:13).
Both the last prophet John (Mt3:11, 11:13; Jn5:33) and the Father God said
To only listen to the words of Yeshua (Mt17:5) since
All men belonged to the father of lies, the devil, thus are all liars (Jn8:44-45), and
The only one who speaks the truth that He heard from the Father is Yeshua (Jn8:28, 12:49-50).
As He died, He said, “It is finished” (Jn19:30), declaring that He:
1) Waiting for the answer of the truth of salvation from the Father, committed His soul to the Father (Ps69:13;
2) Judged the devil, the father of lies (Ge3:4-6; 1Jn3:8); and
3) For mercy and truth met together, one man carried the sin of all mankind (Ps85:10; Eze18:20; Rm5:19).
He resurrected and ascended to the heavenly holy hill (Ps43:3) and
Speaks the truth from the throne (Rev3:14, 21:5).
The Spirit of truth whom He sent
Speaks only what He hears and
Guides by the truth those born-again in the blood of Yeshua (Jn14:18, 16:13-15).
The man of the Spirit is he who
Hears the words of truth and is
Consumed with longing for the words of truth (Ps119:20),
Even if they are burdensome (Mk10:29-30; Lk9:23).
Therefore, he does not distort the word of God (2Co4:2)
But only speaks the truth (Jn6:55; He4:12-13) and
Carries out the truth even in the face of danger for
He absolutely pulls out the idol, the greed inside of him (1Ti4:1-2; 2Ti3:13; Jas1:14-15).
O Lord,
What is the idol that is hidden deep inside my heart?
Let me pull it out completely.
Spirit of truth, teach me the way of the truth, give me understanding!
O Lord, turn my eyes away from worthless things and
Turn my heart toward Your word of truth for
Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path (Ps119:33-37, 105). Amen.

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The Holy Spirit Knows All
God is the God of revelation.
He reveals secrets (Da2:34) and
He makes Himself known to whom He reveals (Mt11:25).
Faith is knowing Him through Him and
The life of this faith is by the Spirit of revelation having the heart of Christ and loving souls.
When only the ideology of Jesus Christ is emphasized
God is degraded to a conceptual being, Christianity a religion, and
The church an organization for social movement.
Christianity, however, is not a religion;
Rather, it is the faith by revelation, the faith by grace
Since it makes known what God has freely given us (1Co2:12).
There is no excuse for those who say
They cannot believe in God because they cannot see Him for
All the history of the Bible reveals God to be known (Rm1:19-20):
Through all things — through wonders and miracles — through the prophets (dreams, visions) etc
(Ge28:12, 41:25; Ex15:6; Ps78:43; Da2:47).
The sanctuary, where the name of Jehovah was,
The secret place of the Most High (Ps68:35, 91:1),
Reminded Israel that they were a nation of prophets, a people who received the divine revelation.
In spite of it, their downfall came from lack of the knowledge of God (Is6:9-10; Hos4:6, 6:6) and
The Dark Age came when revelation by dreams or prophets had ended.
Yeshua said, “Destroy this temple and I will raise it again in three days,” because
Through the death and the resurrection of the temple of His body (Jn2:19-21),
He would fully reveal God and the souls of all nations would know Him (Hos2:19-20).
He is the only begotten Son who was in the Father’s bosom now revealed (Jn1:1, 14, 18)
For whatever is hidden is meant to be disclosed and
Whatever is concealed is meant to be brought out into the open (Mt10:26-27; Mk4:22).
Although during His public life He said nothing in secret
But spoke openly to the world (Jn18:20),
The Jews rejected Him for they had no ears to hear and
The knowledge of the secrets of the kingdom of heaven was not given to them (Mt13:7-11).
As He died, Yeshua said, “It is finished” (Jn19:30), declaring that He:
1) Tore His flesh like a veil and fully revealed the mystery hidden deep inside the tent (Ps27:5; Mt27:51);
2) Judged the devil who caused misunderstandings about God (1Jn3:8); and
3) Shed His redeeming blood and made known the mystery of His will (Eph1:7-9).
He resurrected and sat on the heavenly throne and
Fully revealed the existence of God (Rev22:3-4).
The Holy Spirit whom He sent
Reveals to those whom He loves (1Co2:9-10) and
Makes known what God has freely given (1Co2:12), that is,
The Father gave the only begotten Son and
The Son gave His life, His blood and the name of Yeshua.
The man of the Spirit who knows the thoughts of God
Through the Spirit of God (1Co2:11) has
The Father’s heart of waiting for prodigal sons to return (Lk15:11-24), and
Christ’s heart of waiting for the born-again souls to return as His pure bride (1Co2:16).
Therefore, he preaches with the passion to save souls and
Strives to not lose any of the souls given to him for
By the Holy Spirit he surely received the Spirit of revelation (1Co2:10; Eph1:17) and
Longs to see the Lord face to face and finally know Him fully, when He returns (1Co13:12).
O Lord,
Though I have never had a spiritual dream even once…
I certainly know who Yeshua is and
I know that the Holy Spirit is in my soul.
Do not let the Holy Spirit abandon us but
Let Him continue to speak to us, rebuke us and correct us
So we move to obey (He4:12-13)!
Let us all receive the Spirit of revelation to the end. Amen.

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Save Us From Temptation and the Evil One
God is righteous and upright (Dt32:4).
He saves the humble people from the wicked (Ps17:13, 18:27) and
Gives the crown of life to those who persevere under trial and are approved (Ps18:20; Jas1:12).
Faith is believing Him and
The life of this faith is not falling into temptation or to the evil one, and overcoming (Mt6:13).
The Bible is the history that reveals the justice of God (Ps50:6).
God established the match between the spiritual beings in flesh and angels.
For angels were made not to be sons or heirs of God (He1:5, 13)
But to minister those who will inherit salvation (He1:14),
God does not forgive their sins, but rather judges and punishes them (Is14:12-15; 2Pe2:4).
Man, on the other hand, though sins because of the flesh (He2:6-7)
God predestined redemption and salvation for him (Ge3:4-6, 21) so that
Those who endure test will be made heirs of righteousness.
The devil took away the word from Adam and deceived him to sin (Ge2:17; Lk8:12)
To accompany him to hell (Ge3:4-6; Mt25:41) for
He is the separator (between God and man, between men, between the flesh and the spirit),
The tempter (Mt4:3), the evil one (1Jn3:12).
Because of the flesh, no man can avoid tests —
Whether financial, physical, of family, social or spiritual.
However, when they endure the test and are approved (Jas1:12),
Angels will be made subject to them in the world to come (He2:5).
Job’s life is an example of the process and the result of test (Job1-42).
Almost all of the two million of the Israelites who miraculously left Egypt could
Not step into the promised land for
They could not pass the test of the wilderness (Nu14:22-23; Dt8:16).
Yeshua said, “Destroy this temple and I will raise it again in three days,” because
Through the death and the resurrection of the temple of His body (Jn2:19-21),
Not in the name of Jehovah but in the Father’s name of Yeshua (Jn5:43),
He would save not the physically afflicted people but the souls of all men
Through the test persevered by the Son of Man, the incarnate Word (Jn1:1, 14).
Led by the Spirit, Yeshua fasted 40 days in the desert after which
In the worst physical condition He was tempted by the devil
But by the written word He defeated him (Mt4:1-11).
He warned the disciples to not fall into temptation or to the evil one (Mt6:13; Lk22:46).
As He died, He said, “It is finished” (Jn19:30), for
The cross is the worst test for the flesh to persevere, but declared that He:
1) Endured the test according to His righteousness, and committed His soul to the Father of salvation (Ps17:3, 18:24; Jn10:18; He5:7, 12:2);
2) Judged the devil, the ruler of death (He2:14); and
3) Sprinkled His redeeming blood on all men (Eph1:7; He12:24).
He resurrected and ascended to the heavenly throne, and He is the Lamb (Rev5:9) who
Bears the marks of enduring the test and being approved.
Forever angels are made subject to Him (He2:8).
The Holy Spirit lets those who are justified by faith (Rm5:1)
Persevere under trials and be approved (Jas1:12) for
The principle of test is that:
1) Test is permitted by God (Job1:12; 1Pe1:6-7); and
2) God does not give test that is beyond what one can bear (1Co10:13).
The Christian is he who knows this and thus is able to overcome whatever the test (Jn16:33).
He prays to not fall into temptation (Lk22:46) and
He is not deceived by the separator to leave the church and his duty on his own (Jn15:4; Jude1:6).
He turns away from the evil one, that is,
Those in whose thoughts there is no room for God (Ps10:4),
Those without hope of eternal life (Tit3:7),
Those who are earthly, unspiritual, worldly, fleshly and demonic (2Ti3:5; Jas3:15; 1Jn2:15-16), and
The wicked, bad company (Ps1:1; 1Co15:33; 2Co6:14-15; 1Jn5:18).
O Lord,
This fragile life!
Let us all overcome temptations and defeat the evil one and
Not give the devil a foothold (Eph4:27), and
Reveal the Father’s justice! Amen.

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Only A Few Will Be Saved
(Lk13:23-24; 1Co10:1-6)
God is the Lord of faith.
His nature never changes (He13:8) and
He acts what He speaks (Nu23:19).
Faith is having the faith that is revealed (Gal3:23) and
The life of this faith is to hold one’s original conviction firmly to the very end (He3:14) for
If not, one will be judged and not be saved (1Ti5:12; Jude1:5).
Humans give authority to and trust in large numbers, the majority, as
The basis of all studies is statistics and the basis of democracy is a majority decision.
So people unconditionally consider large churches and large denominations as normal or orthodox.
The Bible, however, warns against following many and doing evil (Ex23:2).
The dispensation of God demonstrates expansion—contraction—expansion—contraction etc.
Among the people who filled the earth (Ge1:28),
Only eight people, Noah and his family, were saved from the deluge (1Pe3:20);
From one man, as good as dead (He11:12) came
Countless descendants of Israel and Arabs;
When Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed by burning sulfur,
Only three people, Lot and his daughters, escaped;
All but two among about two million people of Israel who left Egypt (Nu1:46)
Wondered the wilderness for 40 years and fell there to die (Nu14:29-33)
For they had a sinful, unbelieving heart (He3:12), that is,
God was not pleased with most of them (1Co10:5).
In spite of this, instigated by the devil, David ordered a census which displeased God.
As a result, 70,000 people died from a plague (1Ch21:1-7, 14).
Yeshua said, “Destroy this temple and I will raise it again in three days,” because
Through the death and the resurrection of the temple of His body (Jn2:19-21),
Not in the name of Jehovah but in the Father’s name of Yeshua (Jn5:43),
Not by countless sacrifices and offerings (He10:5-6)
But by sacrificing His own body once for all, serve the Father (He9:28, 10:10).
When many of those who followed Him seeing His signs and wonders left Him
He did not hold them back (Jn6:66).
While He urged Judas who was about to betray Him (Jn13:29),
For Peter who would soon denounce Him, however (Lk22:34)
He prayed for his faith (Lk22:31-33; Jn17:11-12) for
He saw his faith that wanted to follow because of His words of eternal life (Jn6:68).
As He died by the tyranny of many (Lk23:23-25),
Yeshua said, “It is finished” (Jn19:30), declaring that He:
1) Laid down His life only to please the Father (Jn10:17-18);
2) Judged the devil who changed (Is14:12-15; Ge3:4-6); and
3) Sowed His redeeming blood, the good seed, on the soil of the souls of all men (Mt13:24-30).
He resurrected, ascended to heaven and sat on the throne.
He sent the Holy Spirit who came to
The 120 among the 500 who witnessed Yeshua (Ac1:15; 1Co15:6).
Through their testimony, 3000 people converted in one day and
The number of disciples increased (Ac2:41, 6:7) and
The gospel quickly spread to the ends of the earth (Ac1:8; He12:1).
Nevertheless, the number of those who are saved is small (Mt7:13-14; Lk13:23-24, 18:8).
Therefore, even as the churches have become degraded to populism (1Ti4:2),
The Christian is he who
Shares the faith of those who obey to the end (He3:18-19, 4:1-2; Php2:12),
Overcomes economic, faith, and social temptations (Mt4:3-10; Jas1:12-15), and
Perseveres under tests of faith (1Pe1:7, 4:12-17)
For God is pleased by a few of faith.
O Lord,
It is said that currently there are millions, or even billions, of Christians living on earth…
But how many of them know and believe the truth?
And how many churches preach to please God (Pr25:13; Gal1:10)?
How many of them will be saved in the end?
As You said, only a few will be saved…
O Lord, even if we are isolated, lonely…the only ones left (1Ki18:22),
Willingly choosing hardship, poverty, persecution, and even death
Let us become the few of faith who
Keep, defend and teach the Truth to the end! Amen.

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The Faith That Saves
(Mt9:20-22; Ac14:8-10)
God is omniscient.
He knows everyone’s heart (Lk16:15; Ac1:24, 15:8) and
He saves those who have the heart to believe (Mt9:21-22; 2Co4:13).
Faith is having the heart of faith, the faith to be saved and
The life of this faith is not doubting in the heart and continuing to obey (Mk11:23).
While the heart is not a being or a spirit, it is different for each person and
Its origin is still debated as whether genetics or the environment.
Nevertheless, the Bible says the thought enters and moves the heart (Jn13:2), and
The thought comes from the heart (Mk7:21).
The devil deceived mankind to accompany him to hell (Ge3:4-6; Mt25:41), which was
To keep them from believing to be saved
By taking away the word from their hearts (Lk8:12).
As such, he deceived Adam to disobey the commandment regarding the fruit (Ge2:17).
For every inclination of the thoughts of the human heart was only evil all the time (Ge6:5-6),
All men but Noah and his family were destroyed by a deluge.
In spite of that, however, the wickedness of men continued even after (Ge8:21).
The great work of the exodus of Israel out of their slavery in Egypt was given to
Moses who was very humble, more humble than anyone else on the face of the earth (Nu12:3) and
By faith he carried it out (He11:24-28).
But the people of Israel who were saved from Egypt were all destroyed
During the 40 years in the wildness (Jude1:5) because of
Their evil heart of unbelief — a hardened heart — disobedience (He3:12-19).
While the temple which reminded them that,
“Jehovah = the God who saves the upright in heart” (Ps7:10), was there,
For they did not believe in God and trust in His deliverance (Ps78:21-22)
They could not escape the curse on their people and their nation (Jer4:14).
Yeshua said, “Destroy this temple and I will raise it again in three days,” because
Through the death and the resurrection of the temple of His body (Jn2:19-21),
Not in the name of Jehovah but in the Father’s name of Yeshua (Jn5:43),
Not untrustworthy humans but the Son of God will save for
He is gentle and humble in His heart (Mt11:29).
He immediately saved the sick who had the believing heart (Mt9:20-22)
But rebuked those with hardened-hearts (Mt12:34, 13:15).
As He died, He said, “It is finished” (Jn19:30), declaring that He:
1) To the Father who saves the meek (Ps76:9) committed His life by faith (Jn10:18; Php2:6-11);
2) Judged the devil who was proud in his heart (Is14:12-15; Eze28:17; 1Jn3:8); and
3) Sprinkled His redeeming blood on all men to be received by faith (Eph1:7; He12:24).
He resurrected, ascended to the heavenly throne and He is the Lamb (Rev5:9),
For the meek inherits a new heaven and a new earth (Mt5:5; Rev21:1).
The Holy Spirit comes to believers (Rm10:9) and
Lets them have the heart of Yeshua — that is, gentle and humble/ like little children/ the pure hearted/ the believing
heart (Php2:5; Mt18:3-4; Ac2:46; 2Co4:13).
He lets them remain true to the Lord and to His church with all their hearts (Ac11:23), and
Open wide their hearts and gain souls (2Co6:13)
To have the faith that saves (Ac14:9),
For the evil heart of unbelief — the hardened-heart/ the doubtful/ the unrepentant/ the proud/ the double-minded —
will not be saved in the end (Jas1:6-8; Jude1:5).
O Lord,
Me? Once stubborn, hard-headed, impatient, vicious, heartless, narrow-minded, arrogant, greedy…
Only now with a believing heart I have come before You…
Cover me with the blood of Yeshua.
With the gentle and humble heart of the Lord
Let me embrace souls and
Let us all be saved in the end! Amen.

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Give Thanks to the God of Salvation
(1Ch16:34-35; 2Co4:15)
God is the gracious Father.
Every good and perfect gift comes from Him (Jas1:17) and
He allows those who honor Him with sincere thanksgiving
Enter the place where there is only thanksgiving forever (Ps100:4).
Faith is knowing the God of my salvation (Ps118:21) and
The life of this faith is always giving thanks and giving glory to His name (Hab3:17).
Even the people in the world forever thank those who help them, save them from trouble.
The Bible says to give thanks to God (1Ch16:34) for
Before the creation God decided to give freely (Is63:16)
What men cannot receive by their own efforts and toils — that is, grace.
This is because, deceived by the devil the ancestor of mankind Adam sinned (Ge2:17 3:4-6) and
All men needed to be saved from the price of sin, the slavery of the devil, and the punishment in hell.
The history of the Bible is the process of obtaining the true thanksgiving.
Cain, when his offering which he did not do best for was not accepted by God,
Killed his brother, Abel, whose offering was accepted (Ge4:3-7; He11:4).
Abraham, on the other hand, following the instructions
Gave as a burnt offering his only son whom he received at 100 and
Gave the sacrifice God Himself prepared and received the blessing of the seed (Ge22:12-18).
The commandment that Israel received was to give thanks to Jehovah for
He is the God of salvation (1Ch16:34-35) who saved them from:
The death of firstborns in Egypt—the hands of the Pharaoh—passing the Red Sea—the pursuit of the Pharaoh’s
army—passing through the wildness—the famous kings—their enemies.
For generations, they entered His gates where the name of Jehovah was
With thanksgiving (Ps100:4, 138:2).
Although the devil tempts with conditional faith
In spite of losing everything he owned, his family and his health
Job gave thanks to God, establishing faith (Job1:8-22, 2:10).
Yeshua said, “Destroy this temple and I will raise it again in three days,” because
Through the death and the resurrection of the temple of His body (Jn2:19-21),
Not in the name of Jehovah but in the Father’s name of Yeshua (Jn5:43)
Become not the God of material salvation of Israel
But the God of eternal salvation for the souls of all nations.
Thus, even though He suffered all kinds of suffering, mockery and betrayal,
Without complaint He faced death.
As He died, He said, “It is finished” (Jn19:30), declaring that He:
1) Gave His life giving thanks to the Father of salvation who will save Him (Jnh2:9; Jn10:18);
2) Judged the ungrateful creature, the devil (Is14:12-15; 1Jn3:8); and
3) Paid the price of sin, death, for all mankind/ redemption (Ge2:17; Rm6:23) and paid the price with His blood
and purchased all mankind from the devil/ redemption (1Pe1:18-19; 2Pe2:19).
He resurrected and with thanksgiving entered the gates of heaven (Ps100:4) and
He is the Lamb on the throne who receives honor and thanks for ever and ever (Rev4:9).
The Holy Spirit lets those who received the grace of His redemption (Eph1:7, 2:8)
Give true thanksgiving for His grace:
1) Calling my name (Lk19:5-9; Ac9:4; Gal1:15);
2) Opening my ears so I can have the faith by revelation (Mt11:27; Ac16:14; 2Th2:13);
3) Giving answers to my prayers (Ps118:21; 2Co1:11), gifts (1Co14:18), healing (Ps118:21; 2Co1:11), victory
4) For I am what I am (1Co15:10; Gal1:15);
5) Becoming a member of a true church/ successful worship, the word of the truth, the faith life; and
6) Considering me faithful and appointing me to service (1Ti1:12).
O Lord,
When we look back on our whole life, we see that it is all thanks to the Lord’s grace.
Whether things go well or not, whether we eat or starve, whether we live or die...
Let us glorify Your name through only true thanksgiving.
My God of salvation, Yeshua!
For the fact that You Lord Yeshua live, I shall always give thanks.
When we die, may we all pass through the gates of heaven with thanksgiving! Amen.

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Forgiveness and Salvation
(Is43:25; Mt18:21-35)
God is righteous and merciful (Ps116:5).
For He is righteous, He judges and punishes sin (Ps7:11) and
For He is merciful, He forgives the sin of those who turn back (Is44:22; Mi7:18-19).
Faith is receiving God’s forgiveness and
The life of this faith is forgiving those who sin against me and proclaiming the gospel of forgiveness
(Mt6:12; Jn20:23).
Forgiveness is freedom.
Those who forgive are freed from their past loss and
Those who are forgiven are set free from the price of sin.
This world would be heaven if there were only forgiveness
But the reality is that humans suffer from the incurable disease of not forgiving.
While the indebted, the convicted, those on death row desperately seek forgiveness,
For past financial, physical or emotional injuries or insult
Humans are not able to forgive their parents, children, siblings, spouse, friends, colleagues etc.
Consequently, they persistently resent, harbor anger and hatred.
With such feelings, however, they cannot enter the Holy City, the Father’s house (Mt5:26, 8:12).
The Bible distinguishes the three types of sins:
The original sin (Ge3:6; Ps51:5; Rm5:12-14), self-committed sins (Rm3:23, 5:15; Jas2:10), and
The sin of desire (Ge4:7; Mt5:22, 28).
The inclination of the original sin committed by Adam was resentment (Ge3:11-14), and
The inclination of Cain’s self-committed sin was envy and anger over other’s prosperity (Ge4:8).
The Law defined breaking the commandments regarding God (1-4) as sin,
While breaking the commandments regarding men (5-6) as iniquity.
Because God is righteous, the commandment was to not forgive iniquities or sins (Jos24:19).
Because God is merciful, given in the Temple were the atoning sacrifice and the scapegoat, that is,
For God’s own sake, He promised to blot out their transgressions and
Remember their sins no more (Lev16:8-10, 21-22; Is43:25).
Yeshua said, “Destroy this temple and I will raise it in three days,” because
Through the death and the resurrection of the temple of His body (Jn2:19-22),
Not in the name of Jehovah but in the Father’s name of Yeshua (Jn5:43),
Not animals but the Son of God would redeem (He9:12, 10:2-4),
By giving His life as a ransom, an atoning sacrifice (Mt20:28; Jn1:29).
For such, the Word became flesh and came as the Son of Man (Jn1:1, 14).
As He died, He said, “It is finished” (Jn19:30), declaring that He:
1) Declared the Father as the righteous God, who made the Son to be sin for all mankind and punished Him in
their place (Ps7:11-13; Jn10:18; 2Co5:21);
2) Repaid the origin of sin, the devil (Is14:12-15; Ge3:4-6; 1Jn3:8); and
3) Redeemed all men and asked the Father for His forgiveness (Lk23:34; He10:17-18).
Yeshua resurrected and ascended to heaven, and
Sat on the throne as the Lamb who eternally has the scars of redeeming sin (Rev5:12).
The Holy Spirit comes to those who
Believed in the redemption of the Son and received the forgiveness of the Father, and
Lets them forgive those who sin against them for
On this day, they must be forgiven of their sins by the Father (Mt6:12).
Therefore the Christian:
1) Inevitably preaches the gospel of forgiveness to unbelievers (Jn20:23; Ac2:38, 10:43; 1Co9:16);
2) Infinitely forgives the iniquities of his brothers (Mt18:21-35), not slandering or speaking against them
(Jas4:11), not letting the sun go down while he is still angry (Eph4:26), and being kind and compassionate
to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave him (Eph4:32),
For the forgiven is saved, and the saved forgives.
O Lord,
Like foolish children, we all suffer from the incurable disease of not forgiving others for petty things.
For the sinless Son of God was hurled insults and crucified by worthless humans
And yet He declared forgiveness…
Father, give us the power to forgive!
For the salvation of my soul, let me preach the gospel of forgiveness.
For the salvation of my soul, let me forgive my brothers. Amen.

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Salvation and Discernment
(Mt16:1-4; 1Ti4:1-2)
God is seated on the throne of judgment (Ps122:5).
For He is rich in His wisdom and knowledge, His judgment is unsearchable (Rm11:33) and
To those who seek humbly He gives a discerning heart (1Ki3:7-13).
Faith is believing Him and
The life of this faith is seeking God and discerning between the truth and the falsehood of the world, the work of the Holy Spirit and the work of evil
spirits, and the Spirit of truth and deceiving spirits (1Jn4:6).
Discernment, the ability to distinguish between works and things, is very important in everything: Between truth/lies, right/wrong, good/evil, friends/enemies, the path to life/the path to death etc.
The Bible says that blessed is he who does not walk in step with the wicked (Ps1:1) and that
How one wrong decision can lead to eternal destruction (Job34:4).
Deceived by the devil, Adam ate the forbidden fruit (Ge2:17, 3:4-6), and
All mankind, his descendants, became hellhound with the devil (Mt25:41).
Esau, who for a single meal sold his inheritance rights as the oldest son,
Sought the blessing with tears afterward but could not change what he had done (He12:16-17).
The history of the Bible illustrates the results of those with the discerning ability and those without:
By faith, the prostitute Rahab welcomed the spies of Israel and hid them, and
Saved her family while Jericho perished (Jos2:4-24; He11:31);
King Solomon pleased God by asking not for long life or wealth or the death of his enemies,
But for the wisdom to discern between right and wrong and
He eventually had the reputation for being an excellent judge (1Ki3:7-13).
King Ahab, on the other hand, was stirred up by his gentile wife Jezebel and did evil (1Ki16:30), and
Thus, God put deceiving spirits in the mouth of his prophets to lead him to his death (1Ki22:20-23).
The destruction of Israel came for they did not listen or pay attention to Jehovah.
They followed the stubborn inclinations of their evil hearts (Jer7:24).
According to the prophecy, the king called Counselor appeared (Is9:6) and
He is Christ Yeshua, who said, “Destroy this temple and I will raise it again in three days,” because
Through the death and the resurrection of the temple of His body (Jn2:19-21),
He would give discernment of not the appearance of the sky but the signs of the times (Mt16:2-3) for
He is the Word in the beginning, that is,
The God who has the unsearchable power to judge came as man (Jn1:1-2, 14).
Even when tempted by the devil while in His greatest weakness after fasting for 40 days,
Yeshua defeated him by making the written word as the standard of judgment (Mt4:1-11).
He was passed over to death by those who, in spite of seeing His signs and wonders,
Only saw Him as a man, a prophet or a king's descendant.
Nevertheless, as He died, He said, “It is finished” (Jn19:30), declaring that He:
1) Offered His life following the Father’s command and was distinguished as He who serves God (Jn10:17-18; Mal3:18);
2) Judged the devil who was full of his own schemes (Ge3:4-6; Ps1:1; Is14:12-15); and
3) Sprinkled His redeeming blood on all men so they may receive by faith the power to discern (Jn1:12).
He resurrected and ascended to heaven and
Sat on the throne of judgement to judge the living and the dead (2Ti4:1).
The Holy Spirit lets believers discern spiritual things (1Co2:13) and
Peter put to death Ananias and Sapphire who lied to the Holy Spirit (Ac5:1-11).
In the last days scoffers will come,
Denying the Lord’s second coming and His judgment (2Pe3:3), and
Deceiving spirits, which are one’s own angels changed by saint’s evil desires (1Ti4:1-2),
Lead them to abandon the faith and believe the lies as
God sends them powerful delusion so that they will be condemned (2Th2:10-12).
The Christian is he who knows his own weaknesses, that is, the deceiving spirits, and
Thus struggles to rid them at all cost:
1) Renews an upright spirit within him — an honest judgment regarding himself;
2) Repents with a broken and contrite heart (Ps51); and
3) Desperately asks God for discernment.
O Lord,
Let us know that we are engaged in a fierce spiritual warfare.
Let us know that one bad decision will lead to the path of destruction of no return.
From the lesson of Balaam (Nu22; 2Pe2:15-16),
Let us learn the seriousness of deceiving spirits and
When an evil thought pops up, let us immediately repent and get rid of it.
O Lord, give us discernment above all else! Amen.

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The Chariot of Salvation
(Hab3:8-13; 2Pe3:7-13)
God is the Lord of promise.
He is not slow in keeping His promise (2Pe3:9) and
His salvation will not be delayed (Is46:13).
Faith is embracing His promise and waiting and
The life of this faith is, on the day called, “Today,” cherishing time (Col4:5; He3:13), so
After a lifetime is over, ride the chariot of salvation faster than light (Job21:13; Ps90:9; Hab3:8-9, 11),
And escape the burning universe (2Pe3:8-9).
While both warfare and business can be said to be a battle of speed in modern times,
As without speed you cannot survive,
The Bible speaks of the swift word of God (Ps147:15) for
On the last day when He commands all things which He created by His word to burn
Light which is the fastest among them will also be destroyed (2Pe3:7, 12).
The history of the Bible shows that God is not slow in keeping His promise:
Seven days after Noah entered the ark which he made for 70 years, the flood came (Ge7:4) and
The whole world was deluged and destroyed (2Pe3:6);
As the angels warned Lot with the coming of dawn (Ge19:15)
When the sun had risen over the land,
Burning sulfur rained down on Sodom and Gomorrah (Ge19:23-24);
As God promised Abraham, at the end of the 430 years, to the very day (Ge15:13; Ex12:41),
His descendants Israel without delay left Egypt and remembering this for generations to come
They observed the Festival of Unleavened Bread (Ex12:17. 39).
While the power of God came on Elijah and he ran ahead of the horse (1Ki18:45-46) and
His disciple Elisha called the chariot of fire, “the chariots of Israel” (2Ki2:12),
The sanctuary reminded them that the name of Jehovah is the chariots of Israel (Ps68:17).
In spite of it, however, they did not trust in Jehovah but rather
Relied on the chariots and the horses of Egypt (Is31:1), because of which troubles came to them.
Nevertheless, the prophets said that if they turned from their ways and cried out
The salvation of Jehovah will not be delayed (Is46:13) and
Faster than the sun and the moon, the chariots of salvation will come (Hab3:8-13).
What bewildered Israel who were waiting for the Messiah coming on chariots was
What Yeshua who claimed himself to be Christ, who came riding on a colt (Lk23:2; Jn12:14) said:
“Destroy this temple and I will raise it again in three days,” because
Through the death and the resurrection of the temple of His body (Jn2:19-21),
Not in the name of Jehovah but in the Father’s name of Yeshua (Jn5:43),
He would become the chariot of salvation for not only Israel but the souls of all nations for
The Word swifter than light became flesh and came (Ps147:15; Jn1:1, 14).
As such, during His public life He did the work of the Father who sent Him.
As He died, He said, “It is finished” (Jn19:30), declaring that He:
1) Committed His soul into the hands of the Father, the chariot of His salvation (Lk23:46);
2) Judged the devil, the origin of sin (1Jn3:8); and
3) Sprinkled His redeeming blood on the souls of all men (Eph1:7; He12:24).
He resurrected and He is the Lamb seated on the throne (Rev5:9).
He swears to those who believe Him that without delay He will take them (Jn14:3; Rev10:6),
Thus, on the wicked servants who say the master is staying away a long time, and
On those who are slow to believe (Mt24:48; Lk24:25), the day of destruction will come suddenly.
The man of the Spirit who believes that He who is coming will come and will not delay
Does not miss spiritual opportunities (Mt4:20, 21:3) and
Does not waste his greatest asset, time (Col4:5) and
Runs with the church (Jn6:56; 2Ti4:7).
When the Groom Christ returns riding on a white horse (Rev19:11),
He longs to be taken up with the pure bride the church (Rev21:2, 9)
To be raptured into the air in a flower carriage (1Th4:16-17).
O Lord,
For in just a little while, the One who is coming will come so
Help me endure any illness, hardship or persecution.
From now on, let me not waste a single moment.
Let me run on the side of the word of the Lord and
When my soul leaves my body,
Let me ride the chariot of my salvation and escape the universe! Amen.

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The Signs of Salvation
(Mk16:16-20; He2:1-4)
God is the great God (Ps95:3).
Through signs and wonders He makes His might known (Ps77:11-13) and
He saves those who call on His great name (1Sa12:22) and
Confirms salvation by following signs (Ac2:21-22).
Faith is believing this and
The life of this faith is daily calling the name of Yeshua and having the signs following His name, Being confirmed of the salvation of my soul (Mk16:16-20).
While Christianity seeks mystery it rejects mysticism.
As a sign is not the actual form but the substance (He11:1),
Through signs the invisible God reveals His existence and power.
On the night of the Passover when God struck every firstborn of Egypt
Death passed over every home that put the blood of lamb on its doorframe
Following God’s instructions and
That blood became the sign for Israel (Ex12:13).
Moses took the staff of God in his hand and led the people (Ex4:20)
By performing wonder and signs in Egypt, at the Red Sea and
For 40 years in the wilderness (Ac7:36).
However, the staff placed inside the Most Holy Place was Aaron’s (Nu17:8-10) for
The One who alone does marvelous deeds is
Jehovah, the God of Israel (Ps72:18, 86:10).
The man of God, Elijah, cried out the name of Jehovah and
Brought down rain and also fire (1Ki18:1-46).
Elisha who asked for a double portion of Elijah’s spirit and received (2Ki2:1-14)
Also did many miracles and wonders (2Ki4:20, 5:6-14).
In spite of this history, Israel became cursed for
They forgot what the LORD had done, the wonders He had shown (Ps78:11), and
They did not obey the commandments to sanctify themselves (Jos3:5).
Yeshua said, “Destroy this temple and I will raise it again in three days,” because
Through the death and the resurrection of the temple of His body (Jn2:19-21),
Not in the name of Jehovah but in the Father’s name of Yeshua (Jn5:43),
He will let not just a specific people but anyone who believes experience signs (Mk16:17).
From the time He began His public life until completing it (Mt4:23-24),
He daily performed signs and wonders (Lk13:32) and
It was for them to believe the sign of Jonah, that is, that
He would die but be raised in three days (Mt12:38-39).
As He died, He said, “It is finished” (Jn19:30), declaring that He:
1) Trusted the power of the Father who could save Him from Sheol (Jnh2:6) and laid down His life (Jn10:17-18);
2) By His death judged the ruler of death, the devil (He2:14; 1Jn3:8); and
3) With His redeeming blood opened the way to salvation for all (Eph1:7).
His resurrection testifies that He is greater than Jonah (the prophets) (Mt12:41) and
He is the Lamb on the heavenly throne who has the marks of being slain but raised back to life, and
He reigns forever (Rev5:9).
The Holy Spirit gives believers the signs of salvation (Mk16:16-17),
Driving out demons in the name of Yeshua, speaking in tongues, laying hand on the sick etc.
The signs following the preaching of the disciples and the apostles caused
The gospel to spread quickly (Ac2:21-22, 3:2-10) and
The early church risked their lives and prayed for evidence and signs (Ac4:29-31).
For the gospel and salvation are confirmed by signs (Mk16:16-20; He2:1-4),
The Christian until death is sanctified (Jos3:5),
Always prays (Mk9:29) and
No matter what, chooses the miracle in the name of Yeshua (Mt14:28-29).
O Lord,
Am I truly a saved soul?
Am I confident that I will not go to hell after I die?
Only if I could be confirmed while I am alive…
Let me pray in the name of Yeshua, drive out demons, heal, receive answers and
Have them as the signs of the salvation of my soul! Amen.

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Believers and the Promised Holy Spirit
(Jn7:37-39; Eph1:13)
God is the living God (Jer10:10).
He lives for ever and ever (Rev10:6) and
He is the God of the living (Mt22:32).
Faith is believing in the living God and
The life of this faith is, in order to be judged as the living before God,
Struggling to keep my faith alive now (2Co4:14; 2Ti4:1).
While tombs, remains, museums, and history books illustrate
The traces of people who waere once alive but now dead,
The Bible records of the God who was and is and is to come (Rev1:4).
As such, even those who are alive now and insist on atheism will
One day be judged as the dead before Him and
Be thrown into the second death, hellfire (Rev20:12-14).
This is because the ancestor of all mankind, Adam, broke the commandment regarding
The fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, and sinned (Ge2:17, 3:4-6),
Inheriting sin and the price of sin, death, to the sprit of all men (Rm5:12; 1Co15:22).
Consequently, all men will die and return to dust (Ge3:19)
While their spirit will be resurrected to be condemned (Jn5:29, Ac24:15).
All those who died in faith in the Old Testament,
Such as Abel, Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Moses, David etc (He11:13), were
Dead in spirit, the price of sin, when they died
But since their faith was alive, they went to Abraham’s bosom (Lk16:22-23) and
Saw from distance the day when their faith would be made perfect (He11:39-40).
Referring to the temple of the living God, which had the name of Jehovah,
Yeshua said, “Destroy this temple and I will raise it again in three days,” because
Through the death and the resurrection of the temple of His body (Jn2:19-21),
In the Father’s name, Yeshua (Jn5:43),
He would perfect faith (He11:1, 12:2), and make souls alive,
For God gives the Spirit without limit (Jn3:34).
As He died, He said, “It is finished” (Jn19:30), declaring that He:
1) Obeyed the Father’s command and became the Lord of faith (Jn10:18; He12:2);
2) Judged the ruler of death, the devil (He2:14); and
3) Sprinkled His redeeming blood and made perfect the faith of the Old Testament making them alive, while making alive the New Testament people so by faith they become the living (Jn11:25-26; 2Co4:11).
He resurrected and sat on the heavenly throne, He is the Lamb.
He was dead and now He is alive for ever and ever (Rev1:18), and
He is the Judge who will judge the living and the dead (Ac10:42; 2Ti4:1).
The Holy Spirit whom He sent enters believers, that is,
The souls made alive by the blood of Yeshua (Jn7:39; Eph1:13) and
Lives in them forever (Jn14:16-17) as
The present-nature of God while the Son of Man is a historical person (Jn16:5).
The Christian is he who is
Dead to sin but alive to God (Rm6:11-13).
He no longer lives for himself but for Him who died for him and was raised again (2Co5:15-17).
Therefore, he brings to life every soul with whom he comes in contact (Eze47:9-12), and
Edifies the house of the living God, the Church (2Co6:6; 1Ti3:15) for
The river of the water of life flowing out of him never ends (Jn15:26; Rev22:1) and
When he stands before the great white throne
He longs to be judged as the living for
Faith is always in present tense (Ac6:5; Rev2:6).
O Lord,
Am I currently alive? Or dead?
May there be never interruption in our faith.
Wherever I go, may my family, school or workplace be made alive and
Let my faith always be alive and reveal the living God! Amen.

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Mercy and Salvation
God is merciful (Dt4:31).
For He has mercy on whom He has mercy (Ex33:19)
He will not abandon or destroy them (Dt4:31), and
To those who keep His commandments He shows mercy (2Sa22:26).
Faith is knowing that my soul has been shown God’s mercy (Ps59:17) and
The life of this faith is in distress calling for His mercy (Ps31:9, 86:3) and being merciful to those in
distress (Lk6:36).
The two spiritual creatures are:
1) Angels—sinned—no forgiveness—judgement (2Pe2:4);
2) The living being—the spirit that has flesh (Ge2:7)—sinned—there is a dispensation for redemption (Ge3:21)—because of the weakness of the flesh (Ps77:10, 103:14; He5:2).
Although Israel was led by Jehovah, liberated and brought into the wilderness,
They grumbled, rebelled against Him and wanted to return to Egypt (Is49:10).
Yet the LORD did not desert them for He is a merciful God (Neh9:17).
The Old Testament is the Law and the Prophets (Mt11:13).
1) The Law—Israel—the Law given to show mercy (Is30:18):
a. The commandments—the God of justice—anyone who sinned—by witnesses—shown no pity and destroyed (Dt19:13, 21, 30:18; He10:28);
b. The sanctuary—the merciful God—sacrifice—died in place of sinners;
2) The Prophets—“return to God”—God will show you mercy (Joel2:12-13).
The history of Israel was a repeated history (Neh9:27-28) of
People/sinned—suffered—cried out—Jehovah/mercy—peace—then did evil again etc.
After sinning because of the weakness of his flesh and was
Rebuked by the prophet (2Sa12:1-31),
David trusted in God’s mercy and was contrite (1Ch21:13), and
God received his sacrifice of tears (Ps51:1-19).
The prophecy regarding the appearance of the Messiah said
To dwell with men forever He will come and
With everlasting mercy He will have compassion (Hos2:19; Is54:7-8).
Yeshua said, “Destroy this temple and I will raise it again in three days,” because
Through the death and the resurrection of the temple of His body (Zec1:16; Jn2:19-21):
Jehovah—the Law—judgment without mercy (Jas2:13)—tear down;
Yeshua—the truth—judgment with mercy—raise—the redemption of the Son of Man.
The Word in the beginning, the merciful God came as man (Jn1:1-2, 14)
To accept men who are ignorant and going astray (He5:1-2) and
Thus, He would empathize with the weakness of the flesh and show mercy (He4:15).
As such, His public life was showing compassion (Mk6:34)
To the sick, the hungry, sheep without a shepherd (Mt14:14, 15:32),
For He did not come to call the righteous but sinners (Mt9:10-13).
As He died, Yeshua said, “It is finished” (Jn19:30), declaring that He:
1) Died according to the commandment, declaring the Father’s mercy (Jn10:18);
2) Judged without mercy the origin of sin, the devil (Jn2:13; 1Jn3:8); and
3) Died—paid the price of sin on behalf of all mankind
Blood—for souls—> the children on whom the Father has compassion (Jn1:12).
He resurrected and ascended to heaven, and He is the Lamb on the throne.
The Holy Spirit lets those who received God’s mercy bear fruit, that is, mercy:
1) Making petition for the soul is willing but the flesh is weak (Rm8:3);
2) For the sick—pray—a bruised reed He will not break (Mt12:20; Jas5:15);
3) The flesh/ fellow workers—in same situation—one another—be compassionate (Eph4:32)—if not forgive, cannot escape the judgment without mercy (Mt18:35; Jas2:13; 1Pe3:8);
4) Doing good deeds, being compassionate (1Ti6:18);
5) Being merciful to unbelieving souls, doubters—snatching them from the fire (Jude1:22-23).
O Lord,
Have pity on my soul
Wrapped in weaknesses!
For the heart is willing but the body is weak
I sin and repent, I make mistakes again and I repent again…
I will have pity on my brothers, my fellow workers and souls with little faith.
So, merciful Father, have pity on us all! Amen.

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Salvation Is the Result of My Thoughts
(Jer6:19; Rm8:5-7)
God is He who watches (1Ch28:9).
He perceives every thought (Ps139:2) and
He lets one do what he thinks (Jn13:2, 27).
Faith is acknowledging this and
The life of this faith is deeply thinking only Yeshua, what He did, and what He said (Jn14:26; He3:1).
Man is a thinking animal.
A businessman thinks of money, a politician power, a firefighter fire, a police officer criminals,
A thief one job, a student studies, a prisoner escape,
A pregnant woman smooth delivery, a bride her groom etc,
For man’s life is the result of his thoughts.
The Bible is the book that reminds of God, the works of God and the word of God (Rm15:15).
In Noah’s time, all mankind was wiped away by a deluge for
Every inclination of the thoughts of the human heart was only evil all the time (Ge6:5-7),
For in all their thoughts there is no room for God (Ps10:4; 1Co3:20).
The exodus of Israel from 400 years of slavery reminded them for generations of
What Jehovah did and His word and
Circumcision (Jos5:2) — the commandments (Ex13:3; Nu15:39) — the feasts (Nu10:10) — the
temple (1Ch29:18) — the sacrifices (He10:3) — the offerings (Nu5:18) etc were its mechanisms.
In spite of this, however, they thought of their days in Egypt and wanted to return and
Thus fell in the wilderness (Nu11:5, 14:11) while
Those who did not remember His power that
Redeemed them from the hands of their enemies were destroyed (Ps78:24).
The prophets warned that the disaster that fell on them was
The fruit of the schemes of those who forgot about God (Ps50:22; Jer6:19), and
Advised that in the day of adversity consider God (Ecc7:14) and
When time comes, God who knows the works and the thoughts of men will
Gather the people of all nations and languages and they will see His glory (Is66:18).
Yeshua said, “Destroy this temple and I will raise it again in three days,” because
Through the death and the resurrection of the temple of His body (Jn2:19-21),
Not in the name of Jehovah but the Father’s name of Yeshua (Jn5:43),
Not engraved on flesh or stone (Ge17:11; 2Co3:7) but in the minds and the hearts (He8:10) for
Out of the heart come evil thoughts (Mt15:19).
To the disciple who thought of betraying Him
He said what you are about to do, do it quickly (Jn13:2, 27).
As He died, He said, “It is finished” (Jn19:30), declaring that He:
1) In the most difficult moment thought of the Father (Jnh2:7) and laid down His life, for it was the result of His thought (Jn10:17-18);
2) Judged the devil, the source of evil (Is14:12-15; Ge3:4-6; Jn13:2); and
3) Sprinkled His redeeming blood on all mankind (Eph1:7; He12:24).
He resurrected and ascended to heaven and He is the Lamb on the throne, which is
The result of the thought He had since the beginning (Jn1:1, 14, 18; He1:2).
The Counselor Holy Spirit comes into the souls of believers and
Takes control over their thoughts and
Lets them think only the name of Yeshua, what He did, and what He said (Jn14:26).
The Christian is he who thinks deeply of Yeshua, His greatness (He3:1, 7:4), who
Sets his mind on things above, not on earthly things (Col3:2).
Thus, he crushes the evil thoughts that arise at any time,
Demolishes arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and
Takes captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ (2Co10:5), and
As he matures, it comes to his heart to look after the brothers (Ac7:23; 1Co13:11; He13:3).
Those who live according to the flesh have their minds set on what the flesh desires,
But those who live in accordance with the Spirit have their minds set on what the Spirit desires, as
The mind governed by the flesh is death,
But the mind governed by the Spirit is life and peace (Rm8:5-7).
In other words, salvation is the result of my thoughts.
O Lord,
When I see how I suddenly think evil thoughts, ugly thoughts…
I realize what a wretched man I am!
To the point of making the Holy Spirit jealous (Jas4:5),
Let me think only the name of Yeshua, every minute and every second.
Lord, please live in my thoughts every moment! Amen.

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To Enter the Eternal Resting Place
(Ps132:13-14; He4:1-11)
God is the Lord of rest.
Rest is in Him alone and
He will give rest to those who obey His commands and remain in His covenant and
Those who are troubled (2Th1:7).
Faith is longing for God’s rest and
The life of this faith is making every effort to enter eternal rest, obeying His word and not avoiding any hardship (He3:16-19, 11:35).
Everyone yearns for rest
Especially those who undergo hard labor, hardship, suffering and torture.
While all want to enter eternal rest after their life ends
The Bible says that
Only those who die in the Lord will go to heaven where rest is after their toils end (Rev14:13),
While the wicked will head to hell where there will be no rest day or night where
They will be tormented with burning sulfur for ever and ever (Rev14:9-11).
For since God finished six days of His creation work and entered rest on the seventh day (Ge2:3),
All creation within Hades, the universe, groans in pain (Rm8:22).
God delivered Israel from the toils of slavery in Egypt (Jer31:2)
So they enter the promised land and find rest there (Dt12:10).
Even in the wilderness the ark of Jehovah went before them to find them a place to rest (Nu10:33).
The commandments of the stone tablets inside the ark reminded them
To remember the Sabbath and keep it holy (Ex20:8-11)
For generations to come as a lasting covenant (Ex31:16).
While the ark of the covenant became woe to the uncircumcised (1Sa5:1-12),
To Obed-Edom who welcomed it to his house it became a blessing for generations (2Sa6:10-11).
On Zion which the LORD chose to be His resting place for ever and ever (Ps132:13-14)
Solomon built the temple to put the ark (2Ch6:41).
As such, Jerusalem should have always been a peaceful place
But there was more war, killing, and destruction there than anywhere else in the world for
They desecrated the Sabbaths and defiled the sanctuary (Eze23:38; Neh13:18).
More importantly, there is no place of eternal rest on earth (Is66:1).
Yeshua said, “Destroy this temple and I will raise it again in three days,” for
Through the death and the resurrection of the temple of His body (Jn2:19-20),
He would enter through not a tabernacle made with humans hands
But the greater and more perfect tabernacle (He9:11),
Not the land of Canaan but the Father’s house, the eternal resting place for
He is greater than the temple and the sabbath, which are shadows of things to come (Col2:16-17),
For He is Lord of the Sabbath (Mt12:1-8).
During His public life for three years, He worked without resting and
To these who toiled to follow the Sabbath regulations
He said to come to Him and find rest (Mt11:28-30).
As He died in the pains of hanging on the cross for six hours,
He said, “It is finished” (Jn19:30), for He:
1) Ended the toils of His flesh and commended to the Father His soul in Hades (Ac2:27);
2) Judged the devil the restless one (Ge3:4-6; Is14:12-15); and
3) Carried the burden of all men’s sin so they escape the punishment in hell (Ps68:19; Jn1:29).
He resurrected the day after the Sabbath, on the eighth day, another day (Mt28:1; He4:8), and
Entered the heavenly temple, the eternal resting place, and He is the ark (Rev11:19).
The Holy Spirit lets believers find rest not found anywhere else on earth
In the temple where the name of Yeshua is, that is, in the Church during worship
On the Lord’s Day, when the Redeemer God finished His work and
Resurrected and entered His rest (Ac20:7; Rev1:8).
The Christian, therefore, while on earth labors for the Lord’s work:
He prays (Col4:2), gathers (He10:25), preaches the word (2Ti4:2); serves (1Th4:10),
Obeys (He4:11), and does not avoid hardship (He11:35-38) for
He longs to finally be brought into the eternal resting place.
O Lord,
On the Lord’s Day, let the Church of Jesus during worship
Find rest for our souls that we cannot find anywhere else on earth.
Let us not break the Sabbath by personal matters, words, ways or entertainment (Is58:13), and
Even if we go out to the world where storms await,
Let us not lose this rest.
Let us be yoked with You and toil now, so we all enter eternal rest in that day! Amen.