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Yeshua the Name of Life
God is the eternal God (Ge21:33). br>
He is the fountain of life (Ps36:9) and br>
To those who believe His name He promises eternal life (Tit1:2; 1Jn2:25, 5:13). br>
Faith is loving His life (1Pe3:10) and br>
The life of this faith is to live by His name (Jn20:31). br>
While humans normally love many things like their family, money, honor etc br>
When in a desperate situation nothing is more important than one’s life. br>
As such, a long life without illness is considered the greatest thing. br>
Yet the Bible demonstrates the meaninglessness of life (Ecc1:1-2). br>
During the deluge in Noah’s time br>
Every creature that has the breath of life in it was destroyed (Ge6:17) for br>
God saw the life of human and the life of animals the same (Ge9:5; Ex21:29). br>
To those full of the instinct to live, God commanded to keep life: br>
To Noah to build an ark (Ge6:19), br>
To Lot to flee Sodom (Ge19:17), and br>
To those who unintentionally killed to flee to a city of refuge (Dt4:42). br>
The Law given to Israel, the decrees that give life, the living words (Eze33:15; Ac7:38), was br>
A law of fleshly commandment (He7:16). br>
If they obeyed, they were promised to have a long life (Ex20:12; Dt30:19-20). br>
The sanctuary where the name of the eternal God (Ge21:33; 1Ki8:16) was br>
Reminded them of the God of the life of all living things (Nu16:22) and that br>
Life is in the blood (Lev17:11). br>
Thus, the prophet warned them of being cut off because of their sins (Jer51:6). br>
Yeshua said, “Destroy this temple and I will raise it again in three days,” because br>
Through the death and the resurrection of the temple of His body (Jn2:19), br>
He would tear down the name of Jehovah, the God of the life of all living things (Nu16:22), and br>
Reveal that the name of Yeshua is the God of eternal life for souls of all men as br>
The Word who was with the Father in the beginning came as the Son of Man (Jn1:1-2, 4, 14) br>
To tear His flesh (Jn5:24-26, 6:53) and br>
Give eternal life that is in the Father (Jn5:24-26). br>
As He died, He said, “It is finished” (Jn19:30), declaring that He: br>
1) Laid down His life according to the Father’s command and confessed that eternal life is only br> in the Father (Jn10:18, 12:50); br>
2) Judged the devil the ruler of death (He2:14); and br>
3) Set free all men who were held in slavery by their fear of death (He2:15). br>
He resurrected and sat on the heavenly throne and br>
The Holy Spirit whom He sent testifies that br>
The resurrected body of Yeshua is life itself (Jn11:25, 14:6; 1Jn1:1-2). br>
He who received the name of Yeshua (Jn1:12; 1Jn5:13, 20) br>
Received the blood of Yeshua and received life (Lev17:11; Jn6:54). br>
Therefore, to receive the crown of life when Christ the life appears (Col3:4), br>
He sets his mind on things above, only the name of Yeshua, the life (Col3:1-3) and br>
Perseveres under trial and endures the test (Jas1:12) and is br>
Faithful even to death (Rev2:10). br>
O Lord, br>
We used to struggle to extend our breath, br>
The breath that is the same as animals… br>
What is the level of life in my soul right now? br>
Let me try to measure. br>
Throughout the day, for countless times br>
Let me only think of the name of Yeshua. br>
Yeshua! I love the Name of life! Amen. br>