The 2024 Annual Summer Retreat was held in Canadensis, PA from July 07-09th. “This, Then, Is How You Should Pray, Part 2,” was the theme, a natural continuation from Part 1 last year (listen to the previous SR sessions here!). Pastor Jo methodically preached from the Lord’s Prayer in the Bible over the course of five sermons. As Jesus taught us to pray (Matthew 6:9-13), so we heard as each part was explained; we pray and live all for one purpose: to glorify the Name of Yeshua.
We came to retreat with bags for our clothes, but were reminded of a heavier kind of baggage, that which everyone carries. As we praised the Name of Yeshua and heard the word preached, we were reminded to live for this day as our last, knowing God is faithful to provide what we need for His will to be done. Knowing ourselves as souls is to know that above all else, we must be forgiven by our Father in heaven. Yet, as we heard, this can only come once I forgive my brother, my sister, unconditionally, and infinitely. The focused time at retreat allowed us to reflect and pray sincerely, forgiving hurts held onto from yesterday, and asking for strength to pass through any test yet to come. Miraculously, eight souls were baptized in His Name, and many received the Holy Spirit and healing. Bracing to return home, we received clear and practicable teaching, that tests and temptations are to be expected but through prayer in His Name we will overcome. And through our victory, we will give glory to the name of Yeshua. Having put our faith in Yeshua, we must put our prayer into action - “Pray like this, live like this!”. The retreat concluded with sharing of personal testimonies, a moving testament to Yeshua our Lord - who answers, heals, and saves.