Sermon Summary

1. According to the sermon, faith life is _____ (2Co5:14-15)
A. Believing in God’s existence
B. Sacrificing for others 

C. Living for Christ who died for me 

D. Self-sacrifice for religious rituals

2. What is the essence of God’s love? (Jn3:16; 1Jn4:8-10)
A.Punishing the sinner for their sins
B.Giving His only Son as an atoning sacrifice
C.Rewarding the righteous for their actions

D.Eradicating sin from the world

3. What symbolic act did the Israelites perform during the night of the exodus? (Ex13:12-15, 34:19-20).
A. They offered burnt sacrifices to God.
B. They sprinkled the blood of the lamb on the doorposts.

C. They fasted and prayed fervently.

D. They built a sanctuary as commanded by God

4. What parallel role did the Levites play in the sanctuary according to Nu3:45?
A. They served as priests in the sanctuary.

B. They acted as judges for the people.

C. They provided sacrifices for the people.

D. They served God in place of the firstborn of Israel.

5. What role did Yeshua fulfill based on the prophecies in Isaiah 53:5, 55:13, 60:17?

A. The mediator between the wicked and the righteous.

B. The sinless God redeemed sinners from the price of sin.
C. A ransom for the righteous.

D. He transforms the wicked into righteousness.

6. Why did Yeshua say “why have you forsaken me? (Mt 27:46)

 A.To complain to God about abandoning him
B.To question God’s plan 

C.Because he was so moved by God’s love
D.To express physical pain and suffering

7. What is the primary motivation for the Christian? (2Co5:14-15)
A. The promise of success 

B. The commandments of church leaders

C. Christ's love and sacrifice

D. The fear of punishment

8. What mindset of a Christian should change? (Tit2:11-14, 2Co5:20)

A. From practicing selfless sacrifice to focusing on personal gain.

B. From caring only for others to focusing on oneself.

C. From selfish thinking to practicing the love of Christ 

D. From avoiding the world to isolating oneself for spiritual growth.
1. C, 2. B, 3. B, 4.D, 5. B, 6. C, 7. C, 8. C